import * as jose from 'jose' import nock from 'nock' import {getIDTokenClaims} from '../src/oidc' describe('getIDTokenClaims', () => { const originalEnv = process.env const issuer = '' const audience = 'nobody' const requestToken = 'token' const openidConfigPath = '/.well-known/openid-configuration' const jwksPath = '/.well-known/jwks.json' const tokenPath = '/token' const openIDConfig = {jwks_uri: `${issuer}${jwksPath}`} /* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ let key: any beforeEach(async () => { process.env = { ...originalEnv, ACTIONS_ID_TOKEN_REQUEST_URL: `${issuer}${tokenPath}?`, ACTIONS_ID_TOKEN_REQUEST_TOKEN: requestToken } // Generate JWT signing key key = await jose.generateKeyPair('PS256') // Create JWK and JWKS const jwk = await jose.exportJWK(key.publicKey) const jwks = {keys: [jwk]} nock(issuer).get(openidConfigPath).reply(200, openIDConfig) nock(issuer).get(jwksPath).reply(200, jwks) }) afterEach(() => { process.env = originalEnv }) describe('when ID token is valid', () => { const claims = { iss: issuer, aud: audience, ref: 'ref', sha: 'sha', repository: 'repo', event_name: 'push', job_workflow_ref: 'job_workflow_ref', workflow_ref: 'workflow', repository_id: '1', repository_owner_id: '1', runner_environment: 'github-hosted', run_id: '1', run_attempt: '1' } beforeEach(async () => { const jwt = await new jose.SignJWT(claims) .setProtectedHeader({alg: 'PS256'}) .sign(key.privateKey) nock(issuer).get(tokenPath).query({audience}).reply(200, {value: jwt}) }) it('returns the ID token claims', async () => { const result = await getIDTokenClaims() expect(result).toEqual(claims) }) }) describe('when ID token is missing required claims', () => { const claims = { iss: issuer, aud: audience } beforeEach(async () => { const jwt = await new jose.SignJWT(claims) .setProtectedHeader({alg: 'PS256'}) .sign(key.privateKey) nock(issuer).get(tokenPath).query({audience}).reply(200, {value: jwt}) }) it('throws an error', async () => { await expect(getIDTokenClaims()).rejects.toThrow(/missing claims/i) }) }) describe('when ID has the wrong issuer', () => { const claims = {foo: 'bar', iss: 'foo', aud: 'nobody'} beforeEach(async () => { const jwt = await new jose.SignJWT(claims) .setProtectedHeader({alg: 'PS256'}) .sign(key.privateKey) nock(issuer).get(tokenPath).query({audience}).reply(200, {value: jwt}) }) it('throws an error', async () => { await expect(getIDTokenClaims()).rejects.toThrow(/issuer mismatch/i) }) }) describe('when ID has the wrong audience', () => { const claims = {foo: 'bar', iss: issuer, aud: 'bar'} beforeEach(async () => { const jwt = await new jose.SignJWT(claims) .setProtectedHeader({alg: 'PS256'}) .sign(key.privateKey) nock(issuer).get(tokenPath).query({audience}).reply(200, {value: jwt}) }) it('throw an error', async () => { await expect(getIDTokenClaims()).rejects.toThrow(/verification failed/i) }) }) describe('when openid config cannot be retrieved', () => { const claims = {foo: 'bar', iss: issuer, aud: 'nobody'} beforeEach(async () => { const jwt = await new jose.SignJWT(claims) .setProtectedHeader({alg: 'PS256'}) .sign(key.privateKey) nock(issuer).get(tokenPath).query({audience}).reply(200, {value: jwt}) // Disable the openid config endpoint nock.removeInterceptor({ proto: 'https', hostname: '', port: '443', method: 'GET', path: openidConfigPath }) }) it('throws an error', async () => { await expect(getIDTokenClaims()).rejects.toThrow(/failed to get id/i) }) }) })