import * as exec from '../src/exec' import * as core from '@actions/core' import * as io from '@actions/io' import {CommandRunner, createCommandRunner} from '../src/command-runner' describe('command-runner', () => { describe('createCommandRunner', () => { it('creates a command object', async () => { const command = createCommandRunner('echo') expect(command).toBeDefined() expect(command).toBeInstanceOf(CommandRunner) }) }) describe('CommandRunner', () => { const execSpy = jest.spyOn(exec, 'exec') const failSpy = jest.spyOn(core, 'setFailed') afterEach(() => { jest.resetAllMocks() }) it('runs basic commands', async () => { execSpy.mockImplementation(async () => 0) const command = createCommandRunner('echo', ['hello', 'world'], { silent: true }) expect(execSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(execSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'echo', ['hello', 'world'], expect.objectContaining({ silent: true, ignoreReturnCode: true }) ) }) it('throws error if command is not specified', async () => { const command = createCommandRunner() await expect('Command was not specified') }) it('will have exec error if it occured', async () => { execSpy.mockImplementation(async () => { throw new Error('test') }) const command = createCommandRunner('echo', ['hello', 'world'], { silent: true }) const context = await expect(context.execerr).toBeDefined() expect(context.execerr?.message).toBe('test') }) it('allows to set command, args and options', async () => { execSpy.mockImplementation(async () => 0) createCommandRunner() .setCommand('echo') .setArgs(['hello', 'world']) .setOptions({silent: true}) .run() expect(execSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(execSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'echo', ['hello', 'world'], expect.objectContaining({ silent: true, ignoreReturnCode: true }) ) }) it('allows to modify command, args and options', async () => { execSpy.mockImplementation(async () => 0) createCommandRunner('echo', ['hello', 'world'], {silent: true}) .setCommand(commandLine => `${commandLine} hello world`) .setArgs(() => []) .setOptions(options => ({...options, env: {test: 'test'}})) .run() expect(execSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(execSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'echo hello world', [], expect.objectContaining({ silent: true, ignoreReturnCode: true, env: {test: 'test'} }) ) }) const createExecMock = (output: { stdout: string stderr: string exitCode: number }): typeof exec.exec => { const stdoutBuffer = Buffer.from(output.stdout, 'utf8') const stderrBuffer = Buffer.from(output.stderr, 'utf8') return async ( commandLine?: string, args?: string[], options?: exec.ExecOptions ) => { options?.listeners?.stdout?.(stdoutBuffer) options?.listeners?.stderr?.(stderrBuffer) await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 5)) return output.exitCode } } it('allows to use middlewares', async () => { execSpy.mockImplementation( createExecMock({stdout: 'hello', stderr: '', exitCode: 0}) ) const command = createCommandRunner('echo', ['hello', 'world'], { silent: true }) const middleware = jest.fn() await command.use(middleware).run() expect(middleware).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(middleware).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ args: ['hello', 'world'], commandLine: 'echo', execerr: null, exitCode: 0, options: {failOnStdErr: false, ignoreReturnCode: true, silent: true}, stderr: '', stdout: 'hello' }), expect.any(Function) ) }) describe('CommandRunner.prototype.on', () => { it('passes control to next middleware if nothing has matched', async () => { execSpy.mockImplementation( createExecMock({ stdout: 'hello', stderr: '', exitCode: 0 }) ) const willBeCalled = jest.fn() const willNotBeCalled = jest.fn() await createCommandRunner('echo', ['hello', 'world'], { silent: true }) .on('!stdout', willNotBeCalled) .use(willBeCalled) .run() expect(willNotBeCalled).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(willBeCalled).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) it('runs a middleware if event matches', async () => { execSpy.mockImplementation( createExecMock({stdout: '', stderr: '', exitCode: 0}) ) const middleware = jest.fn() await createCommandRunner('echo', ['hello', 'world'], { silent: true }) .on('ok', middleware) .run() expect(middleware).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) it('runs a middleware if event matches with negation', async () => { execSpy.mockImplementation( createExecMock({stdout: '', stderr: '', exitCode: 1}) ) const middleware = jest.fn() await createCommandRunner('echo', ['hello', 'world'], { silent: true }) .on('!stdout', middleware) .run() expect(middleware).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) it('fails if event matches', async () => { execSpy.mockImplementation( createExecMock({stdout: '', stderr: '', exitCode: 1}) ) failSpy.mockImplementation(() => {}) await createCommandRunner('echo', ['hello', 'world'], { silent: true }) .on('!stdout', 'fail') .run() expect(failSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `The command "echo" finished with exit code 1 and produced an empty output.` ) }) it('throws error if event matches', async () => { execSpy.mockImplementation( createExecMock({stdout: '', stderr: '', exitCode: 1}) ) const cmdPromise = createCommandRunner('echo', ['hello', 'world']) .onExitCode('> 0', 'throw') .run() await expect(cmdPromise).rejects.toThrow( 'The command "echo" finished with exit code 1 and produced an empty output.' ) }) it('logs if event matches', async () => { execSpy.mockImplementation( createExecMock({stdout: '', stderr: 'test', exitCode: 1}) ) const logSpy = jest.spyOn(core, 'error') await createCommandRunner('echo', ['hello', 'world'], { silent: true }) .on('!ok', 'log') .run() expect(logSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'The command "echo" finished with exit code 1 and produced an error: test' ) }) }) describe('default handlers', () => { test('onEmptyOutput', async () => { execSpy.mockImplementation( createExecMock({stdout: '', stderr: '', exitCode: 0}) ) const notCalledMiddleware = jest.fn() const middleware = jest.fn() await createCommandRunner('echo', ['hello', 'world']) .onError(notCalledMiddleware) .onEmptyOutput(middleware) .onError(notCalledMiddleware) .run() expect(middleware).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(notCalledMiddleware).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) test('onExecutionError', async () => { execSpy.mockImplementation(() => { throw new Error('test') }) const notCalledMiddleware = jest.fn() const middleware = jest.fn() await createCommandRunner('echo', ['hello', 'world'], { silent: true }) .onSuccess(notCalledMiddleware) .onExecutionError(middleware) .onSuccess(notCalledMiddleware) .run() expect(middleware).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(notCalledMiddleware).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) test('onStdError', async () => { execSpy.mockImplementation( createExecMock({stdout: '', stderr: 'test', exitCode: 0}) ) const notCalledMiddleware = jest.fn() const middleware = jest.fn() await createCommandRunner('echo', ['hello', 'world'], { silent: true }) .onSuccess(notCalledMiddleware) .onStdError(middleware) .onSuccess(notCalledMiddleware) .run() expect(middleware).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(notCalledMiddleware).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) test('onError', async () => { execSpy.mockImplementation( createExecMock({stdout: '', stderr: 'test', exitCode: 0}) ) const notCalledMiddleware = jest.fn() const middleware = jest.fn() await createCommandRunner('echo', ['hello', 'world'], { silent: true }) .onSuccess(notCalledMiddleware) .onError(middleware) .onSuccess(notCalledMiddleware) .run() execSpy.mockImplementation(() => { throw new Error('test') }) await createCommandRunner('echo', ['hello', 'world'], { silent: true }) .onSuccess(notCalledMiddleware) .onError(middleware) .onSuccess(notCalledMiddleware) .run() expect(middleware).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2) expect(notCalledMiddleware).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) test('onSpecificError', async () => { execSpy.mockImplementation( createExecMock({stdout: '', stderr: 'test', exitCode: 0}) ) const notCalledMiddleware = jest.fn() const middleware = jest.fn() await createCommandRunner('echo', ['hello', 'world'], { silent: true }) .onSuccess(notCalledMiddleware) .onSpecificError(/test/, middleware) .onSuccess(notCalledMiddleware) .run() expect(middleware).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(notCalledMiddleware).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) test('onSuccess', async () => { execSpy.mockImplementation( createExecMock({stdout: '', stderr: '', exitCode: 0}) ) const notCalledMiddleware = jest.fn() const middleware = jest.fn() await createCommandRunner('echo', ['hello', 'world'], { silent: true }) .onError(notCalledMiddleware) .onSuccess(middleware) .onError(notCalledMiddleware) .run() expect(middleware).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(notCalledMiddleware).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) test('onExitcode', async () => { execSpy.mockImplementation( createExecMock({stdout: '', stderr: '', exitCode: 2}) ) const notCalledMiddleware = jest.fn() const middleware = jest.fn() await createCommandRunner('echo', ['hello', 'world'], { silent: true }) .onSuccess(notCalledMiddleware) .onExitCode('> 0', middleware) .onSuccess(notCalledMiddleware) .run() expect(middleware).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(notCalledMiddleware).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) test('onOutput', async () => { execSpy.mockImplementation( createExecMock({stdout: 'test', stderr: '', exitCode: 0}) ) const notCalledMiddleware = jest.fn() const middleware = jest.fn() await createCommandRunner('echo', ['hello', 'world'], { silent: true }) .onError(notCalledMiddleware) .onOutput(/test/, middleware) .onError(notCalledMiddleware) .run() expect(middleware).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(notCalledMiddleware).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) }) }) const IS_WINDOWS = process.platform === 'win32' describe('no-mock testing', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.restoreAllMocks() }) it('creates a command object', async () => { let toolpath: string let args: string[] if (IS_WINDOWS) { toolpath = await io.which('cmd', true) args = ['/c', 'echo', 'hello'] } else { toolpath = await io.which('echo', true) args = ['hello'] } const command = createCommandRunner(`"${toolpath}"`, args) expect(command).toBeDefined() expect(command).toBeInstanceOf(CommandRunner) }) it('runs a command with non-zero exit code', async () => { const runner = createCommandRunner() runner.setOptions({ silent: true }) if (IS_WINDOWS) { runner.setCommand(await io.which('cmd', true)) runner.setArgs(['/c', 'dir']) } else { runner.setCommand(await io.which('ls', true)) runner.setArgs(['-l']) } runner.setArgs((args: string[]) => [...args, 'non-existent-dir']) const cmdPromise = runner.onError('throw').run() await expect(cmdPromise).rejects.toThrow() }) it('runs a command with zero exit code', async () => { const runner = createCommandRunner() if (IS_WINDOWS) { runner.setCommand(await io.which('cmd', true)) runner.setArgs(['/c', 'echo']) } else { runner.setCommand(await io.which('echo', true)) } runner.setArgs((args: string[]) => [...args, 'hello']) const result = await expect(result.stdout).toContain('hello') expect(result.exitCode).toEqual(0) }) it('runs a command with empty output', async () => { const runner = createCommandRunner() if (IS_WINDOWS) { runner.setCommand(await io.which('cmd', true)) runner.setArgs(['/c', 'echo.']) } else { runner.setCommand(await io.which('echo', true)) } const cmdPromise = runner.onEmptyOutput('throw').run() await expect(cmdPromise).rejects.toThrow() }) }) })