import { HttpClient, HttpClientResponse, HttpCodes } from "@actions/http-client" import { BearerCredentialHandler } from "@actions/http-client/lib/auth" import { info } from "@actions/core" import { ArtifactServiceClientJSON } from "../../generated" import { getResultsServiceUrl, getRuntimeToken } from "./config" // The twirp http client must implement this interface interface Rpc { request( service: string, method: string, contentType: "application/json" | "application/protobuf", data: object | Uint8Array ): Promise } class ArtifactHttpClient implements Rpc { private httpClient: HttpClient private baseUrl: string private maxAttempts: number = 5 private baseRetryIntervalMilliseconds: number = 3000 private retryMultiplier: number = 1.5 constructor(userAgent: string, httpClient?: HttpClient) { const token = getRuntimeToken() this.baseUrl = getResultsServiceUrl() if (httpClient) { this.httpClient = httpClient } else { this.httpClient = new HttpClient( userAgent, [new BearerCredentialHandler(token)], ) } } // This function satisfies the Rpc interface. It is compatible with the JSON // JSON generated client. async request( service: string, method: string, contentType: "application/json" | "application/protobuf", data: object | Uint8Array ): Promise { let url = `${this.baseUrl}/twirp/${service}/${method}` let headers = { "Content-Type": contentType, } const response = await this.retryableRequest(, JSON.stringify(data), headers)) const body = await response.readBody() return JSON.parse(body) } async retryableRequest( operation: Promise ): Promise { let attempt = 0 while (attempt < this.maxAttempts) { let isRetryable = false let errorMessage = "" try { const response = await operation const statusCode = response.message.statusCode if (this.isSuccessStatusCode(statusCode)) { return response } isRetryable = this.isRetryableHttpStatusCode(statusCode) errorMessage = `Failed request: (${statusCode}) ${response.message.statusMessage}` } catch (error) { isRetryable = true errorMessage = error.message } if (!isRetryable) { throw new Error(errorMessage) } info( `Attempt ${attempt + 1} of ${this.maxAttempts} failed with error: ${errorMessage}. Retrying request...` ) await this.sleep(this.getExponentialRetryTimeMilliseconds(attempt)) attempt++ } throw new Error(`Failed to make request after ${this.maxAttempts} attempts`) } isSuccessStatusCode(statusCode?: number): boolean { if (!statusCode) return false return statusCode >= 200 && statusCode < 300 } isRetryableHttpStatusCode(statusCode?: number): boolean { if (!statusCode) return false const retryableStatusCodes = [ HttpCodes.BadGateway, HttpCodes.GatewayTimeout, HttpCodes.InternalServerError, HttpCodes.ServiceUnavailable, HttpCodes.TooManyRequests, 413 // Payload Too Large ] return retryableStatusCodes.includes(statusCode) } async sleep(milliseconds: number): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, milliseconds)) } getExponentialRetryTimeMilliseconds(attempt: number): number { if (attempt < 0) { throw new Error("attempt should be a positive integer") } if (attempt === 0) { return this.baseRetryIntervalMilliseconds } const minTime = this.baseRetryIntervalMilliseconds * this.retryMultiplier ** (attempt) const maxTime = minTime * this.retryMultiplier // returns a random number between minTime and maxTime (exclusive) return Math.trunc(Math.random() * (maxTime - minTime) + minTime) } } export function createArtifactTwirpClient(type: "upload" | "download", httpClient?: HttpClient): ArtifactServiceClientJSON { const client = new ArtifactHttpClient(`@actions/artifact-${type}`, httpClient) return new ArtifactServiceClientJSON(client) }