import * as tc from '../src/tool-cache' import * as mm from '../src/manifest' // --> OFF // needs to be require for core node modules to be mocked // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports import osm = require('os') // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports import cp = require('child_process') //import {coerce} from 'semver' // we fetch the manifest file from main of a repo const owner = 'actions' const repo = 'some-tool' const fakeToken = 'notrealtoken' // just loading data and require handles BOMs etc. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports, @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires const manifestData = require('./data/versions-manifest.json') describe('@actions/tool-cache-manifest', () => { let os: {platform: string; arch: string} let getSpy: jest.SpyInstance let platSpy: jest.SpyInstance let archSpy: jest.SpyInstance let execSpy: jest.SpyInstance let readLsbSpy: jest.SpyInstance beforeEach(() => { // node os = {platform: '', arch: ''} platSpy = jest.spyOn(osm, 'platform') platSpy.mockImplementation(() => os.platform) archSpy = jest.spyOn(osm, 'arch') archSpy.mockImplementation(() => os.arch) execSpy = jest.spyOn(cp, 'execSync') readLsbSpy = jest.spyOn(mm, '_readLinuxVersionFile') getSpy = jest.spyOn(tc, 'getManifestFromRepo') getSpy.mockImplementation(() => <mm.IToolRelease[]>manifestData) }) afterEach(() => { jest.resetAllMocks() jest.clearAllMocks() //jest.restoreAllMocks(); }) afterAll(async () => {}, 100000) it('can query versions', async () => { const manifest: mm.IToolRelease[] | null = await tc.getManifestFromRepo( owner, repo, fakeToken ) expect(manifest).toBeDefined() const l: number = manifest ? manifest.length : 0 expect(l).toBe(4) }) it('can match stable major version for linux x64', async () => { os.platform = 'linux' os.arch = 'x64' const manifest: mm.IToolRelease[] | null = await tc.getManifestFromRepo( owner, repo, fakeToken ) const release: tc.IToolRelease | undefined = await tc.findFromManifest( '2.x', true, manifest ) expect(release).toBeDefined() expect(release?.version).toBe('2.0.2') expect(release?.files.length).toBe(1) const file = release?.files[0] expect(file).toBeDefined() expect(file?.arch).toBe('x64') expect(file?.platform).toBe('linux') expect(file?.download_url).toBe( '' ) expect(file?.filename).toBe('sometool-2.0.2-linux-x64.tar.gz') }) it('can match stable exact version for linux x64', async () => { os.platform = 'linux' os.arch = 'x64' const manifest: mm.IToolRelease[] | null = await tc.getManifestFromRepo( owner, repo, fakeToken ) const release: tc.IToolRelease | undefined = await tc.findFromManifest( '1.2.3', true, manifest ) expect(release).toBeDefined() expect(release?.version).toBe('1.2.3') expect(release?.files.length).toBe(1) const file = release?.files[0] expect(file).toBeDefined() expect(file?.arch).toBe('x64') expect(file?.platform).toBe('linux') expect(file?.download_url).toBe( '' ) expect(file?.filename).toBe('sometool-1.2.3-linux-x64.tar.gz') }) it('can match with linux platform version spec from lsb-release', async () => { os.platform = 'linux' os.arch = 'x64' readLsbSpy.mockImplementation(() => { return `DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=18.04 DISTRIB_CODENAME=bionic DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION=Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS` }) const manifest: mm.IToolRelease[] | null = await tc.getManifestFromRepo( owner, repo, fakeToken ) const release: tc.IToolRelease | undefined = await tc.findFromManifest( '1.2.4', true, manifest ) expect(release).toBeDefined() expect(release?.version).toBe('1.2.4') expect(release?.files.length).toBe(1) const file = release?.files[0] expect(file).toBeDefined() expect(file?.arch).toBe('x64') expect(file?.platform).toBe('linux') expect(file?.download_url).toBe( '' ) expect(file?.filename).toBe('sometool-1.2.4-ubuntu1804-x64.tar.gz') }) it('can match with linux platform version spec from os-release', async () => { os.platform = 'linux' os.arch = 'x64' readLsbSpy.mockImplementation(() => { return `NAME="Ubuntu" VERSION="18.04.5 LTS (Bionic Beaver)" ID=ubuntu ID_LIKE=debian PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS" VERSION_ID="18.04" HOME_URL="" SUPPORT_URL="" BUG_REPORT_URL="" PRIVACY_POLICY_URL="" VERSION_CODENAME=bionic UBUNTU_CODENAME=bionic` }) const manifest: mm.IToolRelease[] | null = await tc.getManifestFromRepo( owner, repo, fakeToken ) const release: tc.IToolRelease | undefined = await tc.findFromManifest( '1.2.4', true, manifest ) expect(release).toBeDefined() expect(release?.version).toBe('1.2.4') expect(release?.files.length).toBe(1) const file = release?.files[0] expect(file).toBeDefined() expect(file?.arch).toBe('x64') expect(file?.platform).toBe('linux') expect(file?.download_url).toBe( '' ) expect(file?.filename).toBe('sometool-1.2.4-ubuntu1804-x64.tar.gz') }) it('can match with darwin platform version spec', async () => { os.platform = 'darwin' os.arch = 'x64' execSpy.mockImplementation(() => '10.15.1') const manifest: mm.IToolRelease[] | null = await tc.getManifestFromRepo( owner, repo, fakeToken ) const release: tc.IToolRelease | undefined = await tc.findFromManifest( '1.2.4', true, manifest ) expect(release).toBeDefined() expect(release?.version).toBe('1.2.4') expect(release?.files.length).toBe(1) const file = release?.files[0] expect(file).toBeDefined() expect(file?.arch).toBe('x64') expect(file?.platform).toBe('darwin') expect(file?.download_url).toBe( '' ) expect(file?.filename).toBe('sometool-1.2.4-darwin1015-x64.tar.gz') }) it('does not match with unmatched linux platform version spec', async () => { os.platform = 'linux' os.arch = 'x64' readLsbSpy.mockImplementation(() => { return `DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=16.04 DISTRIB_CODENAME=xenial DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION=Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS` }) const manifest: mm.IToolRelease[] | null = await tc.getManifestFromRepo( owner, repo, fakeToken ) const release: tc.IToolRelease | undefined = await tc.findFromManifest( '1.2.4', true, manifest ) expect(release).toBeUndefined() }) it('does not match with unmatched darwin platform version spec', async () => { os.platform = 'darwin' os.arch = 'x64' execSpy.mockImplementation(() => '10.14.6') const manifest: mm.IToolRelease[] | null = await tc.getManifestFromRepo( owner, repo, fakeToken ) const release: tc.IToolRelease | undefined = await tc.findFromManifest( '1.2.4', true, manifest ) expect(release).toBeUndefined() }) it('can get version from lsb on ubuntu-18.04', async () => { os.platform = 'linux' os.arch = 'x64' //existsSpy.mockImplementation(() => true) readLsbSpy.mockImplementation(() => { return `DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=18.04 DISTRIB_CODENAME=bionic DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION=Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS` }) const version = mm._getOsVersion() expect(osm.platform()).toBe('linux') expect(version).toBe('18.04') }) it('can get version from lsb on ubuntu-16.04', async () => { os.platform = 'linux' os.arch = 'x64' readLsbSpy.mockImplementation(() => { return `DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=16.04 DISTRIB_CODENAME=xenial DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS"` }) const version = mm._getOsVersion() expect(osm.platform()).toBe('linux') expect(version).toBe('16.04') }) // sw_vers -productVersion it('can get version on macOS', async () => { os.platform = 'darwin' os.arch = 'x64' execSpy.mockImplementation(() => '10.14.6') const version = mm._getOsVersion() expect(osm.platform()).toBe('darwin') expect(version).toBe('10.14.6') }) })