# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT on: push: branches: - 'main' pull_request: env: SERIAL: "30" LIFETIME: "60" SYSTEMD_OPTIONS: "--no-pager --full" jobs: example-lxc-systemd: if: github.repository_owner != 'forgejo-integration' && github.repository_owner != 'forgejo-experimental' && github.repository_owner != 'forgejo-release' runs-on: lxc-bookworm steps: - uses: https://data.forgejo.org/actions/checkout@v4 - name: forgejo-runner-service.sh dependencies # run before setup-forgejo because it installs LXC and # this would do nothing (false positive if a bug sneaks in) run: | set -x cd examples/lxc-systemd VERBOSE=true ./forgejo-runner-service.sh dependencies lxc-ls - id: forgejo uses: https://data.forgejo.org/actions/setup-forgejo@v2.0.7 with: user: root password: admin1234 binary: https://code.forgejo.org/forgejo/forgejo/releases/download/v7.0.12/forgejo-7.0.12-linux-amd64 # must be the same as LXC_IPV4_PREFIX in examples/lxc-systemd/forgejo-runner-service.sh lxc-ip-prefix: 10.105.7 - name: forgejo-runner-service.sh env run: | set -x # this Forgejo instance needs to be reachable from within the LXC # container created by forgejo-runner-service.sh url=http://root:admin1234@${{ steps.forgejo.outputs.host-port }} docker ps --all export PATH=$(dirname /tmp/*/forgejocli):$PATH token=$(su -c 'forgejocli -- actions generate-runner-token' forgejo) cat > /tmp/env <> $env service=/etc/systemd/system/forgejo-runner@.service cat $service - name: forgejo-runner-service.sh start / stop run: | set -x serial=${{ env.SERIAL }} all="${{ env.SYSTEMD_OPTIONS }}" systemctl start forgejo-runner@$serial systemctl $all status forgejo-runner@$serial started_running=/etc/forgejo-runner/$serial/started-running killed_gracefully=/etc/forgejo-runner/$serial/killed-gracefully stopped_gracefully=/etc/forgejo-runner/$serial/stopped-gracefully retry --delay 5 --times 20 cp -a $started_running /tmp/first-run retry --delay 1 --times 30 grep --quiet 'Starting runner daemon' /var/log/forgejo-runner/$serial.log systemctl stop forgejo-runner@$serial ! systemctl $all status forgejo-runner@$serial ls -l /etc/forgejo-runner/$serial test -f $killed_gracefully test -f $stopped_gracefully systemctl start forgejo-runner@$serial retry --delay 5 --times 20 cp -a $started_running /tmp/second-run ! test -f $killed_gracefully ! test -f $stopped_gracefully lifetime=${{ env.LIFETIME }} # give it time to restart at least once ls -l /etc/forgejo-runner/$serial sleep $lifetime ; sleep $lifetime ls -l /etc/forgejo-runner/$serial ! test -f $killed_gracefully ! test -f $stopped_gracefully retry --delay 5 --times 20 cp -a $started_running /tmp/third-run systemctl stop forgejo-runner@$serial ls -l /etc/forgejo-runner/$serial test -f $killed_gracefully test -f $stopped_gracefully ls -l /tmp/*-run test /tmp/first-run -ot /tmp/second-run test /tmp/second-run -ot /tmp/third-run - name: forgejo-runner-service.sh status & destroy if: always() run: | eval $(cat /tmp/env) set -x cat /var/log/forgejo-runner/${{ env.SERIAL }}.log || true journalctl ${{ env.SYSTEMD_OPTIONS }} --unit forgejo-runner@${{ env.SERIAL }} || true ./examples/lxc-systemd/forgejo-runner-service.sh lxc_destroy