341 lines
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341 lines
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import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as os from 'os';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as tmp from 'tmp';
import * as buildx from './buildx';
import * as core from '@actions/core';
import * as github from '@actions/github';
import {parse} from 'csv-parse/sync';
import * as handlebars from 'handlebars';
let _defaultContext, _tmpDir: string;
export interface Inputs {
addHosts: string[];
allow: string[];
attests: string[];
buildArgs: string[];
buildContexts: string[];
builder: string;
cacheFrom: string[];
cacheTo: string[];
cgroupParent: string;
context: string;
file: string;
labels: string[];
load: boolean;
network: string;
noCache: boolean;
noCacheFilters: string[];
outputs: string[];
platforms: string[];
provenance: string;
pull: boolean;
push: boolean;
sbom: string;
secrets: string[];
secretFiles: string[];
shmSize: string;
ssh: string[];
tags: string[];
target: string;
ulimit: string[];
githubToken: string;
export function defaultContext(): string {
if (!_defaultContext) {
let ref = github.context.ref;
if (github.context.sha && ref && !ref.startsWith('refs/')) {
ref = `refs/heads/${github.context.ref}`;
if (github.context.sha && !ref.startsWith(`refs/pull/`)) {
ref = github.context.sha;
_defaultContext = `${process.env.GITHUB_SERVER_URL || 'https://github.com'}/${github.context.repo.owner}/${github.context.repo.repo}.git#${ref}`;
return _defaultContext;
export function tmpDir(): string {
if (!_tmpDir) {
_tmpDir = fs.mkdtempSync(path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'docker-build-push-')).split(path.sep).join(path.posix.sep);
return _tmpDir;
export function tmpNameSync(options?: tmp.TmpNameOptions): string {
return tmp.tmpNameSync(options);
export function provenanceBuilderID(): string {
return `${process.env.GITHUB_SERVER_URL || 'https://github.com'}/${github.context.repo.owner}/${github.context.repo.repo}/actions/runs/${github.context.runId}`;
export async function getInputs(defaultContext: string): Promise<Inputs> {
return {
addHosts: await getInputList('add-hosts'),
allow: await getInputList('allow'),
attests: await getInputList('attests', true),
buildArgs: await getInputList('build-args', true),
buildContexts: await getInputList('build-contexts', true),
builder: core.getInput('builder'),
cacheFrom: await getInputList('cache-from', true),
cacheTo: await getInputList('cache-to', true),
cgroupParent: core.getInput('cgroup-parent'),
context: core.getInput('context') || defaultContext,
file: core.getInput('file'),
labels: await getInputList('labels', true),
load: core.getBooleanInput('load'),
network: core.getInput('network'),
noCache: core.getBooleanInput('no-cache'),
noCacheFilters: await getInputList('no-cache-filters'),
outputs: await getInputList('outputs', true),
platforms: await getInputList('platforms'),
provenance: getProvenanceInput('provenance'),
pull: core.getBooleanInput('pull'),
push: core.getBooleanInput('push'),
sbom: core.getInput('sbom'),
secrets: await getInputList('secrets', true),
secretFiles: await getInputList('secret-files', true),
shmSize: core.getInput('shm-size'),
ssh: await getInputList('ssh'),
tags: await getInputList('tags'),
target: core.getInput('target'),
ulimit: await getInputList('ulimit', true),
githubToken: core.getInput('github-token')
export async function getArgs(inputs: Inputs, defaultContext: string, buildxVersion: string, standalone?: boolean): Promise<Array<string>> {
const context = handlebars.compile(inputs.context)({defaultContext});
// prettier-ignore
return [
...await getBuildArgs(inputs, defaultContext, context, buildxVersion, standalone),
...await getCommonArgs(inputs, buildxVersion),
async function getBuildArgs(inputs: Inputs, defaultContext: string, context: string, buildxVersion: string, standalone?: boolean): Promise<Array<string>> {
const args: Array<string> = ['build'];
await asyncForEach(inputs.addHosts, async addHost => {
args.push('--add-host', addHost);
if (inputs.allow.length > 0) {
args.push('--allow', inputs.allow.join(','));
if (buildx.satisfies(buildxVersion, '>=0.10.0')) {
await asyncForEach(inputs.attests, async attest => {
args.push('--attest', attest);
await asyncForEach(inputs.buildArgs, async buildArg => {
args.push('--build-arg', buildArg);
if (buildx.satisfies(buildxVersion, '>=0.8.0')) {
await asyncForEach(inputs.buildContexts, async buildContext => {
args.push('--build-context', buildContext);
await asyncForEach(inputs.cacheFrom, async cacheFrom => {
args.push('--cache-from', cacheFrom);
await asyncForEach(inputs.cacheTo, async cacheTo => {
args.push('--cache-to', cacheTo);
if (inputs.cgroupParent) {
args.push('--cgroup-parent', inputs.cgroupParent);
if (inputs.file) {
args.push('--file', inputs.file);
if (!buildx.isLocalOrTarExporter(inputs.outputs) && (inputs.platforms.length == 0 || buildx.satisfies(buildxVersion, '>=0.4.2'))) {
args.push('--iidfile', await buildx.getImageIDFile());
await asyncForEach(inputs.labels, async label => {
args.push('--label', label);
await asyncForEach(inputs.noCacheFilters, async noCacheFilter => {
args.push('--no-cache-filter', noCacheFilter);
await asyncForEach(inputs.outputs, async output => {
args.push('--output', output);
if (inputs.platforms.length > 0) {
args.push('--platform', inputs.platforms.join(','));
if (buildx.satisfies(buildxVersion, '>=0.10.0')) {
if (inputs.provenance) {
args.push('--provenance', inputs.provenance);
} else if ((await buildx.satisfiesBuildKitVersion(inputs.builder, '>=0.11.0', standalone)) && !hasDockerExport(inputs)) {
// If provenance not specified but BuildKit version compatible for
// attestation, disable provenance anyway. Also needs to make sure user
// doesn't want to explicitly load the image to docker.
// While this action successfully pushes OCI compliant images to
// well-known registries, some runtimes (e.g. Google Cloud Run and AWS
// Lambda) are not able to pull resulting image from their own registry...
// See also https://github.com/docker/buildx/issues/1533
args.push('--provenance', 'false');
if (inputs.sbom) {
args.push('--sbom', inputs.sbom);
await asyncForEach(inputs.secrets, async secret => {
try {
args.push('--secret', await buildx.getSecretString(secret));
} catch (err) {
await asyncForEach(inputs.secretFiles, async secretFile => {
try {
args.push('--secret', await buildx.getSecretFile(secretFile));
} catch (err) {
if (inputs.githubToken && !buildx.hasGitAuthToken(inputs.secrets) && context.startsWith(defaultContext)) {
args.push('--secret', await buildx.getSecretString(`GIT_AUTH_TOKEN=${inputs.githubToken}`));
if (inputs.shmSize) {
args.push('--shm-size', inputs.shmSize);
await asyncForEach(inputs.ssh, async ssh => {
args.push('--ssh', ssh);
await asyncForEach(inputs.tags, async tag => {
args.push('--tag', tag);
if (inputs.target) {
args.push('--target', inputs.target);
await asyncForEach(inputs.ulimit, async ulimit => {
args.push('--ulimit', ulimit);
return args;
async function getCommonArgs(inputs: Inputs, buildxVersion: string): Promise<Array<string>> {
const args: Array<string> = [];
if (inputs.builder) {
args.push('--builder', inputs.builder);
if (inputs.load) {
if (buildx.satisfies(buildxVersion, '>=0.6.0')) {
args.push('--metadata-file', await buildx.getMetadataFile());
if (inputs.network) {
args.push('--network', inputs.network);
if (inputs.noCache) {
if (inputs.pull) {
if (inputs.push) {
return args;
export async function getInputList(name: string, ignoreComma?: boolean): Promise<string[]> {
const res: Array<string> = [];
const items = core.getInput(name);
if (items == '') {
return res;
const records = await parse(items, {
columns: false,
relaxQuotes: true,
relaxColumnCount: true,
skipEmptyLines: true
for (const record of records as Array<string[]>) {
if (record.length == 1) {
} else if (!ignoreComma) {
return res.filter(item => item).map(pat => pat.trim());
export const asyncForEach = async (array, callback) => {
for (let index = 0; index < array.length; index++) {
await callback(array[index], index, array);
function getProvenanceInput(name: string): string {
const input = core.getInput(name);
if (!input) {
// if input is not set, default values will be set later.
return input;
const builderID = provenanceBuilderID();
try {
return core.getBooleanInput(name) ? `builder-id=${builderID}` : 'false';
} catch (err) {
// not a valid boolean, so we assume it's a string
return getProvenanceAttrs(input);
function getProvenanceAttrs(input: string): string {
const builderID = provenanceBuilderID();
// parse attributes from input
const fields = parse(input, {
relaxColumnCount: true,
skipEmptyLines: true
// check if builder-id attribute exists in the input
for (const field of fields) {
const parts = field
.map(item => item.trim());
if (parts[0] == 'builder-id') {
return input;
// if not add builder-id attribute
return `${input},builder-id=${builderID}`;
function hasDockerExport(inputs: Inputs): boolean {
if (inputs.load) {
return true;
for (const output of inputs.outputs) {
const fields = parse(output, {
relaxColumnCount: true,
skipEmptyLines: true
for (const field of fields) {
const parts = field
.map(item => item.trim());
if (parts.length != 2) {
if (parts[0] == 'type' && parts[1] == 'docker') {
return true;
return false;