import * as http from 'http' import * as https from 'https' import {createProxy} from 'proxy' // Default values are set when the module is imported, so we need to set proxy first. const proxyUrl = '' const originalProxyUrl = process.env['https_proxy'] process.env['https_proxy'] = proxyUrl // eslint-disable-next-line import/first import {getOctokit} from '../src/github' describe('@actions/github', () => { let proxyConnects: string[] let proxyServer: http.Server let first = true beforeAll(async () => { // Start proxy server proxyServer = createProxy() await new Promise<void>(resolve => { const port = Number(proxyUrl.split(':')[2]) proxyServer.listen(port, () => resolve()) }) proxyServer.on('connect', req => { proxyConnects.push(req.url ?? '') }) }) beforeEach(() => { proxyConnects = [] }) afterAll(async () => { // Stop proxy server await new Promise<void>(resolve => { proxyServer.once('close', () => resolve()) proxyServer.close() }) if (originalProxyUrl) { process.env['https_proxy'] = originalProxyUrl } }) it('basic REST client with proxy', async () => { const token = getToken() if (!token) { return } const octokit = getOctokit(token) const branch = await{ owner: 'actions', repo: 'toolkit', branch: 'main' }) expect('main') expect(proxyConnects).toEqual(['']) }) it('basic GraphQL client with proxy', async () => { const token = getToken() if (!token) { return } process.env['https_proxy'] = proxyUrl const octokit = getOctokit(token) const repository = await octokit.graphql( '{repository(owner:"actions", name:"toolkit"){name}}' ) expect(repository).toEqual({repository: {name: 'toolkit'}}) expect(proxyConnects).toEqual(['']) }) it('should only use default agent if one is not provided', async () => { const token = getToken() if (!token) { return } // Valid token const octokit = getOctokit(token, { request: { agent: new https.Agent() } }) const branch = await{ owner: 'actions', repo: 'toolkit', branch: 'main' }) expect('main') expect(proxyConnects).toHaveLength(0) }) function getToken(): string { const token = process.env['GITHUB_TOKEN'] || '' if (!token && first) { /* eslint-disable-next-line no-console */ console.warn( 'Skipping GitHub tests. Set $GITHUB_TOKEN to run REST client and GraphQL client tests' ) first = false } return token } })