import * as os from 'os' import * as path from 'path' import * as core from '../src/core' /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/unbound-method */ const testEnvVars = { 'my var': '', 'special char var \r\n];': '', 'my var2': '', 'my secret': '', 'special char secret \r\n];': '', 'my secret2': '', PATH: `path1${path.delimiter}path2`, // Set inputs INPUT_MY_INPUT: 'val', INPUT_MISSING: '', 'INPUT_SPECIAL_CHARS_\'\t"\\': '\'\t"\\ response ', INPUT_MULTIPLE_SPACES_VARIABLE: 'I have multiple spaces', // Save inputs STATE_TEST_1: 'state_val' } describe('@actions/core', () => { beforeEach(() => { for (const key in testEnvVars) process.env[key] = testEnvVars[key as keyof typeof testEnvVars] process.stdout.write = jest.fn() }) afterEach(() => { for (const key in testEnvVars) Reflect.deleteProperty(testEnvVars, key) }) it('exportVariable produces the correct command and sets the env', () => { core.exportVariable('my var', 'var val') assertWriteCalls([`::set-env name=my var,::var val${os.EOL}`]) }) it('exportVariable escapes variable names', () => { core.exportVariable('special char var \r\n];', 'special val') expect(process.env['special char var \r\n];']).toBe('special val') assertWriteCalls([ `::set-env name=special char var %0D%0A%5D%3B,::special val${os.EOL}` ]) }) it('exportVariable escapes variable values', () => { core.exportVariable('my var2', 'var val\r\n') expect(process.env['my var2']).toBe('var val\r\n') assertWriteCalls([`::set-env name=my var2,::var val%0D%0A${os.EOL}`]) }) // it('exportSecret produces the correct commands and sets the env', () => { // core.exportSecret('my secret', 'secret val') // expect(process.env['my secret']).toBe('secret val') // assertWriteCalls([ // `::set-env name=my secret,::secret val${os.EOL}`, // `::set-secret]secret val${os.EOL}` // ]) // }) // it('exportSecret escapes secret names', () => { // core.exportSecret('special char secret \r\n];', 'special secret val') // expect(process.env['special char secret \r\n];']).toBe('special secret val') // assertWriteCalls([ // `::set-env name=special char secret %0D%0A%5D%3B,::special secret val${ // os.EOL // }`, // `::set-secret]special secret val${os.EOL}` // ]) // }) // it('exportSecret escapes secret values', () => { // core.exportSecret('my secret2', 'secret val\r\n') // expect(process.env['my secret2']).toBe('secret val\r\n') // assertWriteCalls([ // `::set-env name=my secret2,::secret val%0D%0A${os.EOL}`, // `::set-secret]secret val%0D%0A${os.EOL}` // ]) // }) it('prependPath produces the correct commands and sets the env', () => { core.addPath('myPath') expect(process.env['PATH']).toBe( `myPath${path.delimiter}path1${path.delimiter}path2` ) assertWriteCalls([`::add-path::myPath${os.EOL}`]) }) it('getInput gets non-required input', () => { expect(core.getInput('my input')).toBe('val') }) it('getInput gets required input', () => { expect(core.getInput('my input', { required: true})).toBe('val') }) it('getInput throws on missing required input', () => { expect(() => core.getInput('missing', { required: true})).toThrow( 'Input required and not supplied: missing' ) }) it('getInput does not throw on missing non-required input', () => { expect(core.getInput('missing', { required: false})).toBe('') }) it('getInput is case insensitive', () => { expect(core.getInput('My InPuT')).toBe('val') }) it('getInput handles special characters', () => { expect(core.getInput('special chars_\'\t"\\')).toBe('\'\t"\\ response') }) it('getInput handles multiple spaces', () => { expect(core.getInput('multiple spaces variable')).toBe( 'I have multiple spaces' ) }) it('setOutput produces the correct command', () => { core.setOutput('some output', 'some value') assertWriteCalls([`::set-output name=some output,::some value${os.EOL}`]) }) it('setNeutral sets the correct exit code', () => { core.setFailed('Failure message') expect(process.exitCode).toBe(core.ExitCode.Failure) }) it('setFailure sets the correct exit code and failure message', () => { core.setFailed('Failure message') expect(process.exitCode).toBe(core.ExitCode.Failure) assertWriteCalls([`::error::Failure message${os.EOL}`]) }) it('setFailure escapes the failure message', () => { core.setFailed('Failure \r\n\nmessage\r') expect(process.exitCode).toBe(core.ExitCode.Failure) assertWriteCalls([`::error::Failure %0D%0A%0Amessage%0D${os.EOL}`]) }) it('error sets the correct error message', () => { core.error('Error message') assertWriteCalls([`::error::Error message${os.EOL}`]) }) it('error escapes the error message', () => { core.error('Error message\r\n\n') assertWriteCalls([`::error::Error message%0D%0A%0A${os.EOL}`]) }) it('warning sets the correct message', () => { core.warning('Warning') assertWriteCalls([`::warning::Warning${os.EOL}`]) }) it('warning escapes the message', () => { core.warning('\r\nwarning\n') assertWriteCalls([`::warning::%0D%0Awarning%0A${os.EOL}`]) }) it('startGroup starts a new group', () => { core.startGroup('my-group') assertWriteCalls([`::group::my-group${os.EOL}`]) }) it('endGroup ends new group', () => { core.endGroup() assertWriteCalls([`::endgroup::${os.EOL}`]) }) it('group wraps an async call in a group', async () => { const result = await'mygroup', async () => { process.stdout.write('in my group\n') return true }) expect(result).toBe(true) assertWriteCalls([ `::group::mygroup${os.EOL}`, 'in my group\n', `::endgroup::${os.EOL}` ]) }) it('debug sets the correct message', () => { core.debug('Debug') assertWriteCalls([`::debug::Debug${os.EOL}`]) }) it('debug escapes the message', () => { core.debug('\r\ndebug\n') assertWriteCalls([`::debug::%0D%0Adebug%0A${os.EOL}`]) }) it('saveState produces the correct command', () => { core.saveState('state_1', 'some value') assertWriteCalls([`::save-state name=state_1,::some value${os.EOL}`]) }) it('getState gets wrapper action state', () => { expect(core.getState('TEST_1')).toBe('state_val') }) }) // Assert that process.stdout.write calls called only with the given arguments. function assertWriteCalls(calls: string[]): void { expect(process.stdout.write).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(calls.length) for (let i = 0; i < calls.length; i++) { expect(process.stdout.write).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(i + 1, calls[i]) } }