import * as exec from '../src/exec' import * as im from '../src/interfaces' import * as childProcess from 'child_process' import * as fs from 'fs' import * as os from 'os' import * as path from 'path' import * as stream from 'stream' import * as io from '@actions/io' /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/unbound-method */ const IS_WINDOWS = process.platform === 'win32' let outstream: stream.Writable let errstream: stream.Writable describe('@actions/exec', () => { beforeAll(() => { io.mkdirP(getTestTemp()) outstream = fs.createWriteStream(path.join(getTestTemp(), 'my.log')) errstream = fs.createWriteStream(path.join(getTestTemp(), 'myerr.log')) }) beforeEach(() => { outstream.write = jest.fn() errstream.write = jest.fn() }) it('Runs exec successfully with arguments split out', async () => { const _testExecOptions = getExecOptions() let exitCode = 1 let toolpath = '' if (IS_WINDOWS) { toolpath = await io.which('cmd', true) exitCode = await exec.exec( `"${toolpath}"`, ['/c', 'echo', 'hello'], _testExecOptions ) } else { toolpath = await io.which('ls', true) exitCode = await exec.exec( `"${toolpath}"`, ['-l', '-a'], _testExecOptions ) } expect(exitCode).toBe(0) if (IS_WINDOWS) { expect(outstream.write).toBeCalledWith( `[command]${toolpath} /c echo hello${os.EOL}` ) expect(outstream.write).toBeCalledWith(new Buffer(`hello${os.EOL}`)) } else { expect(outstream.write).toBeCalledWith( `[command]${toolpath} -l -a${os.EOL}` ) } }) it('Runs exec successfully with arguments partially split out', async () => { const _testExecOptions = getExecOptions() let exitCode = 1 let toolpath = '' if (IS_WINDOWS) { toolpath = await io.which('cmd', true) exitCode = await exec.exec( `"${toolpath}" /c`, ['echo', 'hello'], _testExecOptions ) } else { toolpath = await io.which('ls', true) exitCode = await exec.exec(`"${toolpath}" -l`, ['-a'], _testExecOptions) } expect(exitCode).toBe(0) if (IS_WINDOWS) { expect(outstream.write).toBeCalledWith( `[command]${toolpath} /c echo hello${os.EOL}` ) expect(outstream.write).toBeCalledWith(new Buffer(`hello${os.EOL}`)) } else { expect(outstream.write).toBeCalledWith( `[command]${toolpath} -l -a${os.EOL}` ) } }) it('Runs exec successfully with arguments as part of command line', async () => { const _testExecOptions = getExecOptions() let exitCode = 1 let toolpath = '' if (IS_WINDOWS) { toolpath = await io.which('cmd', true) exitCode = await exec.exec( `"${toolpath}" /c echo hello`, [], _testExecOptions ) } else { toolpath = await io.which('ls', true) exitCode = await exec.exec(`"${toolpath}" -l -a`, [], _testExecOptions) } expect(exitCode).toBe(0) if (IS_WINDOWS) { expect(outstream.write).toBeCalledWith( `[command]${toolpath} /c echo hello${os.EOL}` ) expect(outstream.write).toBeCalledWith(new Buffer(`hello${os.EOL}`)) } else { expect(outstream.write).toBeCalledWith( `[command]${toolpath} -l -a${os.EOL}` ) } }) it('Runs exec successfully with command from PATH', async () => { const execOptions = getExecOptions() const outStream = new StringStream() execOptions.outStream = outStream let output = '' execOptions.listeners = { stdout: (data: Buffer) => { output += data.toString() } } let exitCode = 1 let tool: string let args: string[] if (IS_WINDOWS) { tool = 'cmd' args = ['/c', 'echo', 'hello'] } else { tool = 'sh' args = ['-c', 'echo hello'] } exitCode = await exec.exec(tool, args, execOptions) expect(exitCode).toBe(0) const rootedTool = await io.which(tool, true) expect(outStream.getContents().split(os.EOL)[0]).toBe( `[command]${rootedTool} ${args.join(' ')}` ) expect(output.trim()).toBe(`hello`) }) it('Exec fails with error on bad call', async () => { const _testExecOptions = getExecOptions() let toolpath = '' let args: string[] = [] if (IS_WINDOWS) { toolpath = await io.which('cmd', true) args = ['/c', 'non-existent'] } else { toolpath = await io.which('ls', true) args = ['-l', 'non-existent'] } let failed = false await exec.exec(`"${toolpath}"`, args, _testExecOptions).catch(err => { failed = true expect(err.message).toContain( `The process '${toolpath}' failed with exit code ` ) }) expect(failed).toBe(true) if (IS_WINDOWS) { expect(outstream.write).toBeCalledWith( `[command]${toolpath} /c non-existent${os.EOL}` ) } else { expect(outstream.write).toBeCalledWith( `[command]${toolpath} -l non-existent${os.EOL}` ) } }) it('Succeeds on stderr by default', async () => { const scriptPath: string = path.join( __dirname, 'scripts', 'stderroutput.js' ) const nodePath: string = await io.which('node', true) const _testExecOptions = getExecOptions() const exitCode = await exec.exec( `"${nodePath}"`, [scriptPath], _testExecOptions ) expect(exitCode).toBe(0) expect(outstream.write).toBeCalledWith( new Buffer('this is output to stderr') ) }) it('Fails on stderr if specified', async () => { const scriptPath: string = path.join( __dirname, 'scripts', 'stderroutput.js' ) const nodePath: string = await io.which('node', true) const _testExecOptions = getExecOptions() _testExecOptions.failOnStdErr = true let failed = false await exec .exec(`"${nodePath}"`, [scriptPath], _testExecOptions) .catch(() => { failed = true }) expect(failed).toBe(true) expect(errstream.write).toBeCalledWith( new Buffer('this is output to stderr') ) }) it('Fails when process fails to launch', async () => { const nodePath: string = await io.which('node', true) const _testExecOptions = getExecOptions() _testExecOptions.cwd = path.join(__dirname, 'nosuchdir') let failed = false await exec.exec(`"${nodePath}"`, [], _testExecOptions).catch(() => { failed = true }) expect(failed).toBe(true) }) it('Handles output callbacks', async () => { const stdErrPath: string = path.join( __dirname, 'scripts', 'stderroutput.js' ) const stdOutPath: string = path.join( __dirname, 'scripts', 'stdoutoutput.js' ) const nodePath: string = await io.which('node', true) let stdoutCalled = false let stderrCalled = false const _testExecOptions = getExecOptions() _testExecOptions.listeners = { stdout: (data: Buffer) => { expect(data).toEqual(new Buffer('this is output to stdout')) stdoutCalled = true }, stderr: (data: Buffer) => { expect(data).toEqual(new Buffer('this is output to stderr')) stderrCalled = true } } let exitCode = await exec.exec( `"${nodePath}"`, [stdOutPath], _testExecOptions ) expect(exitCode).toBe(0) exitCode = await exec.exec(`"${nodePath}"`, [stdErrPath], _testExecOptions) expect(exitCode).toBe(0) expect(stdoutCalled).toBeTruthy() expect(stderrCalled).toBeTruthy() }) it('Handles child process holding streams open', async function() { const semaphorePath = path.join( getTestTemp(), 'child-process-semaphore.txt' ) fs.writeFileSync(semaphorePath, '') const nodePath = await io.which('node', true) const scriptPath = path.join(__dirname, 'scripts', 'wait-for-file.js') const debugList: string[] = [] const _testExecOptions = getExecOptions() _testExecOptions.delay = 500 _testExecOptions.windowsVerbatimArguments = true _testExecOptions.listeners = { debug: (data: string) => { debugList.push(data) } } let exitCode: number if (IS_WINDOWS) { const toolName: string = await io.which('cmd.exe', true) const args = [ '/D', // Disable execution of AutoRun commands from registry. '/E:ON', // Enable command extensions. Note, command extensions are enabled by default, unless disabled via registry. '/V:OFF', // Disable delayed environment expansion. Note, delayed environment expansion is disabled by default, unless enabled via registry. '/S', // Will cause first and last quote after /C to be stripped. '/C', `"start "" /B "${nodePath}" "${scriptPath}" "file=${semaphorePath}""` ] exitCode = await exec.exec(`"${toolName}"`, args, _testExecOptions) } else { const toolName: string = await io.which('bash', true) const args = ['-c', `node '${scriptPath}' 'file=${semaphorePath}' &`] exitCode = await exec.exec(`"${toolName}"`, args, _testExecOptions) } expect(exitCode).toBe(0) expect( debugList.filter(x => x.includes('STDIO streams did not close')).length ).toBe(1) fs.unlinkSync(semaphorePath) }, 10000) // this was timing out on some slower hosted macOS runs at default 5s it('Handles child process holding streams open and non-zero exit code', async function() { const semaphorePath = path.join( getTestTemp(), 'child-process-semaphore.txt' ) fs.writeFileSync(semaphorePath, '') const nodePath = await io.which('node', true) const scriptPath = path.join(__dirname, 'scripts', 'wait-for-file.js') const debugList: string[] = [] const _testExecOptions = getExecOptions() _testExecOptions.delay = 500 _testExecOptions.windowsVerbatimArguments = true _testExecOptions.listeners = { debug: (data: string) => { debugList.push(data) } } let toolName: string let args: string[] if (IS_WINDOWS) { toolName = await io.which('cmd.exe', true) args = [ '/D', // Disable execution of AutoRun commands from registry. '/E:ON', // Enable command extensions. Note, command extensions are enabled by default, unless disabled via registry. '/V:OFF', // Disable delayed environment expansion. Note, delayed environment expansion is disabled by default, unless enabled via registry. '/S', // Will cause first and last quote after /C to be stripped. '/C', `"start "" /B "${nodePath}" "${scriptPath}" "file=${semaphorePath}"" & exit /b 123` ] } else { toolName = await io.which('bash', true) args = ['-c', `node '${scriptPath}' 'file=${semaphorePath}' & exit 123`] } await exec .exec(`"${toolName}"`, args, _testExecOptions) .then(() => { throw new Error('Should not have succeeded') }) .catch(err => { expect( err.message.indexOf('failed with exit code 123') ).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(0) }) expect( debugList.filter(x => x.includes('STDIO streams did not close')).length ).toBe(1) fs.unlinkSync(semaphorePath) }, 10000) // this was timing out on some slower hosted macOS runs at default 5s it('Handles child process holding streams open and stderr', async function() { const semaphorePath = path.join( getTestTemp(), 'child-process-semaphore.txt' ) fs.writeFileSync(semaphorePath, '') const nodePath = await io.which('node', true) const scriptPath = path.join(__dirname, 'scripts', 'wait-for-file.js') const debugList: string[] = [] const _testExecOptions = getExecOptions() _testExecOptions.delay = 500 _testExecOptions.failOnStdErr = true _testExecOptions.windowsVerbatimArguments = true _testExecOptions.listeners = { debug: (data: string) => { debugList.push(data) } } let toolName: string let args: string[] if (IS_WINDOWS) { toolName = await io.which('cmd.exe', true) args = [ '/D', // Disable execution of AutoRun commands from registry. '/E:ON', // Enable command extensions. Note, command extensions are enabled by default, unless disabled via registry. '/V:OFF', // Disable delayed environment expansion. Note, delayed environment expansion is disabled by default, unless enabled via registry. '/S', // Will cause first and last quote after /C to be stripped. '/C', `"start "" /B "${nodePath}" "${scriptPath}" "file=${semaphorePath}"" & echo hi 1>&2` ] } else { toolName = await io.which('bash', true) args = [ '-c', `node '${scriptPath}' 'file=${semaphorePath}' & echo hi 1>&2` ] } await exec .exec(`"${toolName}"`, args, _testExecOptions) .then(() => { throw new Error('Should not have succeeded') }) .catch(err => { expect( err.message.indexOf( 'failed because one or more lines were written to the STDERR stream' ) ).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(0) }) expect( debugList.filter(x => x.includes('STDIO streams did not close')).length ).toBe(1) fs.unlinkSync(semaphorePath) }) it('Exec roots relative tool path using unrooted options.cwd', async () => { let exitCode: number let command: string if (IS_WINDOWS) { command = './print-args-cmd' // let ToolRunner resolve the extension } else { command = './' } const execOptions = getExecOptions() execOptions.cwd = 'scripts' const outStream = new StringStream() execOptions.outStream = outStream let output = '' execOptions.listeners = { stdout: (data: Buffer) => { output += data.toString() } } const originalCwd = process.cwd() try { process.chdir(__dirname) exitCode = await exec.exec(`${command} hello world`, [], execOptions) } catch (err) { process.chdir(originalCwd) throw err } expect(exitCode).toBe(0) const toolPath = path.resolve( __dirname, execOptions.cwd, `${command}${IS_WINDOWS ? '.cmd' : ''}` ) if (IS_WINDOWS) { expect(outStream.getContents().split(os.EOL)[0]).toBe( `[command]${process.env.ComSpec} /D /S /C "${toolPath} hello world"` ) } else { expect(outStream.getContents().split(os.EOL)[0]).toBe( `[command]${toolPath} hello world` ) } expect(output.trim()).toBe(`args[0]: "hello"${os.EOL}args[1]: "world"`) }) it('Exec roots relative tool path using rooted options.cwd', async () => { let command: string if (IS_WINDOWS) { command = './print-args-cmd' // let ToolRunner resolve the extension } else { command = './' } const execOptions = getExecOptions() execOptions.cwd = path.join(__dirname, 'scripts') const outStream = new StringStream() execOptions.outStream = outStream let output = '' execOptions.listeners = { stdout: (data: Buffer) => { output += data.toString() } } const exitCode = await exec.exec(`${command} hello world`, [], execOptions) expect(exitCode).toBe(0) const toolPath = path.resolve( __dirname, execOptions.cwd, `${command}${IS_WINDOWS ? '.cmd' : ''}` ) if (IS_WINDOWS) { expect(outStream.getContents().split(os.EOL)[0]).toBe( `[command]${process.env.ComSpec} /D /S /C "${toolPath} hello world"` ) } else { expect(outStream.getContents().split(os.EOL)[0]).toBe( `[command]${toolPath} hello world` ) } expect(output.trim()).toBe(`args[0]: "hello"${os.EOL}args[1]: "world"`) }) it('Exec roots relative tool path using process.cwd', async () => { let exitCode: number let command: string if (IS_WINDOWS) { command = 'scripts/print-args-cmd' // let ToolRunner resolve the extension } else { command = 'scripts/' } const execOptions = getExecOptions() const outStream = new StringStream() execOptions.outStream = outStream let output = '' execOptions.listeners = { stdout: (data: Buffer) => { output += data.toString() } } const originalCwd = process.cwd() try { process.chdir(__dirname) exitCode = await exec.exec(`${command} hello world`, [], execOptions) } catch (err) { process.chdir(originalCwd) throw err } expect(exitCode).toBe(0) const toolPath = path.resolve( __dirname, `${command}${IS_WINDOWS ? '.cmd' : ''}` ) if (IS_WINDOWS) { expect(outStream.getContents().split(os.EOL)[0]).toBe( `[command]${process.env.ComSpec} /D /S /C "${toolPath} hello world"` ) } else { expect(outStream.getContents().split(os.EOL)[0]).toBe( `[command]${toolPath} hello world` ) } expect(output.trim()).toBe(`args[0]: "hello"${os.EOL}args[1]: "world"`) }) if (IS_WINDOWS) { // Win specific quoting tests it('execs .exe with verbatim args (Windows)', async () => { const exePath = process.env.ComSpec const args: string[] = ['/c', 'echo', 'helloworld', 'hello:"world again"'] const outStream = new StringStream() let output = '' const options = { outStream: outStream, windowsVerbatimArguments: true, listeners: { stdout: (data: Buffer) => { output += data.toString() } } } const exitCode = await exec.exec(`"${exePath}"`, args, options) expect(exitCode).toBe(0) expect(outStream.getContents().split(os.EOL)[0]).toBe( `[command]"${exePath}" /c echo helloworld hello:"world again"` ) expect(output.trim()).toBe('helloworld hello:"world again"') }) it('execs .exe with arg quoting (Windows)', async () => { const exePath = process.env.ComSpec const args: string[] = [ '/c', 'echo', 'helloworld', 'hello world', 'hello:"world again"', 'hello,world' ] const outStream = new StringStream() let output = '' const options = { outStream: outStream, listeners: { stdout: (data: Buffer) => { output += data.toString() } } } const exitCode = await exec.exec(`"${exePath}"`, args, options) expect(exitCode).toBe(0) expect(outStream.getContents().split(os.EOL)[0]).toBe( `[command]${exePath} /c echo` + ` helloworld` + ` "hello world"` + ` "hello:\\"world again\\""` + ` hello,world` ) expect(output.trim()).toBe( 'helloworld' + ' "hello world"' + ' "hello:\\"world again\\""' + ' hello,world' ) }) it('execs .exe with a space and with verbatim args (Windows)', async () => { // this test validates the quoting that tool runner adds around the tool path // when using the windowsVerbatimArguments option. otherwise the target process // interprets the args as starting after the first space in the tool path. const exePath = compileArgsExe('print args exe with spaces.exe') const args: string[] = ['myarg1 myarg2'] const outStream = new StringStream() let output = '' const options = { outStream: outStream, windowsVerbatimArguments: true, listeners: { stdout: (data: Buffer) => { output += data.toString() } } } const exitCode = await exec.exec(`"${exePath}"`, args, options) expect(exitCode).toBe(0) expect(outStream.getContents().split(os.EOL)[0]).toBe( `[command]"${exePath}" myarg1 myarg2` ) expect(output.trim()).toBe("args[0]: 'myarg1'\r\nargs[1]: 'myarg2'") }, 20000) // slower windows runs timeout, so upping timeout to 20s (from default of 5s) it('execs .cmd with a space and with verbatim args (Windows)', async () => { // this test validates the quoting that tool runner adds around the script path. // otherwise cmd.exe will not be able to resolve the path to the script. const cmdPath = path.join( __dirname, 'scripts', 'print args cmd with spaces.cmd' ) const args: string[] = ['arg1 arg2', 'arg3'] const outStream = new StringStream() let output = '' const options = { outStream: outStream, windowsVerbatimArguments: true, listeners: { stdout: (data: Buffer) => { output += data.toString() } } } const exitCode = await exec.exec(`"${cmdPath}"`, args, options) expect(exitCode).toBe(0) expect(outStream.getContents().split(os.EOL)[0]).toBe( `[command]${process.env.ComSpec} /D /S /C ""${cmdPath}" arg1 arg2 arg3"` ) expect(output.trim()).toBe( 'args[0]: "arg1"\r\nargs[1]: "arg2"\r\nargs[2]: "arg3"' ) }) it('execs .cmd with a space and with arg with space (Windows)', async () => { // this test validates the command is wrapped in quotes (i.e. cmd.exe /S /C ""). // otherwise the leading quote (around the script with space path) would be stripped // and cmd.exe would not be able to resolve the script path. const cmdPath = path.join( __dirname, 'scripts', 'print args cmd with spaces.cmd' ) const args: string[] = ['my arg 1', 'my arg 2'] const outStream = new StringStream() let output = '' const options = { outStream: outStream, listeners: { stdout: (data: Buffer) => { output += data.toString() } } } const exitCode = await exec.exec(`"${cmdPath}"`, args, options) expect(exitCode).toBe(0) expect(outStream.getContents().split(os.EOL)[0]).toBe( `[command]${ process.env.ComSpec } /D /S /C ""${cmdPath}" "my arg 1" "my arg 2""` ) expect(output.trim()).toBe( 'args[0]: "my arg 1"\r\n' + 'args[1]: "my arg 2"' ) }) it('execs .cmd from path (Windows)', async () => { // this test validates whether a .cmd is resolved from the PATH when the extension is not specified const cmd = 'print-args-cmd' // note, not print-args-cmd.cmd const cmdPath = path.join(__dirname, 'scripts', `${cmd}.cmd`) const args: string[] = ['my arg 1', 'my arg 2'] const outStream = new StringStream() let output = '' const options = { outStream: outStream, listeners: { stdout: (data: Buffer) => { output += data.toString() } } } const originalPath = process.env['Path'] try { process.env['Path'] = `${originalPath};${path.dirname(cmdPath)}` const exitCode = await exec.exec(`${cmd}`, args, options) expect(exitCode).toBe(0) expect(outStream.getContents().split(os.EOL)[0]).toBe( `[command]${ process.env.ComSpec } /D /S /C "${cmdPath} "my arg 1" "my arg 2""` ) expect(output.trim()).toBe( 'args[0]: "my arg 1"\r\n' + 'args[1]: "my arg 2"' ) } catch (err) { process.env['Path'] = originalPath throw err } }) it('execs .cmd with arg quoting (Windows)', async () => { // this test validates .cmd quoting rules are applied, not the default libuv rules const cmdPath = path.join( __dirname, 'scripts', 'print args cmd with spaces.cmd' ) const args: string[] = [ 'helloworld', 'hello world', 'hello\tworld', 'hello&world', 'hello(world', 'hello)world', 'hello[world', 'hello]world', 'hello{world', 'hello}world', 'hello^world', 'hello=world', 'hello;world', 'hello!world', "hello'world", 'hello+world', 'hello,world', 'hello`world', 'hello~world', 'hello|world', 'helloworld', 'hello:"world again"', 'hello world\\' ] const outStream = new StringStream() let output = '' const options = { outStream: outStream, listeners: { stdout: (data: Buffer) => { output += data.toString() } } } const exitCode = await exec.exec(`"${cmdPath}"`, args, options) expect(exitCode).toBe(0) expect(outStream.getContents().split(os.EOL)[0]).toBe( `[command]${process.env.ComSpec} /D /S /C ""${cmdPath}"` + ` helloworld` + ` "hello world"` + ` "hello\tworld"` + ` "hello&world"` + ` "hello(world"` + ` "hello)world"` + ` "hello[world"` + ` "hello]world"` + ` "hello{world"` + ` "hello}world"` + ` "hello^world"` + ` "hello=world"` + ` "hello;world"` + ` "hello!world"` + ` "hello'world"` + ` "hello+world"` + ` "hello,world"` + ` "hello\`world"` + ` "hello~world"` + ` "hello|world"` + ` "helloworld"` + ` "hello:""world again"""` + ` "hello world\\\\"` + `"` ) expect(output.trim()).toBe( 'args[0]: "helloworld"\r\n' + 'args[1]: "hello world"\r\n' + 'args[2]: "hello\tworld"\r\n' + 'args[3]: "hello&world"\r\n' + 'args[4]: "hello(world"\r\n' + 'args[5]: "hello)world"\r\n' + 'args[6]: "hello[world"\r\n' + 'args[7]: "hello]world"\r\n' + 'args[8]: "hello{world"\r\n' + 'args[9]: "hello}world"\r\n' + 'args[10]: "hello^world"\r\n' + 'args[11]: "hello=world"\r\n' + 'args[12]: "hello;world"\r\n' + 'args[13]: "hello!world"\r\n' + 'args[14]: "hello\'world"\r\n' + 'args[15]: "hello+world"\r\n' + 'args[16]: "hello,world"\r\n' + 'args[17]: "hello`world"\r\n' + 'args[18]: "hello~world"\r\n' + 'args[19]: "hello|world"\r\n' + 'args[20]: "hello"\r\n' + 'args[21]: "hello>world"\r\n' + 'args[22]: "hello:world again"\r\n' + 'args[23]: "hello world\\\\"' ) }) } }) function getTestTemp(): string { return path.join(__dirname, '_temp') } function getExecOptions(): im.ExecOptions { return { cwd: __dirname, env: {}, silent: false, failOnStdErr: false, ignoreReturnCode: false, outStream: outstream, errStream: errstream } } export class StringStream extends stream.Writable { constructor() { super() } private contents = '' _write( data: string | Buffer | Uint8Array, encoding: string, next: Function ): void { this.contents += data next() } getContents(): string { return this.contents } } // function to compile a .NET program on Windows. const compileExe = (sourceFileName: string, targetFileName: string): string => { const directory = path.join(getTestTemp(), sourceFileName) io.mkdirP(directory) const exePath = path.join(directory, targetFileName) // short-circuit if already compiled try { fs.statSync(exePath) return exePath } catch (err) { if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') { throw err } } const sourceFile = path.join(__dirname, 'scripts', sourceFileName) const cscPath = 'C:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework64\\v4.0.30319\\csc.exe' fs.statSync(cscPath) childProcess.execFileSync(cscPath, [ '/target:exe', `/out:${exePath}`, sourceFile ]) return exePath } // function to compile a .NET program that prints the command line args. // the helper program is used to validate that command line args are passed correctly. const compileArgsExe = (targetFileName: string): string => { return compileExe('print-args-exe.cs', targetFileName) }