import * as crypto from 'crypto' import * as core from '@actions/core' import * as fs from 'fs' import * as stream from 'stream' import * as util from 'util' import * as path from 'path' import {Globber} from './glob' export async function hashFiles( globber: Globber, currentWorkspace: string, verbose: Boolean = false ): Promise { const writeDelegate = verbose ? : core.debug let hasMatch = false const githubWorkspace = currentWorkspace ? currentWorkspace : process.env['GITHUB_WORKSPACE'] ?? process.cwd() const result = crypto.createHash('sha256') let count = 0 for await (const file of globber.globGenerator()) { writeDelegate(file) if (!file.startsWith(`${githubWorkspace}${path.sep}`)) { writeDelegate(`Ignore '${file}' since it is not under GITHUB_WORKSPACE.`) continue } if (fs.statSync(file).isDirectory()) { writeDelegate(`Skip directory '${file}'.`) continue } const hash = crypto.createHash('sha256') const pipeline = util.promisify(stream.pipeline) await pipeline(fs.createReadStream(file), hash) result.write(hash.digest()) count++ if (!hasMatch) { hasMatch = true } } result.end() if (hasMatch) { writeDelegate(`Found ${count} files to hash.`) return result.digest('hex') } else { writeDelegate(`No matches found for glob`) return '' } }