mirror of https://github.com/actions/toolkit
118 lines
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118 lines
2.9 KiB
import {getIDToken} from '@actions/core'
import {HttpClient} from '@actions/http-client'
import * as jose from 'jose'
const OIDC_AUDIENCE = 'nobody'
new RegExp('^https://[a-z0-9-]+\\.ghe\\.com$')
] as const
] as const
export type ClaimSet = {[K in (typeof REQUIRED_CLAIMS)[number]]: string}
type OIDCConfig = {
jwks_uri: string
export const getIDTokenClaims = async (issuer?: string): Promise<ClaimSet> => {
issuer = issuer || getIssuer()
try {
const token = await getIDToken(OIDC_AUDIENCE)
const claims = await decodeOIDCToken(token, issuer)
return claims
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(`Failed to get ID token: ${error.message}`)
const decodeOIDCToken = async (
token: string,
issuer: string
): Promise<jose.JWTPayload> => {
// Verify and decode token
const jwks = jose.createLocalJWKSet(await getJWKS(issuer))
const {payload} = await jose.jwtVerify(token, jwks, {
if (!payload.iss) {
throw new Error('Missing "iss" claim')
// Check that the issuer STARTS WITH the expected issuer URL to account for
// the fact that the value may include an enterprise-specific slug
if (!payload.iss.startsWith(issuer)) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected "iss" claim: ${payload.iss}`)
return payload
const getJWKS = async (issuer: string): Promise<jose.JSONWebKeySet> => {
const client = new HttpClient('@actions/attest')
const config = await client.getJson<OIDCConfig>(
if (!config.result) {
throw new Error('No OpenID configuration found')
const jwks = await client.getJson<jose.JSONWebKeySet>(config.result.jwks_uri)
if (!jwks.result) {
throw new Error('No JWKS found for issuer')
return jwks.result
function assertClaimSet(claims: jose.JWTPayload): asserts claims is ClaimSet {
const missingClaims: string[] = []
for (const claim of REQUIRED_CLAIMS) {
if (!(claim in claims)) {
if (missingClaims.length > 0) {
throw new Error(`Missing claims: ${missingClaims.join(', ')}`)
// Derive the current OIDC issuer based on the server URL
function getIssuer(): string {
const serverURL = process.env.GITHUB_SERVER_URL || 'https://github.com'
// Ensure the server URL is a valid GitHub server URL
if (!VALID_SERVER_URLS.some(valid_url => serverURL.match(valid_url))) {
throw new Error(`Invalid server URL: ${serverURL}`)
let host = new URL(serverURL).hostname
if (host === 'github.com') {
host = 'githubusercontent.com'
return `https://token.actions.${host}`