import * as core from '@actions/core' import {HttpClient, HttpCodes} from '@actions/http-client' import {BearerCredentialHandler} from '@actions/http-client/auth' import { IHttpClientResponse, IRequestOptions, ITypedResponse } from '@actions/http-client/interfaces' import * as crypto from 'crypto' import * as fs from 'fs' import * as stream from 'stream' import * as util from 'util' import * as utils from './cacheUtils' import {CompressionMethod, SocketTimeout} from './constants' import { ArtifactCacheEntry, CacheOptions, CommitCacheRequest, ReserveCacheRequest, ReserveCacheResponse } from './contracts' const versionSalt = '1.0' function isSuccessStatusCode(statusCode?: number): boolean { if (!statusCode) { return false } return statusCode >= 200 && statusCode < 300 } function isRetryableStatusCode(statusCode?: number): boolean { if (!statusCode) { return false } const retryableStatusCodes = [ HttpCodes.BadGateway, HttpCodes.ServiceUnavailable, HttpCodes.GatewayTimeout ] return retryableStatusCodes.includes(statusCode) } function getCacheApiUrl(resource: string): string { // Ideally we just use ACTIONS_CACHE_URL const baseUrl: string = ( process.env['ACTIONS_CACHE_URL'] || process.env['ACTIONS_RUNTIME_URL'] || '' ).replace('pipelines', 'artifactcache') if (!baseUrl) { throw new Error('Cache Service Url not found, unable to restore cache.') } const url = `${baseUrl}_apis/artifactcache/${resource}` core.debug(`Resource Url: ${url}`) return url } function createAcceptHeader(type: string, apiVersion: string): string { return `${type};api-version=${apiVersion}` } function getRequestOptions(): IRequestOptions { const requestOptions: IRequestOptions = { headers: { Accept: createAcceptHeader('application/json', '6.0-preview.1') } } return requestOptions } function createHttpClient(): HttpClient { const token = process.env['ACTIONS_RUNTIME_TOKEN'] || '' const bearerCredentialHandler = new BearerCredentialHandler(token) return new HttpClient( 'actions/cache', [bearerCredentialHandler], getRequestOptions() ) } export function getCacheVersion( paths: string[], compressionMethod?: CompressionMethod ): string { const components = paths.concat( compressionMethod === CompressionMethod.Zstd ? [compressionMethod] : [] ) // Add salt to cache version to support breaking changes in cache entry components.push(versionSalt) return crypto .createHash('sha256') .update(components.join('|')) .digest('hex') } export async function getCacheEntry( keys: string[], paths: string[], options?: CacheOptions ): Promise { const httpClient = createHttpClient() const version = getCacheVersion(paths, options?.compressionMethod) const resource = `cache?keys=${encodeURIComponent( keys.join(',') )}&version=${version}` const response = await httpClient.getJson( getCacheApiUrl(resource) ) if (response.statusCode === 204) { return null } if (!isSuccessStatusCode(response.statusCode)) { throw new Error(`Cache service responded with ${response.statusCode}`) } const cacheResult = response.result const cacheDownloadUrl = cacheResult?.archiveLocation if (!cacheDownloadUrl) { throw new Error('Cache not found.') } core.setSecret(cacheDownloadUrl) core.debug(`Cache Result:`) core.debug(JSON.stringify(cacheResult)) return cacheResult } async function pipeResponseToStream( response: IHttpClientResponse, output: NodeJS.WritableStream ): Promise { const pipeline = util.promisify(stream.pipeline) await pipeline(response.message, output) } export async function downloadCache( archiveLocation: string, archivePath: string ): Promise { const writableStream = fs.createWriteStream(archivePath) const httpClient = new HttpClient('actions/cache') const downloadResponse = await httpClient.get(archiveLocation) // Abort download if no traffic received over the socket. downloadResponse.message.socket.setTimeout(SocketTimeout, () => { downloadResponse.message.destroy() core.debug(`Aborting download, socket timed out after ${SocketTimeout} ms`) }) await pipeResponseToStream(downloadResponse, writableStream) // Validate download size. const contentLengthHeader = downloadResponse.message.headers['content-length'] if (contentLengthHeader) { const expectedLength = parseInt(contentLengthHeader) const actualLength = utils.getArchiveFileSize(archivePath) if (actualLength !== expectedLength) { throw new Error( `Incomplete download. Expected file size: ${expectedLength}, actual file size: ${actualLength}` ) } } else { core.debug('Unable to validate download, no Content-Length header') } } // Reserve Cache export async function reserveCache( key: string, paths: string[], options?: CacheOptions ): Promise { const httpClient = createHttpClient() const version = getCacheVersion(paths, options?.compressionMethod) const reserveCacheRequest: ReserveCacheRequest = { key, version } const response = await httpClient.postJson( getCacheApiUrl('caches'), reserveCacheRequest ) return response?.result?.cacheId ?? -1 } function getContentRange(start: number, end: number): string { // Format: `bytes start-end/filesize // start and end are inclusive // filesize can be * // For a 200 byte chunk starting at byte 0: // Content-Range: bytes 0-199/* return `bytes ${start}-${end}/*` } async function uploadChunk( httpClient: HttpClient, resourceUrl: string, data: NodeJS.ReadableStream, start: number, end: number ): Promise { core.debug( `Uploading chunk of size ${end - start + 1} bytes at offset ${start} with content range: ${getContentRange( start, end )}` ) const additionalHeaders = { 'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream', 'Content-Range': getContentRange(start, end) } const uploadChunkRequest = async (): Promise => { return await httpClient.sendStream( 'PATCH', resourceUrl, data, additionalHeaders ) } const response = await uploadChunkRequest() if (isSuccessStatusCode(response.message.statusCode)) { return } if (isRetryableStatusCode(response.message.statusCode)) { core.debug( `Received ${response.message.statusCode}, retrying chunk at offset ${start}.` ) const retryResponse = await uploadChunkRequest() if (isSuccessStatusCode(retryResponse.message.statusCode)) { return } } throw new Error( `Cache service responded with ${response.message.statusCode} during chunk upload.` ) } function parseEnvNumber(key: string): number | undefined { const value = Number(process.env[key]) if (Number.isNaN(value) || value < 0) { return undefined } return value } async function uploadFile( httpClient: HttpClient, cacheId: number, archivePath: string ): Promise { // Upload Chunks const fileSize = fs.statSync(archivePath).size const resourceUrl = getCacheApiUrl(`caches/${cacheId.toString()}`) const fd = fs.openSync(archivePath, 'r') const concurrency = parseEnvNumber('CACHE_UPLOAD_CONCURRENCY') ?? 4 // # of HTTP requests in parallel const MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = parseEnvNumber('CACHE_UPLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE') ?? 32 * 1024 * 1024 // 32 MB Chunks core.debug(`Concurrency: ${concurrency} and Chunk Size: ${MAX_CHUNK_SIZE}`) const parallelUploads = [ Array(concurrency).keys()] core.debug('Awaiting all uploads') let offset = 0 try { await Promise.all( () => { while (offset < fileSize) { const chunkSize = Math.min(fileSize - offset, MAX_CHUNK_SIZE) const start = offset const end = offset + chunkSize - 1 offset += MAX_CHUNK_SIZE const chunk = fs.createReadStream(archivePath, { fd, start, end, autoClose: false }) await uploadChunk(httpClient, resourceUrl, chunk, start, end) } }) ) } finally { fs.closeSync(fd) } return } async function commitCache( httpClient: HttpClient, cacheId: number, filesize: number ): Promise> { const commitCacheRequest: CommitCacheRequest = {size: filesize} return await httpClient.postJson( getCacheApiUrl(`caches/${cacheId.toString()}`), commitCacheRequest ) } export async function saveCache( cacheId: number, archivePath: string ): Promise { const httpClient = createHttpClient() core.debug('Upload cache') await uploadFile(httpClient, cacheId, archivePath) // Commit Cache core.debug('Commiting cache') const cacheSize = utils.getArchiveFileSize(archivePath) const commitCacheResponse = await commitCache(httpClient, cacheId, cacheSize) if (!isSuccessStatusCode(commitCacheResponse.statusCode)) { throw new Error( `Cache service responded with ${commitCacheResponse.statusCode} during commit cache.` ) }'Cache saved successfully') }