import {BlobClient, BlockBlobUploadStreamOptions} from '@azure/storage-blob' import {TransferProgressEvent} from '@azure/core-http' import {ZipUploadStream} from './zip' import {getUploadChunkSize, getConcurrency} from '../shared/config' import * as core from '@actions/core' import * as crypto from 'crypto' import * as stream from 'stream' import {NetworkError} from '../shared/errors' export interface BlobUploadResponse { /** * The total reported upload size in bytes. Empty if the upload failed */ uploadSize?: number /** * The SHA256 hash of the uploaded file. Empty if the upload failed */ sha256Hash?: string } export async function uploadZipToBlobStorage( authenticatedUploadURL: string, zipUploadStream: ZipUploadStream ): Promise { let uploadByteCount = 0 let lastProgressTime = let timeoutId: NodeJS.Timeout | undefined const chunkTimer = (timeout: number): NodeJS.Timeout => { // clear the previous timeout if (timeoutId) { clearTimeout(timeoutId) } timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { const now = // if there's been more than 30 seconds since the // last progress event, then we'll consider the upload stalled if (now - lastProgressTime > timeout) { throw new Error('Upload progress stalled.') } }, timeout) return timeoutId } const maxConcurrency = getConcurrency() const bufferSize = getUploadChunkSize() const blobClient = new BlobClient(authenticatedUploadURL) const blockBlobClient = blobClient.getBlockBlobClient() const timeoutDuration = 300000 // 30 seconds core.debug( `Uploading artifact zip to blob storage with maxConcurrency: ${maxConcurrency}, bufferSize: ${bufferSize}` ) const uploadCallback = (progress: TransferProgressEvent): void => {`Uploaded bytes ${progress.loadedBytes}`) uploadByteCount = progress.loadedBytes chunkTimer(timeoutDuration) lastProgressTime = } const options: BlockBlobUploadStreamOptions = { blobHTTPHeaders: {blobContentType: 'zip'}, onProgress: uploadCallback } let sha256Hash: string | undefined = undefined const uploadStream = new stream.PassThrough() const hashStream = crypto.createHash('sha256') zipUploadStream.pipe(uploadStream) // This stream is used for the upload zipUploadStream.pipe(hashStream).setEncoding('hex') // This stream is used to compute a hash of the zip content that gets used. Integrity check'Beginning upload of artifact content to blob storage') try { // Start the chunk timer timeoutId = chunkTimer(timeoutDuration) await blockBlobClient.uploadStream( uploadStream, bufferSize, maxConcurrency, options ) } catch (error) { if (NetworkError.isNetworkErrorCode(error?.code)) { throw new NetworkError(error?.code) } throw error } finally { // clear the timeout whether or not the upload completes if (timeoutId) { clearTimeout(timeoutId) } }'Finished uploading artifact content to blob storage!') hashStream.end() sha256Hash = as string`SHA256 hash of uploaded artifact zip is ${sha256Hash}`) if (uploadByteCount === 0) { core.warning( `No data was uploaded to blob storage. Reported upload byte count is 0.` ) } return { uploadSize: uploadByteCount, sha256Hash } }