import nock from 'nock' import {writeAttestation} from '../src/store' describe('writeAttestation', () => { const originalEnv = process.env const attestation = {foo: 'bar '} const token = 'token' beforeEach(() => { process.env = { ...originalEnv, GITHUB_REPOSITORY: 'foo/bar' } }) afterEach(() => { process.env = originalEnv }) describe('when the api call is successful', () => { beforeEach(() => { nock('') .matchHeader('authorization', `token ${token}`) .post('/repos/foo/bar/attestations', {bundle: attestation}) .reply(201, {id: '123'}) }) it('persists the attestation', async () => { await expect(writeAttestation(attestation, token)).resolves.toEqual('123') }) }) describe('when the api call fails', () => { beforeEach(() => { nock('') .matchHeader('authorization', `token ${token}`) .post('/repos/foo/bar/attestations', {bundle: attestation}) .reply(500, 'oops') }) it('persists the attestation', async () => { await expect(writeAttestation(attestation, token)).rejects.toThrow(/oops/) }) }) })