/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ import * as http from 'http' import * as httpm from '../src/index' import * as pm from '../src/proxy' import {ProxyAgent} from 'undici' // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires, @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports const proxy = require('proxy') let _proxyConnects: string[] let _proxyServer: http.Server const _proxyUrl = '' describe('proxy', () => { beforeAll(async () => { // Start proxy server _proxyServer = proxy.createProxy() await new Promise(resolve => { const port = Number(_proxyUrl.split(':')[2]) _proxyServer.listen(port, () => resolve()) }) _proxyServer.on('connect', req => { _proxyConnects.push(req.url ?? '') }) }) beforeEach(() => { _proxyConnects = [] _clearVars() }) afterEach(() => {}) afterAll(async () => { _clearVars() // Stop proxy server await new Promise(resolve => { _proxyServer.once('close', () => resolve()) _proxyServer.close() }) }) it('getProxyUrl does not return proxyUrl if variables not set', () => { const proxyUrl = pm.getProxyUrl(new URL('https://github.com')) expect(proxyUrl).toBeUndefined() }) it('getProxyUrl returns proxyUrl if https_proxy set for https url', () => { process.env['https_proxy'] = 'https://myproxysvr' const proxyUrl = pm.getProxyUrl(new URL('https://github.com')) expect(proxyUrl).toBeDefined() }) it('getProxyUrl does not return proxyUrl if http_proxy set for https url', () => { process.env['http_proxy'] = 'https://myproxysvr' const proxyUrl = pm.getProxyUrl(new URL('https://github.com')) expect(proxyUrl).toBeUndefined() }) it('getProxyUrl returns proxyUrl if http_proxy set for http url', () => { process.env['http_proxy'] = 'http://myproxysvr' const proxyUrl = pm.getProxyUrl(new URL('http://github.com')) expect(proxyUrl).toBeDefined() }) it('getProxyUrl does not return proxyUrl if https_proxy set and in no_proxy list', () => { process.env['https_proxy'] = 'https://myproxysvr' process.env['no_proxy'] = 'otherserver,myserver,anotherserver:8080' const proxyUrl = pm.getProxyUrl(new URL('https://myserver')) expect(proxyUrl).toBeUndefined() }) it('getProxyUrl returns proxyUrl if https_proxy set and not in no_proxy list', () => { process.env['https_proxy'] = 'https://myproxysvr' process.env['no_proxy'] = 'otherserver,myserver,anotherserver:8080' const proxyUrl = pm.getProxyUrl(new URL('https://github.com')) expect(proxyUrl).toBeDefined() }) it('getProxyUrl does not return proxyUrl if http_proxy set and in no_proxy list', () => { process.env['http_proxy'] = 'http://myproxysvr' process.env['no_proxy'] = 'otherserver,myserver,anotherserver:8080' const proxyUrl = pm.getProxyUrl(new URL('http://myserver')) expect(proxyUrl).toBeUndefined() }) it('getProxyUrl returns proxyUrl if http_proxy set and not in no_proxy list', () => { process.env['http_proxy'] = 'http://myproxysvr' process.env['no_proxy'] = 'otherserver,myserver,anotherserver:8080' const proxyUrl = pm.getProxyUrl(new URL('http://github.com')) expect(proxyUrl).toBeDefined() }) it('getProxyUrl returns proxyUrl if http_proxy has no protocol', () => { process.env['http_proxy'] = 'myproxysvr' const proxyUrl = pm.getProxyUrl(new URL('http://github.com')) expect(proxyUrl?.toString()).toBe('http://myproxysvr/') }) it('checkBypass returns true if host as no_proxy list', () => { process.env['no_proxy'] = 'myserver' const bypass = pm.checkBypass(new URL('https://myserver')) expect(bypass).toBeTruthy() }) it('checkBypass returns true if host in no_proxy list', () => { process.env['no_proxy'] = 'otherserver,myserver,anotherserver:8080' const bypass = pm.checkBypass(new URL('https://myserver')) expect(bypass).toBeTruthy() }) it('checkBypass returns true if host in no_proxy list with spaces', () => { process.env['no_proxy'] = 'otherserver, myserver ,anotherserver:8080' const bypass = pm.checkBypass(new URL('https://myserver')) expect(bypass).toBeTruthy() }) it('checkBypass returns true if host in no_proxy list with port', () => { process.env['no_proxy'] = 'otherserver, myserver:8080 ,anotherserver' const bypass = pm.checkBypass(new URL('https://myserver:8080')) expect(bypass).toBeTruthy() }) it('checkBypass returns true if host with port in no_proxy list without port', () => { process.env['no_proxy'] = 'otherserver, myserver ,anotherserver' const bypass = pm.checkBypass(new URL('https://myserver:8080')) expect(bypass).toBeTruthy() }) it('checkBypass returns true if host in no_proxy list with default https port', () => { process.env['no_proxy'] = 'otherserver, myserver:443 ,anotherserver' const bypass = pm.checkBypass(new URL('https://myserver')) expect(bypass).toBeTruthy() }) it('checkBypass returns true if host in no_proxy list with default http port', () => { process.env['no_proxy'] = 'otherserver, myserver:80 ,anotherserver' const bypass = pm.checkBypass(new URL('http://myserver')) expect(bypass).toBeTruthy() }) it('checkBypass returns false if host not in no_proxy list', () => { process.env['no_proxy'] = 'otherserver, myserver ,anotherserver:8080' const bypass = pm.checkBypass(new URL('https://github.com')) expect(bypass).toBeFalsy() }) it('checkBypass returns false if empty no_proxy', () => { process.env['no_proxy'] = '' const bypass = pm.checkBypass(new URL('https://github.com')) expect(bypass).toBeFalsy() }) it('checkBypass returns true if host with subdomain in no_proxy', () => { process.env['no_proxy'] = 'myserver.com' const bypass = pm.checkBypass(new URL('https://sub.myserver.com')) expect(bypass).toBeTruthy() }) it('checkBypass returns false if no_proxy is subdomain', () => { process.env['no_proxy'] = 'myserver.com' const bypass = pm.checkBypass(new URL('https://myserver.com.evil.org')) expect(bypass).toBeFalsy() }) it('checkBypass returns false if no_proxy is part of domain', () => { process.env['no_proxy'] = 'myserver.com' const bypass = pm.checkBypass(new URL('https://evilmyserver.com')) expect(bypass).toBeFalsy() }) // Do not strip leading dots as per https://github.com/actions/runner/blob/97195bad5870e2ad0915ebfef1616083aacf5818/docs/adrs/0263-proxy-support.md it('checkBypass returns false if host with leading dot in no_proxy', () => { process.env['no_proxy'] = '.myserver.com' const bypass = pm.checkBypass(new URL('https://myserver.com')) expect(bypass).toBeFalsy() }) it('checkBypass returns true if host with subdomain in no_proxy defined with leading "."', () => { process.env['no_proxy'] = '.myserver.com' const bypass = pm.checkBypass(new URL('https://sub.myserver.com')) expect(bypass).toBeTruthy() }) it('checkBypass returns true if no_proxy is "*"', () => { process.env['no_proxy'] = '*' const bypass = pm.checkBypass(new URL('https://anything.whatsoever.com')) expect(bypass).toBeTruthy() }) it('checkBypass returns true if no_proxy contains comma separated "*"', () => { process.env['no_proxy'] = 'domain.com,* , example.com' const bypass = pm.checkBypass(new URL('https://anything.whatsoever.com')) expect(bypass).toBeTruthy() }) it('HttpClient does basic http get request through proxy', async () => { process.env['http_proxy'] = _proxyUrl const httpClient = new httpm.HttpClient() const res: httpm.HttpClientResponse = await httpClient.get( 'http://postman-echo.com/get' ) expect(res.message.statusCode).toBe(200) const body: string = await res.readBody() const obj = JSON.parse(body) expect(obj.url).toBe('http://postman-echo.com/get') expect(_proxyConnects).toEqual(['postman-echo.com:80']) }) it('HttpClient does basic http get request when bypass proxy', async () => { process.env['http_proxy'] = _proxyUrl process.env['no_proxy'] = 'postman-echo.com' const httpClient = new httpm.HttpClient() const res: httpm.HttpClientResponse = await httpClient.get( 'http://postman-echo.com/get' ) expect(res.message.statusCode).toBe(200) const body: string = await res.readBody() const obj = JSON.parse(body) expect(obj.url).toBe('http://postman-echo.com/get') expect(_proxyConnects).toHaveLength(0) }) it('HttpClient does basic https get request through proxy', async () => { process.env['https_proxy'] = _proxyUrl const httpClient = new httpm.HttpClient() const res: httpm.HttpClientResponse = await httpClient.get( 'https://postman-echo.com/get' ) expect(res.message.statusCode).toBe(200) const body: string = await res.readBody() const obj = JSON.parse(body) expect(obj.url).toBe('https://postman-echo.com/get') expect(_proxyConnects).toEqual(['postman-echo.com:443']) }) it('HttpClient does basic https get request when bypass proxy', async () => { process.env['https_proxy'] = _proxyUrl process.env['no_proxy'] = 'postman-echo.com' const httpClient = new httpm.HttpClient() const res: httpm.HttpClientResponse = await httpClient.get( 'https://postman-echo.com/get' ) expect(res.message.statusCode).toBe(200) const body: string = await res.readBody() const obj = JSON.parse(body) expect(obj.url).toBe('https://postman-echo.com/get') expect(_proxyConnects).toHaveLength(0) }) it('HttpClient bypasses proxy for loopback addresses (localhost, ::1, 127.*)', async () => { // setup a server listening on localhost:8091 const server = http.createServer((request, response) => { response.writeHead(200) request.pipe(response) }) server.listen(8091) try { process.env['http_proxy'] = _proxyUrl const httpClient = new httpm.HttpClient() let res = await httpClient.get('http://localhost:8091') expect(res.message.statusCode).toBe(200) res = await httpClient.get('') expect(res.message.statusCode).toBe(200) // no support for ipv6 for now expect(httpClient.get('http://[::1]:8091')).rejects.toThrow() // proxy at _proxyUrl was ignored expect(_proxyConnects).toEqual([]) } finally { server.close() } }) it('proxyAuth not set in tunnel agent when authentication is not provided', async () => { process.env['https_proxy'] = '' const httpClient = new httpm.HttpClient() const agent: any = httpClient.getAgent('https://some-url') // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(agent) expect(agent.proxyOptions.host).toBe('') expect(agent.proxyOptions.port).toBe('8080') expect(agent.proxyOptions.proxyAuth).toBe(undefined) }) it('proxyAuth is set in tunnel agent when authentication is provided', async () => { process.env['https_proxy'] = 'http://user:password@' const httpClient = new httpm.HttpClient() const agent: any = httpClient.getAgent('https://some-url') // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(agent) expect(agent.proxyOptions.host).toBe('') expect(agent.proxyOptions.port).toBe('8080') expect(agent.proxyOptions.proxyAuth).toBe('user:password') }) it('ProxyAgent is returned when proxy setting are provided', async () => { process.env['https_proxy'] = '' const httpClient = new httpm.HttpClient() const agent = httpClient.getAgentDispatcher('https://some-url') // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(agent) expect(agent instanceof ProxyAgent).toBe(true) }) }) function _clearVars(): void { delete process.env.http_proxy delete process.env.HTTP_PROXY delete process.env.https_proxy delete process.env.HTTPS_PROXY delete process.env.no_proxy delete process.env.NO_PROXY }