import * as core from '@actions/core' import * as http from 'http' import * as io from '../../io/src/io' import * as net from 'net' import * as path from 'path' import * as configVariables from '../src/internal/config-variables' import {promises as fs} from 'fs' import {DownloadItem} from '../src/internal/download-specification' import {HttpClient, HttpClientResponse} from '@actions/http-client' import {DownloadHttpClient} from '../src/internal/download-http-client' import { ListArtifactsResponse, QueryArtifactResponse } from '../src/internal/contracts' const root = path.join(__dirname, '_temp', 'artifact-download-tests') jest.mock('../src/internal/config-variables') jest.mock('@actions/http-client') describe('Download Tests', () => { beforeAll(async () => { await io.rmRF(root) await fs.mkdir(path.join(root), { recursive: true }) // mock all output so that there is less noise when running tests jest.spyOn(console, 'log').mockImplementation(() => {}) jest.spyOn(core, 'debug').mockImplementation(() => {}) jest.spyOn(core, 'info').mockImplementation(() => {}) jest.spyOn(core, 'warning').mockImplementation(() => {}) jest.spyOn(core, 'error').mockImplementation(() => {}) }) /** * Test Listing Artifacts */ it('List Artifacts - Success', async () => { setupSuccessfulListArtifactsResponse() const downloadHttpClient = new DownloadHttpClient() const artifacts = await downloadHttpClient.listArtifacts() expect(artifacts.count).toEqual(2) const artifactNames = => expect(artifactNames).toContain('artifact1-name') expect(artifactNames).toContain('artifact2-name') for (const artifact of artifacts.value) { if ( === 'artifact1-name') { expect(artifact.url).toEqual( `${configVariables.getRuntimeUrl()}_apis/pipelines/1/runs/1/artifacts?artifactName=artifact1-name` ) } else if ( === 'artifact2-name') { expect(artifact.url).toEqual( `${configVariables.getRuntimeUrl()}_apis/pipelines/1/runs/1/artifacts?artifactName=artifact2-name` ) } else { throw new Error( 'Invalid artifact combination. This should never be reached' ) } } }) it('List Artifacts - Failure', async () => { setupFailedResponse() const downloadHttpClient = new DownloadHttpClient() expect(downloadHttpClient.listArtifacts()).rejects.toThrow( 'Unable to list artifacts for the run' ) }) /** * Test Container Items */ it('Container Items - Success', async () => { setupSuccessfulContainerItemsResponse() const downloadHttpClient = new DownloadHttpClient() const response = await downloadHttpClient.getContainerItems( 'artifact-name', configVariables.getRuntimeUrl() ) expect(response.count).toEqual(2) const itemPaths = => item.path) expect(itemPaths).toContain('artifact-name') expect(itemPaths).toContain('artifact-name/file1.txt') for (const containerEntry of response.value) { if (containerEntry.path === 'artifact-name') { expect(containerEntry.itemType).toEqual('folder') } else if (containerEntry.path === 'artifact-name/file1.txt') { expect(containerEntry.itemType).toEqual('file') } else { throw new Error( 'Invalid container combination. This should never be reached' ) } } }) it('Container Items - Failure', async () => { setupFailedResponse() const downloadHttpClient = new DownloadHttpClient() expect( downloadHttpClient.getContainerItems( 'artifact-name', configVariables.getRuntimeUrl() ) ).rejects.toThrow( `Unable to get ContainersItems from ${configVariables.getRuntimeUrl()}` ) }) it('Test downloading an individual artifact with gzip', async () => { setupDownloadItemResponse(true, 200) const downloadHttpClient = new DownloadHttpClient() const items: DownloadItem[] = [] items.push({ sourceLocation: `${configVariables.getRuntimeUrl()}_apis/resources/Containers/13?itemPath=my-artifact%2FFileA.txt`, targetPath: path.join(root, 'FileA.txt') }) await expect( downloadHttpClient.downloadSingleArtifact(items) ).resolves.not.toThrow() }) it('Test downloading an individual artifact without gzip', async () => { setupDownloadItemResponse(false, 200) const downloadHttpClient = new DownloadHttpClient() const items: DownloadItem[] = [] items.push({ sourceLocation: `${configVariables.getRuntimeUrl()}_apis/resources/Containers/13?itemPath=my-artifact%2FFileB.txt`, targetPath: path.join(root, 'FileB.txt') }) await expect( downloadHttpClient.downloadSingleArtifact(items) ).resolves.not.toThrow() }) it('Test retryable status codes during artifact download', async () => { // The first http response should return a retryable status call while the subsequent call should return a 200 so // the download should successfully finish const retryableStatusCodes = [429, 502, 503, 504] for (const statusCode of retryableStatusCodes) { setupDownloadItemResponse(false, statusCode) const downloadHttpClient = new DownloadHttpClient() const items: DownloadItem[] = [] items.push({ sourceLocation: `${configVariables.getRuntimeUrl()}_apis/resources/Containers/13?itemPath=my-artifact%2FFileC.txt`, targetPath: path.join(root, 'FileC.txt') }) await expect( downloadHttpClient.downloadSingleArtifact(items) ).resolves.not.toThrow() } }) /** * Helper used to setup mocking for the HttpClient */ async function emptyMockReadBody(): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { resolve() }) } /** * Setups up HTTP GET response for a successful listArtifacts() call */ function setupSuccessfulListArtifactsResponse(): void { jest.spyOn(HttpClient.prototype, 'get').mockImplementationOnce(async () => { const mockMessage = new http.IncomingMessage(new net.Socket()) let mockReadBody = emptyMockReadBody mockMessage.statusCode = 201 const response: ListArtifactsResponse = { count: 2, value: [ { containerId: '13', size: -1, signedContent: 'false', fileContainerResourceUrl: `${configVariables.getRuntimeUrl()}_apis/resources/Containers/13`, type: 'actions_storage', name: 'artifact1-name', url: `${configVariables.getRuntimeUrl()}_apis/pipelines/1/runs/1/artifacts?artifactName=artifact1-name` }, { containerId: '13', size: -1, signedContent: 'false', fileContainerResourceUrl: `${configVariables.getRuntimeUrl()}_apis/resources/Containers/13`, type: 'actions_storage', name: 'artifact2-name', url: `${configVariables.getRuntimeUrl()}_apis/pipelines/1/runs/1/artifacts?artifactName=artifact2-name` } ] } const returnData: string = JSON.stringify(response, null, 2) mockReadBody = async function(): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { resolve(returnData) }) } return new Promise(resolve => { resolve({ message: mockMessage, readBody: mockReadBody }) }) }) } /** * Setups up HTTP GET response for downloading items * @param isGzip is the downloaded item gzip encoded * @param firstHttpResponseCode the http response code that should be returned */ function setupDownloadItemResponse( isGzip: boolean, firstHttpResponseCode: number ): void { jest .spyOn(DownloadHttpClient.prototype, 'pipeResponseToFile') .mockImplementationOnce(async () => { return new Promise(resolve => { resolve() }) }) jest .spyOn(HttpClient.prototype, 'get') .mockImplementationOnce(async () => { const mockMessage = new http.IncomingMessage(new net.Socket()) mockMessage.statusCode = firstHttpResponseCode if (isGzip) { mockMessage.headers = { 'content-type': 'gzip' } } return new Promise(resolve => { resolve({ message: mockMessage, readBody: emptyMockReadBody }) }) }) .mockImplementationOnce(async () => { // chained response, if the HTTP GET function gets called again, return a successful response const mockMessage = new http.IncomingMessage(new net.Socket()) mockMessage.statusCode = 200 if (isGzip) { mockMessage.headers = { 'content-type': 'gzip' } } return new Promise(resolve => { resolve({ message: mockMessage, readBody: emptyMockReadBody }) }) }) } /** * Setups up HTTP GET response when querying for container items */ function setupSuccessfulContainerItemsResponse(): void { jest.spyOn(HttpClient.prototype, 'get').mockImplementationOnce(async () => { const mockMessage = new http.IncomingMessage(new net.Socket()) let mockReadBody = emptyMockReadBody mockMessage.statusCode = 201 const response: QueryArtifactResponse = { count: 2, value: [ { containerId: 10000, scopeIdentifier: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', path: 'artifact-name', itemType: 'folder', status: 'created', dateCreated: '2020-02-06T22:13:35.373Z', dateLastModified: '2020-02-06T22:13:35.453Z', createdBy: '82f0bf89-6e55-4e5a-b8b6-f75eb992578c', lastModifiedBy: '82f0bf89-6e55-4e5a-b8b6-f75eb992578c', itemLocation: `${configVariables.getRuntimeUrl()}/_apis/resources/Containers/10000?itemPath=artifact-name&metadata=True`, contentLocation: `${configVariables.getRuntimeUrl()}/_apis/resources/Containers/10000?itemPath=artifact-name`, contentId: '' }, { containerId: 10000, scopeIdentifier: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', path: 'artifact-name/file1.txt', itemType: 'file', status: 'created', dateCreated: '2020-02-06T22:13:35.373Z', dateLastModified: '2020-02-06T22:13:35.453Z', createdBy: '82f0bf89-6e55-4e5a-b8b6-f75eb992578c', lastModifiedBy: '82f0bf89-6e55-4e5a-b8b6-f75eb992578c', itemLocation: `${configVariables.getRuntimeUrl()}/_apis/resources/Containers/10000?itemPath=artifact-name%2Ffile1.txt&metadata=True`, contentLocation: `${configVariables.getRuntimeUrl()}/_apis/resources/Containers/10000?itemPath=artifact-name%2Ffile1.txt`, contentId: '' } ] } const returnData: string = JSON.stringify(response, null, 2) mockReadBody = async function(): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { resolve(returnData) }) } return new Promise(resolve => { resolve({ message: mockMessage, readBody: mockReadBody }) }) }) } /** * Setups up HTTP GET response for a generic failed request */ function setupFailedResponse(): void { jest.spyOn(HttpClient.prototype, 'get').mockImplementationOnce(async () => { const mockMessage = new http.IncomingMessage(new net.Socket()) mockMessage.statusCode = 500 return new Promise(resolve => { resolve({ message: mockMessage, readBody: emptyMockReadBody }) }) }) } })