import * as exec from '@actions/exec' import {exportVariable} from '@actions/core' import * as io from '@actions/io' import * as path from 'path' import { CacheFilename, CompressionMethod, GnuTarPathOnWindows, ManifestFilename, SystemTarPathOnWindows, TarFilename } from '../src/internal/constants' import * as tar from '../src/internal/tar' import * as utils from '../src/internal/cacheUtils' // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports import fs = require('fs') exportVariable('MSYS', 'winsymlinks:nativestrict') jest.mock('@actions/exec') jest.mock('@actions/io') const IS_WINDOWS = process.platform === 'win32' const IS_MAC = process.platform === 'darwin' const defaultTarPath = IS_MAC ? 'gtar' : 'tar' function getTempDir(): string { return path.join(__dirname, '_temp', 'tar') } beforeAll(async () => { jest.spyOn(io, 'which').mockImplementation(async tool => { return tool }) process.env['GITHUB_WORKSPACE'] = process.cwd() await jest.requireActual('@actions/io').rmRF(getTempDir()) }) beforeEach(async () => { jest.restoreAllMocks() }) afterAll(async () => { delete process.env['GITHUB_WORKSPACE'] await jest.requireActual('@actions/io').rmRF(getTempDir()) }) test('zstd extract tar', async () => { const mkdirMock = jest.spyOn(io, 'mkdirP') const execMock = jest.spyOn(exec, 'exec') const archivePath = IS_WINDOWS ? `${process.env['windir']}\\fakepath\\cache.tar` : 'cache.tar' const workspace = process.env['GITHUB_WORKSPACE'] const tarPath = IS_WINDOWS ? GnuTarPathOnWindows : defaultTarPath await tar.extractTar(archivePath, CompressionMethod.Zstd) expect(mkdirMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(workspace) expect(execMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(execMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith( [ `"${tarPath}"`, '-xf', IS_WINDOWS ? archivePath.replace(/\\/g, '/') : archivePath, '-P', '-C', IS_WINDOWS ? workspace?.replace(/\\/g, '/') : workspace ] .concat(IS_WINDOWS ? ['--force-local'] : []) .concat(IS_MAC ? ['--delay-directory-restore'] : []) .concat([ '--use-compress-program', IS_WINDOWS ? '"zstd -d --long=30"' : 'unzstd --long=30' ]) .join(' '), undefined, {cwd: undefined} ) }) test('zstd extract tar with windows BSDtar', async () => { if (IS_WINDOWS) { const mkdirMock = jest.spyOn(io, 'mkdirP') const execMock = jest.spyOn(exec, 'exec') jest .spyOn(utils, 'getGnuTarPathOnWindows') .mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve('')) const archivePath = `${process.env['windir']}\\fakepath\\cache.tar` const workspace = process.env['GITHUB_WORKSPACE'] const tarPath = SystemTarPathOnWindows await tar.extractTar(archivePath, CompressionMethod.Zstd) expect(mkdirMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(workspace) expect(execMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2) expect(execMock).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith( 1, [ 'zstd -d --long=30 --force -o', TarFilename.replace(new RegExp(`\\${path.sep}`, 'g'), '/'), archivePath.replace(new RegExp(`\\${path.sep}`, 'g'), '/') ].join(' '), undefined, {cwd: undefined} ) expect(execMock).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith( 2, [ `"${tarPath}"`, '-xf', TarFilename.replace(new RegExp(`\\${path.sep}`, 'g'), '/'), '-P', '-C', workspace?.replace(/\\/g, '/') ].join(' '), undefined, {cwd: undefined} ) } }) test('gzip extract tar', async () => { const mkdirMock = jest.spyOn(io, 'mkdirP') const execMock = jest.spyOn(exec, 'exec') const archivePath = IS_WINDOWS ? `${process.env['windir']}\\fakepath\\cache.tar` : 'cache.tar' const workspace = process.env['GITHUB_WORKSPACE'] await tar.extractTar(archivePath, CompressionMethod.Gzip) expect(mkdirMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(workspace) const tarPath = IS_WINDOWS ? GnuTarPathOnWindows : defaultTarPath expect(execMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(execMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith( [ `"${tarPath}"`, '-xf', IS_WINDOWS ? archivePath.replace(/\\/g, '/') : archivePath, '-P', '-C', IS_WINDOWS ? workspace?.replace(/\\/g, '/') : workspace ] .concat(IS_WINDOWS ? ['--force-local'] : []) .concat(IS_MAC ? ['--delay-directory-restore'] : []) .concat(['-z']) .join(' '), undefined, {cwd: undefined} ) }) test('gzip extract GNU tar on windows with GNUtar in path', async () => { if (IS_WINDOWS) { // GNU tar present in path but not at default location jest .spyOn(utils, 'getGnuTarPathOnWindows') .mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve('tar')) const execMock = jest.spyOn(exec, 'exec') const archivePath = `${process.env['windir']}\\fakepath\\cache.tar` const workspace = process.env['GITHUB_WORKSPACE'] await tar.extractTar(archivePath, CompressionMethod.Gzip) expect(execMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(execMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith( [ `"tar"`, '-xf', archivePath.replace(/\\/g, '/'), '-P', '-C', workspace?.replace(/\\/g, '/'), '--force-local', '-z' ].join(' '), undefined, {cwd: undefined} ) } }) test('zstd create tar', async () => { const execMock = jest.spyOn(exec, 'exec') const archiveFolder = getTempDir() const workspace = process.env['GITHUB_WORKSPACE'] const sourceDirectories = ['~/.npm/cache', `${workspace}/dist`] await fs.promises.mkdir(archiveFolder, {recursive: true}) await tar.createTar(archiveFolder, sourceDirectories, CompressionMethod.Zstd) const tarPath = IS_WINDOWS ? GnuTarPathOnWindows : defaultTarPath expect(execMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(execMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith( [ `"${tarPath}"`, '--posix', '-cf', IS_WINDOWS ? CacheFilename.Zstd.replace(/\\/g, '/') : CacheFilename.Zstd, '--exclude', IS_WINDOWS ? CacheFilename.Zstd.replace(/\\/g, '/') : CacheFilename.Zstd, '-P', '-C', IS_WINDOWS ? workspace?.replace(/\\/g, '/') : workspace, '--files-from', ManifestFilename ] .concat(IS_WINDOWS ? ['--force-local'] : []) .concat(IS_MAC ? ['--delay-directory-restore'] : []) .concat([ '--use-compress-program', IS_WINDOWS ? '"zstd -T0 --long=30"' : 'zstdmt --long=30' ]) .join(' '), undefined, // args { cwd: archiveFolder } ) }) test('zstd create tar with windows BSDtar', async () => { if (IS_WINDOWS) { const execMock = jest.spyOn(exec, 'exec') jest .spyOn(utils, 'getGnuTarPathOnWindows') .mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve('')) const archiveFolder = getTempDir() const workspace = process.env['GITHUB_WORKSPACE'] const sourceDirectories = ['~/.npm/cache', `${workspace}/dist`] await fs.promises.mkdir(archiveFolder, {recursive: true}) await tar.createTar( archiveFolder, sourceDirectories, CompressionMethod.Zstd ) const tarPath = SystemTarPathOnWindows expect(execMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2) expect(execMock).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith( 1, [ `"${tarPath}"`, '--posix', '-cf', TarFilename.replace(/\\/g, '/'), '--exclude', TarFilename.replace(/\\/g, '/'), '-P', '-C', workspace?.replace(/\\/g, '/'), '--files-from', ManifestFilename ].join(' '), undefined, // args { cwd: archiveFolder } ) expect(execMock).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith( 2, [ 'zstd -T0 --long=30 --force -o', CacheFilename.Zstd.replace(/\\/g, '/'), TarFilename.replace(/\\/g, '/') ].join(' '), undefined, // args { cwd: archiveFolder } ) } }) test('gzip create tar', async () => { const execMock = jest.spyOn(exec, 'exec') const archiveFolder = getTempDir() const workspace = process.env['GITHUB_WORKSPACE'] const sourceDirectories = ['~/.npm/cache', `${workspace}/dist`] await fs.promises.mkdir(archiveFolder, {recursive: true}) await tar.createTar(archiveFolder, sourceDirectories, CompressionMethod.Gzip) const tarPath = IS_WINDOWS ? GnuTarPathOnWindows : defaultTarPath expect(execMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(execMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith( [ `"${tarPath}"`, '--posix', '-cf', IS_WINDOWS ? CacheFilename.Gzip.replace(/\\/g, '/') : CacheFilename.Gzip, '--exclude', IS_WINDOWS ? CacheFilename.Gzip.replace(/\\/g, '/') : CacheFilename.Gzip, '-P', '-C', IS_WINDOWS ? workspace?.replace(/\\/g, '/') : workspace, '--files-from', ManifestFilename ] .concat(IS_WINDOWS ? ['--force-local'] : []) .concat(IS_MAC ? ['--delay-directory-restore'] : []) .concat(['-z']) .join(' '), undefined, // args { cwd: archiveFolder } ) }) test('zstd list tar', async () => { const execMock = jest.spyOn(exec, 'exec') const archivePath = IS_WINDOWS ? `${process.env['windir']}\\fakepath\\cache.tar` : 'cache.tar' await tar.listTar(archivePath, CompressionMethod.Zstd) const tarPath = IS_WINDOWS ? GnuTarPathOnWindows : defaultTarPath expect(execMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(execMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith( [ `"${tarPath}"`, '-tf', IS_WINDOWS ? archivePath.replace(/\\/g, '/') : archivePath, '-P' ] .concat(IS_WINDOWS ? ['--force-local'] : []) .concat(IS_MAC ? ['--delay-directory-restore'] : []) .concat([ '--use-compress-program', IS_WINDOWS ? '"zstd -d --long=30"' : 'unzstd --long=30' ]) .join(' '), undefined, {cwd: undefined} ) }) test('zstd list tar with windows BSDtar', async () => { if (IS_WINDOWS) { const execMock = jest.spyOn(exec, 'exec') jest .spyOn(utils, 'getGnuTarPathOnWindows') .mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve('')) const archivePath = `${process.env['windir']}\\fakepath\\cache.tar` await tar.listTar(archivePath, CompressionMethod.Zstd) const tarPath = SystemTarPathOnWindows expect(execMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2) expect(execMock).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith( 1, [ 'zstd -d --long=30 --force -o', TarFilename.replace(new RegExp(`\\${path.sep}`, 'g'), '/'), archivePath.replace(new RegExp(`\\${path.sep}`, 'g'), '/') ].join(' '), undefined, {cwd: undefined} ) expect(execMock).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith( 2, [ `"${tarPath}"`, '-tf', TarFilename.replace(new RegExp(`\\${path.sep}`, 'g'), '/'), '-P' ].join(' '), undefined, {cwd: undefined} ) } }) test('zstdWithoutLong list tar', async () => { const execMock = jest.spyOn(exec, 'exec') const archivePath = IS_WINDOWS ? `${process.env['windir']}\\fakepath\\cache.tar` : 'cache.tar' await tar.listTar(archivePath, CompressionMethod.ZstdWithoutLong) const tarPath = IS_WINDOWS ? GnuTarPathOnWindows : defaultTarPath expect(execMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(execMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith( [ `"${tarPath}"`, '-tf', IS_WINDOWS ? archivePath.replace(/\\/g, '/') : archivePath, '-P' ] .concat(IS_WINDOWS ? ['--force-local'] : []) .concat(IS_MAC ? ['--delay-directory-restore'] : []) .concat(['--use-compress-program', IS_WINDOWS ? '"zstd -d"' : 'unzstd']) .join(' '), undefined, {cwd: undefined} ) }) test('gzip list tar', async () => { const execMock = jest.spyOn(exec, 'exec') const archivePath = IS_WINDOWS ? `${process.env['windir']}\\fakepath\\cache.tar` : 'cache.tar' await tar.listTar(archivePath, CompressionMethod.Gzip) const tarPath = IS_WINDOWS ? GnuTarPathOnWindows : defaultTarPath expect(execMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(execMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith( [ `"${tarPath}"`, '-tf', IS_WINDOWS ? archivePath.replace(/\\/g, '/') : archivePath, '-P' ] .concat(IS_WINDOWS ? ['--force-local'] : []) .concat(IS_MAC ? ['--delay-directory-restore'] : []) .concat(['-z']) .join(' '), undefined, {cwd: undefined} ) })