mirror of https://github.com/actions/toolkit
autogenerate artifact documentation
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# @actions/artifact
## Table of contents
### Classes
- [ArtifactNotFoundError](classes/ArtifactNotFoundError.md)
- [DefaultArtifactClient](classes/DefaultArtifactClient.md)
- [FilesNotFoundError](classes/FilesNotFoundError.md)
- [GHESNotSupportedError](classes/GHESNotSupportedError.md)
- [InvalidResponseError](classes/InvalidResponseError.md)
### Interfaces
- [Artifact](interfaces/Artifact.md)
- [ArtifactClient](interfaces/ArtifactClient.md)
- [DownloadArtifactOptions](interfaces/DownloadArtifactOptions.md)
- [DownloadArtifactResponse](interfaces/DownloadArtifactResponse.md)
- [FindBy](interfaces/FindBy.md)
- [FindOptions](interfaces/FindOptions.md)
- [GetArtifactResponse](interfaces/GetArtifactResponse.md)
- [ListArtifactsOptions](interfaces/ListArtifactsOptions.md)
- [ListArtifactsResponse](interfaces/ListArtifactsResponse.md)
- [UploadArtifactOptions](interfaces/UploadArtifactOptions.md)
- [UploadArtifactResponse](interfaces/UploadArtifactResponse.md)
### Variables
- [default](README.md#default)
## Variables
### default
• `Const` **default**: [`ArtifactClient`](interfaces/ArtifactClient.md)
#### Defined in
@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
[@actions/artifact](../README.md) / ArtifactNotFoundError
# Class: ArtifactNotFoundError
## Hierarchy
- `Error`
↳ **`ArtifactNotFoundError`**
## Table of contents
### Constructors
- [constructor](ArtifactNotFoundError.md#constructor)
### Properties
- [message](ArtifactNotFoundError.md#message)
- [name](ArtifactNotFoundError.md#name)
- [stack](ArtifactNotFoundError.md#stack)
- [prepareStackTrace](ArtifactNotFoundError.md#preparestacktrace)
- [stackTraceLimit](ArtifactNotFoundError.md#stacktracelimit)
### Methods
- [captureStackTrace](ArtifactNotFoundError.md#capturestacktrace)
## Constructors
### constructor
• **new ArtifactNotFoundError**(`message?`): [`ArtifactNotFoundError`](ArtifactNotFoundError.md)
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Default value |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `message` | `string` | `'Artifact not found'` |
#### Returns
#### Overrides
#### Defined in
## Properties
### message
• **message**: `string`
#### Inherited from
#### Defined in
### name
• **name**: `string`
#### Inherited from
#### Defined in
### stack
• `Optional` **stack**: `string`
#### Inherited from
#### Defined in
### prepareStackTrace
▪ `Static` `Optional` **prepareStackTrace**: (`err`: `Error`, `stackTraces`: `CallSite`[]) => `any`
#### Type declaration
▸ (`err`, `stackTraces`): `any`
Optional override for formatting stack traces
##### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `err` | `Error` |
| `stackTraces` | `CallSite`[] |
##### Returns
#### Inherited from
#### Defined in
### stackTraceLimit
▪ `Static` **stackTraceLimit**: `number`
#### Inherited from
#### Defined in
## Methods
### captureStackTrace
▸ **captureStackTrace**(`targetObject`, `constructorOpt?`): `void`
Create .stack property on a target object
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `targetObject` | `object` |
| `constructorOpt?` | `Function` |
#### Returns
#### Inherited from
#### Defined in
@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
[@actions/artifact](../README.md) / DefaultArtifactClient
# Class: DefaultArtifactClient
The default artifact client that is used by the artifact action(s).
## Implements
- [`ArtifactClient`](../interfaces/ArtifactClient.md)
## Table of contents
### Constructors
- [constructor](DefaultArtifactClient.md#constructor)
### Methods
- [downloadArtifact](DefaultArtifactClient.md#downloadartifact)
- [getArtifact](DefaultArtifactClient.md#getartifact)
- [listArtifacts](DefaultArtifactClient.md#listartifacts)
- [uploadArtifact](DefaultArtifactClient.md#uploadartifact)
## Constructors
### constructor
• **new DefaultArtifactClient**(): [`DefaultArtifactClient`](DefaultArtifactClient.md)
#### Returns
## Methods
### downloadArtifact
▸ **downloadArtifact**(`artifactId`, `options?`): `Promise`\<[`DownloadArtifactResponse`](../interfaces/DownloadArtifactResponse.md)\>
Downloads an artifact and unzips the content.
If `options.findBy` is specified, this will use the public Download Artifact API https://docs.github.com/en/rest/actions/artifacts?apiVersion=2022-11-28#download-an-artifact
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `artifactId` | `number` | The name of the artifact to download |
| `options?` | [`DownloadArtifactOptions`](../interfaces/DownloadArtifactOptions.md) & [`FindOptions`](../interfaces/FindOptions.md) | Extra options that allow for the customization of the download behavior |
#### Returns
single DownloadArtifactResponse object
#### Implementation of
#### Defined in
### getArtifact
▸ **getArtifact**(`artifactName`, `options?`): `Promise`\<[`GetArtifactResponse`](../interfaces/GetArtifactResponse.md)\>
Finds an artifact by name.
If there are multiple artifacts with the same name in the same workflow run, this will return the latest.
If the artifact is not found, it will throw.
If `options.findBy` is specified, this will use the public List Artifacts API with a name filter which can get artifacts from other runs.
`@actions/artifact` v2+ does not allow for creating multiple artifacts with the same name in the same workflow run.
It is possible to have multiple artifacts with the same name in the same workflow run by using old versions of upload-artifact (v1,v2 and v3), @actions/artifact < v2 or it is a rerun.
If there are multiple artifacts with the same name in the same workflow run this function will return the first artifact that matches the name.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `artifactName` | `string` | The name of the artifact to find |
| `options?` | [`FindOptions`](../interfaces/FindOptions.md) | Extra options that allow for the customization of the get behavior |
#### Returns
#### Implementation of
#### Defined in
### listArtifacts
▸ **listArtifacts**(`options?`): `Promise`\<[`ListArtifactsResponse`](../interfaces/ListArtifactsResponse.md)\>
Lists all artifacts that are part of the current workflow run.
This function will return at most 1000 artifacts per workflow run.
If `options.findBy` is specified, this will call the public List-Artifacts API which can list from other runs.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `options?` | [`ListArtifactsOptions`](../interfaces/ListArtifactsOptions.md) & [`FindOptions`](../interfaces/FindOptions.md) | Extra options that allow for the customization of the list behavior |
#### Returns
ListArtifactResponse object
#### Implementation of
#### Defined in
### uploadArtifact
▸ **uploadArtifact**(`name`, `files`, `rootDirectory`, `options?`): `Promise`\<[`UploadArtifactResponse`](../interfaces/UploadArtifactResponse.md)\>
Uploads an artifact.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `name` | `string` | The name of the artifact, required |
| `files` | `string`[] | A list of absolute or relative paths that denote what files should be uploaded |
| `rootDirectory` | `string` | An absolute or relative file path that denotes the root parent directory of the files being uploaded |
| `options?` | [`UploadArtifactOptions`](../interfaces/UploadArtifactOptions.md) | Extra options for customizing the upload behavior |
#### Returns
single UploadArtifactResponse object
#### Implementation of
#### Defined in
@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
[@actions/artifact](../README.md) / FilesNotFoundError
# Class: FilesNotFoundError
## Hierarchy
- `Error`
↳ **`FilesNotFoundError`**
## Table of contents
### Constructors
- [constructor](FilesNotFoundError.md#constructor)
### Properties
- [files](FilesNotFoundError.md#files)
- [message](FilesNotFoundError.md#message)
- [name](FilesNotFoundError.md#name)
- [stack](FilesNotFoundError.md#stack)
- [prepareStackTrace](FilesNotFoundError.md#preparestacktrace)
- [stackTraceLimit](FilesNotFoundError.md#stacktracelimit)
### Methods
- [captureStackTrace](FilesNotFoundError.md#capturestacktrace)
## Constructors
### constructor
• **new FilesNotFoundError**(`files?`): [`FilesNotFoundError`](FilesNotFoundError.md)
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Default value |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `files` | `string`[] | `[]` |
#### Returns
#### Overrides
#### Defined in
## Properties
### files
• **files**: `string`[]
#### Defined in
### message
• **message**: `string`
#### Inherited from
#### Defined in
### name
• **name**: `string`
#### Inherited from
#### Defined in
### stack
• `Optional` **stack**: `string`
#### Inherited from
#### Defined in
### prepareStackTrace
▪ `Static` `Optional` **prepareStackTrace**: (`err`: `Error`, `stackTraces`: `CallSite`[]) => `any`
#### Type declaration
▸ (`err`, `stackTraces`): `any`
Optional override for formatting stack traces
##### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `err` | `Error` |
| `stackTraces` | `CallSite`[] |
##### Returns
#### Inherited from
#### Defined in
### stackTraceLimit
▪ `Static` **stackTraceLimit**: `number`
#### Inherited from
#### Defined in
## Methods
### captureStackTrace
▸ **captureStackTrace**(`targetObject`, `constructorOpt?`): `void`
Create .stack property on a target object
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `targetObject` | `object` |
| `constructorOpt?` | `Function` |
#### Returns
#### Inherited from
#### Defined in
@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
[@actions/artifact](../README.md) / GHESNotSupportedError
# Class: GHESNotSupportedError
## Hierarchy
- `Error`
↳ **`GHESNotSupportedError`**
## Table of contents
### Constructors
- [constructor](GHESNotSupportedError.md#constructor)
### Properties
- [message](GHESNotSupportedError.md#message)
- [name](GHESNotSupportedError.md#name)
- [stack](GHESNotSupportedError.md#stack)
- [prepareStackTrace](GHESNotSupportedError.md#preparestacktrace)
- [stackTraceLimit](GHESNotSupportedError.md#stacktracelimit)
### Methods
- [captureStackTrace](GHESNotSupportedError.md#capturestacktrace)
## Constructors
### constructor
• **new GHESNotSupportedError**(`message?`): [`GHESNotSupportedError`](GHESNotSupportedError.md)
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Default value |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `message` | `string` | `'@actions/artifact v2.0.0+, upload-artifact@v4+ and download-artifact@v4+ are not currently supported on GHES.'` |
#### Returns
#### Overrides
#### Defined in
## Properties
### message
• **message**: `string`
#### Inherited from
#### Defined in
### name
• **name**: `string`
#### Inherited from
#### Defined in
### stack
• `Optional` **stack**: `string`
#### Inherited from
#### Defined in
### prepareStackTrace
▪ `Static` `Optional` **prepareStackTrace**: (`err`: `Error`, `stackTraces`: `CallSite`[]) => `any`
#### Type declaration
▸ (`err`, `stackTraces`): `any`
Optional override for formatting stack traces
##### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `err` | `Error` |
| `stackTraces` | `CallSite`[] |
##### Returns
#### Inherited from
#### Defined in
### stackTraceLimit
▪ `Static` **stackTraceLimit**: `number`
#### Inherited from
#### Defined in
## Methods
### captureStackTrace
▸ **captureStackTrace**(`targetObject`, `constructorOpt?`): `void`
Create .stack property on a target object
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `targetObject` | `object` |
| `constructorOpt?` | `Function` |
#### Returns
#### Inherited from
#### Defined in
@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
[@actions/artifact](../README.md) / InvalidResponseError
# Class: InvalidResponseError
## Hierarchy
- `Error`
↳ **`InvalidResponseError`**
## Table of contents
### Constructors
- [constructor](InvalidResponseError.md#constructor)
### Properties
- [message](InvalidResponseError.md#message)
- [name](InvalidResponseError.md#name)
- [stack](InvalidResponseError.md#stack)
- [prepareStackTrace](InvalidResponseError.md#preparestacktrace)
- [stackTraceLimit](InvalidResponseError.md#stacktracelimit)
### Methods
- [captureStackTrace](InvalidResponseError.md#capturestacktrace)
## Constructors
### constructor
• **new InvalidResponseError**(`message`): [`InvalidResponseError`](InvalidResponseError.md)
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `message` | `string` |
#### Returns
#### Overrides
#### Defined in
## Properties
### message
• **message**: `string`
#### Inherited from
#### Defined in
### name
• **name**: `string`
#### Inherited from
#### Defined in
### stack
• `Optional` **stack**: `string`
#### Inherited from
#### Defined in
### prepareStackTrace
▪ `Static` `Optional` **prepareStackTrace**: (`err`: `Error`, `stackTraces`: `CallSite`[]) => `any`
#### Type declaration
▸ (`err`, `stackTraces`): `any`
Optional override for formatting stack traces
##### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `err` | `Error` |
| `stackTraces` | `CallSite`[] |
##### Returns
#### Inherited from
#### Defined in
### stackTraceLimit
▪ `Static` **stackTraceLimit**: `number`
#### Inherited from
#### Defined in
## Methods
### captureStackTrace
▸ **captureStackTrace**(`targetObject`, `constructorOpt?`): `void`
Create .stack property on a target object
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `targetObject` | `object` |
| `constructorOpt?` | `Function` |
#### Returns
#### Inherited from
#### Defined in
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
[@actions/artifact](../README.md) / Artifact
# Interface: Artifact
An Actions Artifact
## Table of contents
### Properties
- [createdAt](Artifact.md#createdat)
- [id](Artifact.md#id)
- [name](Artifact.md#name)
- [size](Artifact.md#size)
## Properties
### createdAt
• `Optional` **createdAt**: `Date`
The time when the artifact was created
#### Defined in
### id
• **id**: `number`
The ID of the artifact
#### Defined in
### name
• **name**: `string`
The name of the artifact
#### Defined in
### size
• **size**: `number`
The size of the artifact in bytes
#### Defined in
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
[@actions/artifact](../README.md) / ArtifactClient
# Interface: ArtifactClient
Generic interface for the artifact client.
## Implemented by
- [`DefaultArtifactClient`](../classes/DefaultArtifactClient.md)
## Table of contents
### Methods
- [downloadArtifact](ArtifactClient.md#downloadartifact)
- [getArtifact](ArtifactClient.md#getartifact)
- [listArtifacts](ArtifactClient.md#listartifacts)
- [uploadArtifact](ArtifactClient.md#uploadartifact)
## Methods
### downloadArtifact
▸ **downloadArtifact**(`artifactId`, `options?`): `Promise`\<[`DownloadArtifactResponse`](DownloadArtifactResponse.md)\>
Downloads an artifact and unzips the content.
If `options.findBy` is specified, this will use the public Download Artifact API https://docs.github.com/en/rest/actions/artifacts?apiVersion=2022-11-28#download-an-artifact
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `artifactId` | `number` | The name of the artifact to download |
| `options?` | [`DownloadArtifactOptions`](DownloadArtifactOptions.md) & [`FindOptions`](FindOptions.md) | Extra options that allow for the customization of the download behavior |
#### Returns
single DownloadArtifactResponse object
#### Defined in
### getArtifact
▸ **getArtifact**(`artifactName`, `options?`): `Promise`\<[`GetArtifactResponse`](GetArtifactResponse.md)\>
Finds an artifact by name.
If there are multiple artifacts with the same name in the same workflow run, this will return the latest.
If the artifact is not found, it will throw.
If `options.findBy` is specified, this will use the public List Artifacts API with a name filter which can get artifacts from other runs.
`@actions/artifact` v2+ does not allow for creating multiple artifacts with the same name in the same workflow run.
It is possible to have multiple artifacts with the same name in the same workflow run by using old versions of upload-artifact (v1,v2 and v3), @actions/artifact < v2 or it is a rerun.
If there are multiple artifacts with the same name in the same workflow run this function will return the first artifact that matches the name.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `artifactName` | `string` | The name of the artifact to find |
| `options?` | [`FindOptions`](FindOptions.md) | Extra options that allow for the customization of the get behavior |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### listArtifacts
▸ **listArtifacts**(`options?`): `Promise`\<[`ListArtifactsResponse`](ListArtifactsResponse.md)\>
Lists all artifacts that are part of the current workflow run.
This function will return at most 1000 artifacts per workflow run.
If `options.findBy` is specified, this will call the public List-Artifacts API which can list from other runs.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `options?` | [`ListArtifactsOptions`](ListArtifactsOptions.md) & [`FindOptions`](FindOptions.md) | Extra options that allow for the customization of the list behavior |
#### Returns
ListArtifactResponse object
#### Defined in
### uploadArtifact
▸ **uploadArtifact**(`name`, `files`, `rootDirectory`, `options?`): `Promise`\<[`UploadArtifactResponse`](UploadArtifactResponse.md)\>
Uploads an artifact.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `name` | `string` | The name of the artifact, required |
| `files` | `string`[] | A list of absolute or relative paths that denote what files should be uploaded |
| `rootDirectory` | `string` | An absolute or relative file path that denotes the root parent directory of the files being uploaded |
| `options?` | [`UploadArtifactOptions`](UploadArtifactOptions.md) | Extra options for customizing the upload behavior |
#### Returns
single UploadArtifactResponse object
#### Defined in
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
[@actions/artifact](../README.md) / DownloadArtifactOptions
# Interface: DownloadArtifactOptions
Options for downloading an artifact
## Table of contents
### Properties
- [path](DownloadArtifactOptions.md#path)
## Properties
### path
• `Optional` **path**: `string`
Denotes where the artifact will be downloaded to. If not specified then the artifact is download to GITHUB_WORKSPACE
#### Defined in
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
[@actions/artifact](../README.md) / DownloadArtifactResponse
# Interface: DownloadArtifactResponse
Response from the server when downloading an artifact
## Table of contents
### Properties
- [downloadPath](DownloadArtifactResponse.md#downloadpath)
## Properties
### downloadPath
• `Optional` **downloadPath**: `string`
The path where the artifact was downloaded to
#### Defined in
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
[@actions/artifact](../README.md) / FindBy
# Interface: FindBy
## Table of contents
### Properties
- [repositoryName](FindBy.md#repositoryname)
- [repositoryOwner](FindBy.md#repositoryowner)
- [token](FindBy.md#token)
- [workflowRunId](FindBy.md#workflowrunid)
## Properties
### repositoryName
• **repositoryName**: `string`
#### Defined in
### repositoryOwner
• **repositoryOwner**: `string`
#### Defined in
### token
• **token**: `string`
#### Defined in
### workflowRunId
• **workflowRunId**: `number`
#### Defined in
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
[@actions/artifact](../README.md) / FindOptions
# Interface: FindOptions
## Table of contents
### Properties
- [findBy](FindOptions.md#findby)
## Properties
### findBy
• `Optional` **findBy**: [`FindBy`](FindBy.md)
#### Defined in
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
[@actions/artifact](../README.md) / GetArtifactResponse
# Interface: GetArtifactResponse
Response from the server when getting an artifact
## Table of contents
### Properties
- [artifact](GetArtifactResponse.md#artifact)
## Properties
### artifact
• **artifact**: [`Artifact`](Artifact.md)
Metadata about the artifact that was found
#### Defined in
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
[@actions/artifact](../README.md) / ListArtifactsOptions
# Interface: ListArtifactsOptions
Options for listing artifacts
## Table of contents
### Properties
- [latest](ListArtifactsOptions.md#latest)
## Properties
### latest
• `Optional` **latest**: `boolean`
Filter the workflow run's artifacts to the latest by name
In the case of reruns, this can be useful to avoid duplicates
#### Defined in
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
[@actions/artifact](../README.md) / ListArtifactsResponse
# Interface: ListArtifactsResponse
Response from the server when listing artifacts
## Table of contents
### Properties
- [artifacts](ListArtifactsResponse.md#artifacts)
## Properties
### artifacts
• **artifacts**: [`Artifact`](Artifact.md)[]
A list of artifacts that were found
#### Defined in
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
[@actions/artifact](../README.md) / UploadArtifactOptions
# Interface: UploadArtifactOptions
Options for uploading an artifact
## Table of contents
### Properties
- [compressionLevel](UploadArtifactOptions.md#compressionlevel)
- [retentionDays](UploadArtifactOptions.md#retentiondays)
## Properties
### compressionLevel
• `Optional` **compressionLevel**: `number`
The level of compression for Zlib to be applied to the artifact archive.
The value can range from 0 to 9:
- 0: No compression
- 1: Best speed
- 6: Default compression (same as GNU Gzip)
- 9: Best compression
Higher levels will result in better compression, but will take longer to complete.
For large files that are not easily compressed, a value of 0 is recommended for significantly faster uploads.
#### Defined in
### retentionDays
• `Optional` **retentionDays**: `number`
Duration after which artifact will expire in days.
By default artifact expires after 90 days:
Use this option to override the default expiry.
Min value: 1
Max value: 90 unless changed by repository setting
If this is set to a greater value than the retention settings allowed, the retention on artifacts
will be reduced to match the max value allowed on server, and the upload process will continue. An
input of 0 assumes default retention setting.
#### Defined in
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
[@actions/artifact](../README.md) / UploadArtifactResponse
# Interface: UploadArtifactResponse
Response from the server when an artifact is uploaded
## Table of contents
### Properties
- [id](UploadArtifactResponse.md#id)
- [size](UploadArtifactResponse.md#size)
## Properties
### id
• `Optional` **id**: `number`
The id of the artifact that was created. Not provided if no artifact was uploaded
This ID can be used as input to other APIs to download, delete or get more information about an artifact: https://docs.github.com/en/rest/actions/artifacts
#### Defined in
### size
• `Optional` **size**: `number`
Total size of the artifact in bytes. Not provided if no artifact was uploaded
#### Defined in
@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
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"test": "cd ../../ && npm run test ./packages/artifact",
"test": "cd ../../ && npm run test ./packages/artifact",
"bootstrap": "cd ../../ && npm run bootstrap",
"bootstrap": "cd ../../ && npm run bootstrap",
"tsc-run": "tsc",
"tsc-run": "tsc",
"tsc": "npm run bootstrap && npm run tsc-run"
"tsc": "npm run bootstrap && npm run tsc-run",
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@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
* *
* Response from the server when an artifact is uploaded
* UploadArtifact *
* *
export interface UploadArtifactResponse {
export interface UploadArtifactResponse {
* Total size of the artifact in bytes. Not provided if no artifact was uploaded
* Total size of the artifact in bytes. Not provided if no artifact was uploaded
@ -16,6 +14,9 @@ export interface UploadArtifactResponse {
id?: number
id?: number
* Options for uploading an artifact
export interface UploadArtifactOptions {
export interface UploadArtifactOptions {
* Duration after which artifact will expire in days.
* Duration after which artifact will expire in days.
@ -46,12 +47,9 @@ export interface UploadArtifactOptions {
compressionLevel?: number
compressionLevel?: number
* *
* Response from the server when getting an artifact
* GetArtifact *
* *
export interface GetArtifactResponse {
export interface GetArtifactResponse {
* Metadata about the artifact that was found
* Metadata about the artifact that was found
@ -59,12 +57,9 @@ export interface GetArtifactResponse {
artifact: Artifact
artifact: Artifact
* *
* Options for listing artifacts
* ListArtifact *
* *
export interface ListArtifactsOptions {
export interface ListArtifactsOptions {
* Filter the workflow run's artifacts to the latest by name
* Filter the workflow run's artifacts to the latest by name
@ -73,6 +68,9 @@ export interface ListArtifactsOptions {
latest?: boolean
latest?: boolean
* Response from the server when listing artifacts
export interface ListArtifactsResponse {
export interface ListArtifactsResponse {
* A list of artifacts that were found
* A list of artifacts that were found
@ -80,11 +78,9 @@ export interface ListArtifactsResponse {
artifacts: Artifact[]
artifacts: Artifact[]
* *
* Response from the server when downloading an artifact
* DownloadArtifact *
* *
export interface DownloadArtifactResponse {
export interface DownloadArtifactResponse {
* The path where the artifact was downloaded to
* The path where the artifact was downloaded to
@ -92,6 +88,9 @@ export interface DownloadArtifactResponse {
downloadPath?: string
downloadPath?: string
* Options for downloading an artifact
export interface DownloadArtifactOptions {
export interface DownloadArtifactOptions {
* Denotes where the artifact will be downloaded to. If not specified then the artifact is download to GITHUB_WORKSPACE
* Denotes where the artifact will be downloaded to. If not specified then the artifact is download to GITHUB_WORKSPACE
@ -99,11 +98,9 @@ export interface DownloadArtifactOptions {
path?: string
path?: string
* *
* An Actions Artifact
* Shared *
* *
export interface Artifact {
export interface Artifact {
* The name of the artifact
* The name of the artifact
@ -127,9 +124,12 @@ export interface Artifact {
// FindOptions are for fetching Artifact(s) out of the scope of the current run.
// FindOptions are for fetching Artifact(s) out of the scope of the current run.
// Must specify a token with actions:read scope for cross run/repo lookup otherwise these will be ignored.
export interface FindOptions {
export interface FindOptions {
findBy?: {
findBy?: FindBy
// FindBy are the criteria for finding Artifact(s) out of the scope of the current run.
export interface FindBy {
// Token with actions:read permissions
// Token with actions:read permissions
token: string
token: string
// WorkflowRun of the artifact(s) to lookup
// WorkflowRun of the artifact(s) to lookup
@ -139,4 +139,3 @@ export interface FindOptions {
// Repository name
// Repository name
repositoryName: string
repositoryName: string
Reference in New Issue