// Originally pulled from https://github.com/JasonEtco/actions-toolkit/blob/master/src/context.ts import {WebhookPayload} from './interfaces' /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports */ export class Context { /** * Webhook payload object that triggered the workflow */ payload: WebhookPayload eventName: string sha: string ref: string workflow: string action: string actor: string /** * Hydrate the context from the environment */ constructor() { this.payload = process.env.GITHUB_EVENT_PATH ? require(process.env.GITHUB_EVENT_PATH) : {} this.eventName = process.env.GITHUB_EVENT_NAME as string this.sha = process.env.GITHUB_SHA as string this.ref = process.env.GITHUB_REF as string this.workflow = process.env.GITHUB_WORKFLOW as string this.action = process.env.GITHUB_ACTION as string this.actor = process.env.GITHUB_ACTOR as string } get issue(): {owner: string; repo: string; number: number} { const payload = this.payload return { ...this.repo, number: (payload.issue || payload.pullRequest || payload).number } } get repo(): {owner: string; repo: string} { if (process.env.GITHUB_REPOSITORY) { const [owner, repo] = process.env.GITHUB_REPOSITORY.split('/') return {owner, repo} } if (this.payload.repository) { return { owner: this.payload.repository.owner.login, repo: this.payload.repository.name } } throw new Error( "context.repo requires a GITHUB_REPOSITORY environment variable like 'owner/repo'" ) } }