import * as github from '@actions/github' import type {RequestInterface} from '@octokit/types' import { getArtifactInternal, getArtifactPublic } from '../src/internal/find/get-artifact' import * as config from '../src/internal/shared/config' import {ArtifactServiceClientJSON, Timestamp} from '../src/generated' import * as util from '../src/internal/shared/util' import {noopLogs} from './common' import { ArtifactNotFoundError, InvalidResponseError } from '../src/internal/shared/errors' type MockedRequest = jest.MockedFunction<RequestInterface<object>> jest.mock('@actions/github', () => ({ getOctokit: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ request: jest.fn() }) })) const fixtures = { repo: 'toolkit', owner: 'actions', token: 'ghp_1234567890', runId: 123, backendIds: { workflowRunBackendId: 'c4d7c21f-ba3f-4ddc-a8c8-6f2f626f8422', workflowJobRunBackendId: '760803a1-f890-4d25-9a6e-a3fc01a0c7cf' }, artifacts: [ { id: 1, name: 'my-artifact', size: 456, createdAt: new Date('2023-12-01') }, { id: 2, name: 'my-artifact', size: 456, createdAt: new Date('2023-12-02') } ] } describe('get-artifact', () => { beforeAll(() => { noopLogs() }) describe('public', () => { it('should return the artifact if it is found', async () => { const mockRequest = github.getOctokit(fixtures.token) .request as MockedRequest mockRequest.mockResolvedValueOnce({ status: 200, headers: {}, url: '', data: { artifacts: [ { name: fixtures.artifacts[0].name, id: fixtures.artifacts[0].id, size_in_bytes: fixtures.artifacts[0].size, created_at: fixtures.artifacts[0].createdAt.toISOString() } ] } }) const response = await getArtifactPublic( fixtures.artifacts[0].name, fixtures.runId, fixtures.owner, fixtures.repo, fixtures.token ) expect(response).toEqual({ artifact: fixtures.artifacts[0] }) }) it('should return the latest artifact if multiple are found', async () => { const mockRequest = github.getOctokit(fixtures.token) .request as MockedRequest mockRequest.mockResolvedValueOnce({ status: 200, headers: {}, url: '', data: { artifacts: => ({ name:, id:, size_in_bytes: artifact.size, created_at: artifact.createdAt.toISOString() })) } }) const response = await getArtifactPublic( fixtures.artifacts[0].name, fixtures.runId, fixtures.owner, fixtures.repo, fixtures.token ) expect(response).toEqual({ artifact: fixtures.artifacts[1] }) }) it('should fail if no artifacts are found', async () => { const mockRequest = github.getOctokit(fixtures.token) .request as MockedRequest mockRequest.mockResolvedValueOnce({ status: 200, headers: {}, url: '', data: { artifacts: [] } }) const response = getArtifactPublic( fixtures.artifacts[0].name, fixtures.runId, fixtures.owner, fixtures.repo, fixtures.token ) expect(response).rejects.toThrowError(ArtifactNotFoundError) }) it('should fail if non-200 response', async () => { const mockRequest = github.getOctokit(fixtures.token) .request as MockedRequest mockRequest.mockResolvedValueOnce({ status: 404, headers: {}, url: '', data: {} }) const response = getArtifactPublic( fixtures.artifacts[0].name, fixtures.runId, fixtures.owner, fixtures.repo, fixtures.token ) expect(response).rejects.toThrowError(InvalidResponseError) }) }) describe('internal', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(config, 'getRuntimeToken').mockReturnValue('test-token') jest .spyOn(util, 'getBackendIdsFromToken') .mockReturnValue(fixtures.backendIds) jest .spyOn(config, 'getResultsServiceUrl') .mockReturnValue('https://results.local') }) it('should return the artifact if it is found', async () => { jest .spyOn(ArtifactServiceClientJSON.prototype, 'ListArtifacts') .mockResolvedValue({ artifacts: [ { ...fixtures.backendIds, databaseId: fixtures.artifacts[0].id.toString(), name: fixtures.artifacts[0].name, size: fixtures.artifacts[0].size.toString(), createdAt: Timestamp.fromDate(fixtures.artifacts[0].createdAt) } ] }) const response = await getArtifactInternal(fixtures.artifacts[0].name) expect(response).toEqual({ artifact: fixtures.artifacts[0] }) }) it('should return the latest artifact if multiple are found', async () => { jest .spyOn(ArtifactServiceClientJSON.prototype, 'ListArtifacts') .mockResolvedValue({ artifacts: => ({ ...fixtures.backendIds, databaseId:, name:, size: artifact.size.toString(), createdAt: Timestamp.fromDate(artifact.createdAt) })) }) const response = await getArtifactInternal(fixtures.artifacts[0].name) expect(response).toEqual({ artifact: fixtures.artifacts[1] }) }) it('should fail if no artifacts are found', async () => { jest .spyOn(ArtifactServiceClientJSON.prototype, 'ListArtifacts') .mockResolvedValue({ artifacts: [] }) const response = getArtifactInternal(fixtures.artifacts[0].name) expect(response).rejects.toThrowError(ArtifactNotFoundError) }) it('should fail if non-200 response', async () => { jest .spyOn(ArtifactServiceClientJSON.prototype, 'ListArtifacts') .mockRejectedValue(new Error('boom')) const response = getArtifactInternal(fixtures.artifacts[0].name) expect(response).rejects.toThrow() }) }) })