import * as core from '@actions/core' import {HttpClient} from '@actions/http-client' import {BearerCredentialHandler} from '@actions/http-client/lib/auth' import { RequestOptions, TypedResponse } from '@actions/http-client/lib/interfaces' import * as crypto from 'crypto' import * as utils from './cacheUtils' import {CompressionMethod} from './constants' import { InternalCacheOptions, ITypedResponseWithError, InternalS3CompletedPart } from './contracts' import { downloadCacheMultiConnection, downloadCacheMultipartGCP, downloadCacheStreamingGCP } from './downloadUtils' import {isSuccessStatusCode, retryTypedResponse} from './requestUtils' import {Storage} from '@google-cloud/storage' import { CommonsCommitCacheRequest, CommonsCommitCacheResponse, CommonsDeleteCacheResponse, CommonsGetCacheResponse, CommonsReserveCacheRequest, CommonsReserveCacheResponse } from './warpcache-ts-sdk' import {multiPartUploadToGCS, uploadFileToS3} from './uploadUtils' import {CommonsGetCacheRequest} from './warpcache-ts-sdk/models/commons-get-cache-request' import {CommonsDeleteCacheRequest} from './warpcache-ts-sdk/models/commons-delete-cache-request' import {OAuth2Client} from 'google-auth-library' const versionSalt = '1.0' function getCacheApiUrl(resource: string): string { const baseUrl: string = process.env['WARPBUILD_CACHE_URL'] ?? '' if (!baseUrl) { throw new Error('Cache Service Url not found, unable to restore cache.') } const url = `${baseUrl}/v1/${resource}` core.debug(`Resource Url: ${url}`) return url } function createAcceptHeader(type: string, apiVersion: string): string { return `${type};api-version=${apiVersion}` } function getVCSRepository(): string { const vcsRepository = process.env['GITHUB_REPOSITORY'] ?? '' return vcsRepository } function getVCSRef(): string { const vcsBranch = process.env['GITHUB_REF'] ?? '' return vcsBranch } function getAnnotations(): {[key: string]: string} { const annotations: {[key: string]: string} = { GITHUB_WORKFLOW: process.env['GITHUB_WORKFLOW'] ?? '', GITHUB_RUN_ID: process.env['GITHUB_RUN_ID'] ?? '', GITHUB_RUN_ATTEMPT: process.env['GITHUB_RUN_ATTEMPT'] ?? '', GITHUB_JOB: process.env['GITHUB_JOB'] ?? '', GITHUB_REPOSITORY: process.env['GITHUB_REPOSITORY'] ?? '', GITHUB_REF: process.env['GITHUB_REF'] ?? '', GITHUB_ACTION: process.env['GITHUB_ACTION'] ?? '', RUNNER_NAME: process.env['RUNNER_NAME'] ?? '' } return annotations } function getRequestOptions(): RequestOptions { const requestOptions: RequestOptions = { headers: { Accept: createAcceptHeader('application/json', 'v1') } } return requestOptions } function createHttpClient(): HttpClient { const token = process.env['WARPBUILD_RUNNER_VERIFICATION_TOKEN'] ?? '' const bearerCredentialHandler = new BearerCredentialHandler(token) return new HttpClient( 'warp/cache', [bearerCredentialHandler], getRequestOptions() ) } export function getCacheVersion( paths: string[], compressionMethod?: CompressionMethod, enableCrossOsArchive = false, enableCrossArchArchive = false ): string { const components = paths // Add compression method to cache version to restore // compressed cache as per compression method if (compressionMethod) { components.push(compressionMethod) } // Only check for windows platforms if enableCrossOsArchive is false if (process.platform === 'win32' && !enableCrossOsArchive) { components.push('windows-only') } // Add architecture to cache version if (!enableCrossArchArchive) { components.push(process.arch) } // Add salt to cache version to support breaking changes in cache entry components.push(versionSalt) return crypto.createHash('sha256').update(components.join('|')).digest('hex') } export async function getCacheEntry( key: string, restoreKeys: string[], paths: string[], options?: InternalCacheOptions ): Promise { const httpClient = createHttpClient() const version = getCacheVersion( paths, options?.compressionMethod, options?.enableCrossOsArchive, options?.enableCrossArchArchive ) const getCacheRequest: CommonsGetCacheRequest = { cache_key: key, restore_keys: restoreKeys, cache_version: version, vcs_repository: getVCSRepository(), vcs_ref: getVCSRef(), annotations: getAnnotations() } const response = await retryTypedResponse('getCacheEntry', async () => httpClient.postJson( getCacheApiUrl('cache/get'), getCacheRequest ) ) if (response.statusCode === 204) { // TODO: List cache for primary key only if cache miss occurs // if (core.isDebug()) { // await printCachesListForDiagnostics(keys[0], httpClient, version) // } return null } if (!isSuccessStatusCode(response.statusCode)) { throw new Error(`Cache service responded with ${response.statusCode}`) } const cacheResult = response.result core.debug(`Cache Result:`) core.debug(JSON.stringify(cacheResult)) return cacheResult } /* async function printCachesListForDiagnostics( key: string, httpClient: HttpClient, version: string ): Promise { const resource = `caches?key=${encodeURIComponent(key)}` const response = await retryTypedResponse('listCache', async () => httpClient.getJson(getCacheApiUrl(resource)) ) if (response.statusCode === 200) { const cacheListResult = response.result const totalCount = cacheListResult?.totalCount if (totalCount && totalCount > 0) { core.debug( `No matching cache found for cache key '${key}', version '${version} and scope ${process.env['GITHUB_REF']}. There exist one or more cache(s) with similar key but they have different version or scope. See more info on cache matching here: \nOther caches with similar key:` ) for (const cacheEntry of cacheListResult?.artifactCaches ?? []) { core.debug( `Cache Key: ${cacheEntry?.cache_key}, Cache Version: ${cacheEntry?.cache_version}` ) } } } } */ export async function downloadCache( provider: string, archiveLocation: string, archivePath: string, gcsToken?: string ): Promise { switch (provider) { case 's3': await downloadCacheMultiConnection(archiveLocation, archivePath, 8) break case 'gcs': { if (!gcsToken) { throw new Error( 'Unable to download cache from GCS. GCP token is not provided.' ) } const oauth2Client = new OAuth2Client() oauth2Client.setCredentials({access_token: gcsToken}) const storage = new Storage({ authClient: oauth2Client }) await downloadCacheMultipartGCP(storage, archiveLocation, archivePath) break } } } export function downloadCacheStreaming( provider: string, archiveLocation: string, gcsToken?: string ): NodeJS.ReadableStream | undefined { switch (provider) { case 's3': return undefined case 'gcs': { if (!gcsToken) { throw new Error( 'Unable to download cache from GCS. GCP token is not provided.' ) } const oauth2Client = new OAuth2Client() oauth2Client.setCredentials({access_token: gcsToken}) const storage = new Storage({ authClient: oauth2Client }) return downloadCacheStreamingGCP(storage, archiveLocation) } default: return undefined } } export async function reserveCache( cacheKey: string, numberOfChunks: number, cacheVersion: string ): Promise> { const httpClient = createHttpClient() const reserveCacheRequest: CommonsReserveCacheRequest = { cache_key: cacheKey, cache_version: cacheVersion, number_of_chunks: numberOfChunks, content_type: 'application/zstd', vcs_repository: getVCSRepository(), vcs_ref: getVCSRef(), annotations: getAnnotations() } const response = await retryTypedResponse('reserveCache', async () => httpClient.postJson( getCacheApiUrl('cache/reserve'), reserveCacheRequest ) ) return response } async function commitCache( cacheKey: string, cacheVersion: string, uploadKey?: string, uploadID?: string, parts?: InternalS3CompletedPart[] ): Promise> { const httpClient = createHttpClient() if (!parts) { parts = [] } const commitCacheRequest: CommonsCommitCacheRequest = { cache_key: cacheKey, cache_version: cacheVersion, upload_key: uploadKey, upload_id: uploadID, parts: parts, vcs_type: 'github', vcs_repository: getVCSRepository(), vcs_ref: getVCSRef(), annotations: getAnnotations() } return await retryTypedResponse('commitCache', async () => httpClient.postJson( getCacheApiUrl(`cache/commit`), commitCacheRequest ) ) } export async function saveCache( provider: string, cacheKey: string, cacheVersion: string, archivePath: string, S3UploadId?: string, S3UploadKey?: string, S3NumberOfChunks?: number, S3PreSignedURLs?: string[], GCSAuthToken?: string, GCSBucketName?: string, GCSObjectName?: string ): Promise { const cacheSize = utils.getArchiveFileSizeInBytes(archivePath) `Cache Size: ~${Math.round(cacheSize / (1024 * 1024))} MB (${cacheSize} B)` ) let commitCacheResponse: TypedResponse = { headers: {}, statusCode: 0, result: null } let cacheKeyResponse = '' switch (provider) { case 's3': { if ( !S3NumberOfChunks || !S3PreSignedURLs || !S3UploadId || !S3UploadKey ) { throw new Error( 'Unable to upload cache to S3. One of the following required parameters is missing: numberOfChunks, preSignedURLs, uploadId, uploadKey.' ) } // Number of chunks should match the number of pre-signed URLs if (S3NumberOfChunks !== S3PreSignedURLs.length) { throw new Error( `Number of chunks (${S3NumberOfChunks}) should match the number of pre-signed URLs (${S3PreSignedURLs.length}).` ) } core.debug('Uploading cache') const completedParts = await uploadFileToS3(S3PreSignedURLs, archivePath) // Sort parts in ascending order by partNumber completedParts.sort((a, b) => a.PartNumber - b.PartNumber) core.debug('Committing cache') commitCacheResponse = await commitCache( cacheKey, cacheVersion, S3UploadKey, S3UploadId, completedParts ) cacheKeyResponse = commitCacheResponse.result?.s3?.cache_key ?? '' break } case 'gcs': { if (!GCSBucketName || !GCSObjectName || !GCSAuthToken) { throw new Error( 'Unable to upload cache to GCS. One of the following required parameters is missing: GCSBucketName, GCSObjectName, GCSAuthToken.' ) } core.debug('Uploading cache') const oauth2Client = new OAuth2Client() oauth2Client.setCredentials({access_token: GCSAuthToken}) const storage = new Storage({ authClient: oauth2Client }) await multiPartUploadToGCS( storage, archivePath, GCSBucketName, GCSObjectName ) core.debug('Committing cache') commitCacheResponse = await commitCache(cacheKey, cacheVersion) cacheKeyResponse = commitCacheResponse.result?.gcs?.cache_key ?? '' break } } if (!isSuccessStatusCode(commitCacheResponse.statusCode)) { throw new Error( `Cache service responded with ${commitCacheResponse.statusCode} during commit cache.` ) }'Cache saved successfully') return cacheKeyResponse } export async function deleteCache(cacheKey: string, cacheVersion: string) { const httpClient = createHttpClient() const deleteCacheRequest: CommonsDeleteCacheRequest = { cache_key: cacheKey, cache_version: cacheVersion, vcs_repository: getVCSRepository(), vcs_ref: getVCSRef(), annotations: getAnnotations() } const response = await retryTypedResponse('deleteCacheEntry', async () => httpClient.postJson( getCacheApiUrl('cache/delete'), deleteCacheRequest ) ) if (!isSuccessStatusCode(response.statusCode)) { throw new Error(`Cache service responded with ${response.statusCode}`) } }