import * as core from '@actions/core' import * as io from '@actions/io' import {promises as fs} from 'fs' import * as os from 'os' import * as path from 'path' import {v4 as uuidV4} from 'uuid' import * as cacheUtils from '../src/internal/cacheUtils' jest.mock('@actions/core') jest.mock('os') function getTempDir(): string { return path.join(__dirname, '_temp', 'cacheUtils') } afterAll(async () => { delete process.env['GITHUB_WORKSPACE'] await io.rmRF(getTempDir()) }) test('getArchiveFileSize returns file size', () => { const filePath = path.join(__dirname, '__fixtures__', 'helloWorld.txt') const size = cacheUtils.getArchiveFileSize(filePath) expect(size).toBe(11) }) test('logWarning logs a message with a warning prefix', () => { const message = 'A warning occurred.' const infoMock = jest.spyOn(core, 'info') cacheUtils.logWarning(message) expect(infoMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(`[warning]${message}`) }) test('resolvePaths with no ~ in path', async () => { const filePath = '.cache' // Create the following layout: // cwd // cwd/.cache // cwd/.cache/file.txt const root = path.join(getTempDir(), 'no-tilde') // tarball entries will be relative to workspace process.env['GITHUB_WORKSPACE'] = root await fs.mkdir(root, {recursive: true}) const cache = path.join(root, '.cache') await fs.mkdir(cache, {recursive: true}) await fs.writeFile(path.join(cache, 'file.txt'), 'cached') const originalCwd = process.cwd() try { process.chdir(root) const resolvedPath = await cacheUtils.resolvePaths([filePath]) const expectedPath = [filePath] expect(resolvedPath).toStrictEqual(expectedPath) } finally { process.chdir(originalCwd) } }) test('resolvePaths with ~ in path', async () => { const cacheDir = uuidV4() const filePath = `~/${cacheDir}` // Create the following layout: // ~/uuid // ~/uuid/file.txt const homedir = jest.requireActual('os').homedir() const homedirMock = jest.spyOn(os, 'homedir') homedirMock.mockReturnValue(homedir) const target = path.join(homedir, cacheDir) await fs.mkdir(target, {recursive: true}) await fs.writeFile(path.join(target, 'file.txt'), 'cached') const root = getTempDir() process.env['GITHUB_WORKSPACE'] = root try { const resolvedPath = await cacheUtils.resolvePaths([filePath]) const expectedPath = [path.relative(root, target)] expect(resolvedPath).toStrictEqual(expectedPath) } finally { await io.rmRF(target) } }) test('resolvePaths with home not found', async () => { const filePath = '~/.cache/yarn' const homedirMock = jest.spyOn(os, 'homedir') homedirMock.mockReturnValue('') await expect(cacheUtils.resolvePaths([filePath])).rejects.toThrow( 'Unable to determine HOME directory' ) }) test('resolvePaths inclusion pattern returns found', async () => { const pattern = '*.ts' // Create the following layout: // inclusion-patterns // inclusion-patterns/miss.txt // inclusion-patterns/test.ts const root = path.join(getTempDir(), 'inclusion-patterns') // tarball entries will be relative to workspace process.env['GITHUB_WORKSPACE'] = root await fs.mkdir(root, {recursive: true}) await fs.writeFile(path.join(root, 'miss.txt'), 'no match') await fs.writeFile(path.join(root, 'test.ts'), 'match') const originalCwd = process.cwd() try { process.chdir(root) const resolvedPath = await cacheUtils.resolvePaths([pattern]) const expectedPath = ['test.ts'] expect(resolvedPath).toStrictEqual(expectedPath) } finally { process.chdir(originalCwd) } }) test('resolvePaths exclusion pattern returns not found', async () => { const patterns = ['*.ts', '!test.ts'] // Create the following layout: // exclusion-patterns // exclusion-patterns/miss.txt // exclusion-patterns/test.ts const root = path.join(getTempDir(), 'exclusion-patterns') // tarball entries will be relative to workspace process.env['GITHUB_WORKSPACE'] = root await fs.mkdir(root, {recursive: true}) await fs.writeFile(path.join(root, 'miss.txt'), 'no match') await fs.writeFile(path.join(root, 'test.ts'), 'no match') const originalCwd = process.cwd() try { process.chdir(root) const resolvedPath = await cacheUtils.resolvePaths(patterns) const expectedPath: string[] = [] expect(resolvedPath).toStrictEqual(expectedPath) } finally { process.chdir(originalCwd) } }) test('unlinkFile unlinks file', async () => { const testDirectory = await fs.mkdtemp('unlinkFileTest') const testFile = path.join(testDirectory, 'test.txt') await fs.writeFile(testFile, 'hello world') await cacheUtils.unlinkFile(testFile) // This should throw as testFile should not exist await expect(fs.stat(testFile)).rejects.toThrow() await fs.rmdir(testDirectory) })