import * as github from '@actions/github' import {mockFulcio, mockRekor, mockTSA} from '@sigstore/mock' import nock from 'nock' import {SIGSTORE_GITHUB, SIGSTORE_PUBLIC_GOOD} from '../src/endpoints' import {attestProvenance, buildSLSAProvenancePredicate} from '../src/provenance' // Dummy workflow environment const env = { GITHUB_REPOSITORY: 'owner/repo', GITHUB_REF: 'refs/heads/main', GITHUB_SHA: 'babca52ab0c93ae16539e5923cb0d7403b9a093b', GITHUB_WORKFLOW_REF: 'owner/repo/.github/workflows/main.yml@main', GITHUB_SERVER_URL: '', GITHUB_EVENT_NAME: 'push', GITHUB_REPOSITORY_ID: 'repo-id', GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER_ID: 'owner-id', GITHUB_RUN_ID: 'run-id', GITHUB_RUN_ATTEMPT: 'run-attempt', RUNNER_ENVIRONMENT: 'github-hosted' } describe('buildSLSAProvenancePredicate', () => { it('returns a provenance hydrated from env vars', () => { const predicate = buildSLSAProvenancePredicate(env) expect(predicate).toMatchSnapshot() }) }) describe('attestProvenance', () => { // Capture original environment variables so we can restore them after each // test const originalEnv = process.env // Subject to attest const subjectName = 'subjective' const subjectDigest = { sha256: '7d070f6b64d9bcc530fe99cc21eaaa4b3c364e0b2d367d7735671fa202a03b32' } // Fake an OIDC token const oidcPayload = {sub: '', iss: ''} const oidcToken = `.${Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(oidcPayload)).toString( 'base64' )}.}` const tokenURL = 'https://token.url' const attestationID = '1234567890' beforeEach(async () => { jest.clearAllMocks() nock(tokenURL) .get('/') .query({audience: 'sigstore'}) .reply(200, {value: oidcToken}) // Set-up GHA environment variables process.env = { ...originalEnv, ...env, ACTIONS_ID_TOKEN_REQUEST_URL: tokenURL, ACTIONS_ID_TOKEN_REQUEST_TOKEN: 'token' } }) afterEach(() => { // Restore the original environment process.env = originalEnv }) describe('when using the github Sigstore instance', () => { const {fulcioURL, tsaServerURL} = SIGSTORE_GITHUB beforeEach(async () => { // Mock Sigstore await mockFulcio({baseURL: fulcioURL, strict: false}) await mockTSA({baseURL: tsaServerURL}) // Mock GH attestations API nock('') .post(/^\/repos\/.*\/.*\/attestations$/) .reply(201, {id: attestationID}) }) describe('when the sigstore instance is explicitly set', () => { it('attests provenance', async () => { const attestation = await attestProvenance({ subjectName, subjectDigest, token: 'token', sigstore: 'github' }) expect(attestation).toBeDefined() expect(attestation.bundle).toBeDefined() expect(attestation.certificate).toMatch(/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/) expect(attestation.tlogID).toBeUndefined() expect(attestation.attestationID).toBe(attestationID) }) }) describe('when the sigstore instance is inferred from the repo visibility', () => { const savedRepository = github.context.payload.repository beforeEach(() => { /* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ github.context.payload.repository = {visibility: 'private'} as any }) afterEach(() => { github.context.payload.repository = savedRepository }) it('attests provenance', async () => { const attestation = await attestProvenance({ subjectName, subjectDigest, token: 'token' }) expect(attestation).toBeDefined() expect(attestation.bundle).toBeDefined() expect(attestation.certificate).toMatch(/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/) expect(attestation.tlogID).toBeUndefined() expect(attestation.attestationID).toBe(attestationID) }) }) }) describe('when using the public-good Sigstore instance', () => { const {fulcioURL, rekorURL} = SIGSTORE_PUBLIC_GOOD beforeEach(async () => { // Mock Sigstore await mockFulcio({baseURL: fulcioURL, strict: false}) await mockRekor({baseURL: rekorURL}) // Mock GH attestations API nock('') .post(/^\/repos\/.*\/.*\/attestations$/) .reply(201, {id: attestationID}) }) describe('when the sigstore instance is explicitly set', () => { it('attests provenance', async () => { const attestation = await attestProvenance({ subjectName, subjectDigest, token: 'token', sigstore: 'public-good' }) expect(attestation).toBeDefined() expect(attestation.bundle).toBeDefined() expect(attestation.certificate).toMatch(/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/) expect(attestation.tlogID).toBeDefined() expect(attestation.attestationID).toBe(attestationID) }) }) describe('when the sigstore instance is inferred from the repo visibility', () => { const savedRepository = github.context.payload.repository beforeEach(() => { /* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ github.context.payload.repository = {visibility: 'public'} as any }) afterEach(() => { github.context.payload.repository = savedRepository }) it('attests provenance', async () => { const attestation = await attestProvenance({ subjectName, subjectDigest, token: 'token' }) expect(attestation).toBeDefined() expect(attestation.bundle).toBeDefined() expect(attestation.certificate).toMatch(/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/) expect(attestation.tlogID).toBeDefined() expect(attestation.attestationID).toBe(attestationID) }) }) }) describe('when skipWrite is set to true', () => { const {fulcioURL, rekorURL} = SIGSTORE_PUBLIC_GOOD beforeEach(async () => { // Mock Sigstore await mockFulcio({baseURL: fulcioURL, strict: false}) await mockRekor({baseURL: rekorURL}) }) it('attests provenance', async () => { const attestation = await attestProvenance({ subjectName, subjectDigest, token: 'token', sigstore: 'public-good', skipWrite: true }) expect(attestation).toBeDefined() expect(attestation.bundle).toBeDefined() expect(attestation.certificate).toMatch(/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/) expect(attestation.tlogID).toBeDefined() expect(attestation.attestationID).toBeUndefined() }) }) })