mirror of https://github.com/actions/toolkit
322 lines
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322 lines
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import * as assert from 'assert'
import * as os from 'os'
import * as path from 'path'
import * as pathHelper from './internal-path-helper'
import {Minimatch, IMinimatch, IOptions as IMinimatchOptions} from 'minimatch'
import {MatchKind} from './internal-match-kind'
import {Path} from './internal-path'
const IS_WINDOWS = process.platform === 'win32'
export class Pattern {
* Indicates whether matches should be excluded from the result set
readonly negate: boolean = false
* The directory to search. The literal path prior to the first glob segment.
readonly searchPath: string
* The path/pattern segments. Note, only the first segment (the root directory)
* may contain a directory separator charactor. Use the trailingSeparator field
* to determine whether the pattern ended with a trailing slash.
readonly segments: string[]
* Indicates the pattern should only match directories, not regular files.
readonly trailingSeparator: boolean
* The Minimatch object used for matching
private readonly minimatch: IMinimatch
* Used to workaround a limitation with Minimatch when determining a partial
* match and the path is a root directory. For example, when the pattern is
* `/foo/**` or `C:\foo\**` and the path is `/` or `C:\`.
private readonly rootRegExp: RegExp
/* eslint-disable no-dupe-class-members */
// Disable no-dupe-class-members due to false positive for method overload
// https://github.com/typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint/issues/291
constructor(pattern: string)
constructor(negate: boolean, segments: string[])
constructor(patternOrNegate: string | boolean, segments?: string[]) {
// Pattern overload
let pattern: string
if (typeof patternOrNegate === 'string') {
pattern = patternOrNegate.trim()
// Segments overload
else {
// Convert to pattern
segments = segments || []
assert(segments.length, `Parameter 'segments' must not empty`)
const root = Pattern.getLiteral(segments[0])
root && pathHelper.hasAbsoluteRoot(root),
`Parameter 'segments' first element must be a root path`
pattern = new Path(segments).toString().trim()
if (patternOrNegate) {
pattern = `!${pattern}`
// Negate
while (pattern.startsWith('!')) {
this.negate = !this.negate
pattern = pattern.substr(1).trim()
// Normalize slashes and ensures absolute root
pattern = Pattern.fixupPattern(pattern)
// Segments
this.segments = new Path(pattern).segments
// Trailing slash indicates the pattern should only match directories, not regular files
this.trailingSeparator = pathHelper
pattern = pathHelper.safeTrimTrailingSeparator(pattern)
// Search path (literal path prior to the first glob segment)
let foundGlob = false
const searchSegments = this.segments
.map(x => Pattern.getLiteral(x))
.filter(x => !foundGlob && !(foundGlob = x === ''))
this.searchPath = new Path(searchSegments).toString()
// Root RegExp (required when determining partial match)
this.rootRegExp = new RegExp(
IS_WINDOWS ? 'i' : ''
// Create minimatch
const minimatchOptions: IMinimatchOptions = {
dot: true,
nobrace: true,
nocase: IS_WINDOWS,
nocomment: true,
noext: true,
nonegate: true
pattern = IS_WINDOWS ? pattern.replace(/\\/g, '/') : pattern
this.minimatch = new Minimatch(pattern, minimatchOptions)
* Matches the pattern against the specified path
match(itemPath: string): MatchKind {
// Last segment is globstar?
if (this.segments[this.segments.length - 1] === '**') {
// Normalize slashes
itemPath = pathHelper.normalizeSeparators(itemPath)
// Append a trailing slash. Otherwise Minimatch will not match the directory immediately
// preceeding the globstar. For example, given the pattern `/foo/**`, Minimatch returns
// false for `/foo` but returns true for `/foo/`. Append a trailing slash to handle that quirk.
if (!itemPath.endsWith(path.sep)) {
// Note, this is safe because the constructor ensures the pattern has an absolute root.
// For example, formats like C: and C:foo on Windows are resolved to an aboslute root.
itemPath = `${itemPath}${path.sep}`
} else {
// Normalize slashes and trim unnecessary trailing slash
itemPath = pathHelper.safeTrimTrailingSeparator(itemPath)
// Match
if (this.minimatch.match(itemPath)) {
return this.trailingSeparator ? MatchKind.Directory : MatchKind.All
return MatchKind.None
* Indicates whether the pattern may match descendants of the specified path
partialMatch(itemPath: string): boolean {
// Normalize slashes and trim unnecessary trailing slash
itemPath = pathHelper.safeTrimTrailingSeparator(itemPath)
// matchOne does not handle root path correctly
if (pathHelper.dirname(itemPath) === itemPath) {
return this.rootRegExp.test(itemPath)
return this.minimatch.matchOne(
itemPath.split(IS_WINDOWS ? /\\+/ : /\/+/),
* Escapes glob patterns within a path
static globEscape(s: string): string {
return (IS_WINDOWS ? s : s.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\')) // escape '\' on Linux/macOS
.replace(/(\[)(?=[^/]+\])/g, '[[]') // escape '[' when ']' follows within the path segment
.replace(/\?/g, '[?]') // escape '?'
.replace(/\*/g, '[*]') // escape '*'
* Normalizes slashes and ensures absolute root
private static fixupPattern(pattern: string): string {
// Empty
assert(pattern, 'pattern cannot be empty')
// Must not contain `.` segment, unless first segment
// Must not contain `..` segment
const literalSegments = new Path(pattern).segments.map(x =>
literalSegments.every((x, i) => (x !== '.' || i === 0) && x !== '..'),
`Invalid pattern '${pattern}'. Relative pathing '.' and '..' is not allowed.`
// Must not contain globs in root, e.g. Windows UNC path \\foo\b*r
!pathHelper.hasRoot(pattern) || literalSegments[0],
`Invalid pattern '${pattern}'. Root segment must not contain globs.`
// Normalize slashes
pattern = pathHelper.normalizeSeparators(pattern)
// Replace leading `.` segment
if (pattern === '.' || pattern.startsWith(`.${path.sep}`)) {
pattern = Pattern.globEscape(process.cwd()) + pattern.substr(1)
// Replace leading `~` segment
else if (pattern === '~' || pattern.startsWith(`~${path.sep}`)) {
const homedir = os.homedir()
assert(homedir, 'Unable to determine HOME directory')
`Expected HOME directory to be a rooted path. Actual '${homedir}'`
pattern = Pattern.globEscape(homedir) + pattern.substr(1)
// Replace relative drive root, e.g. pattern is C: or C:foo
else if (
(pattern.match(/^[A-Z]:$/i) || pattern.match(/^[A-Z]:[^\\]/i))
) {
let root = pathHelper.ensureAbsoluteRoot(
pattern.substr(0, 2)
if (pattern.length > 2 && !root.endsWith('\\')) {
root += '\\'
pattern = Pattern.globEscape(root) + pattern.substr(2)
// Replace relative root, e.g. pattern is \ or \foo
else if (IS_WINDOWS && (pattern === '\\' || pattern.match(/^\\[^\\]/))) {
let root = pathHelper.ensureAbsoluteRoot('C:\\dummy-root', '\\')
if (!root.endsWith('\\')) {
root += '\\'
pattern = Pattern.globEscape(root) + pattern.substr(1)
// Otherwise ensure absolute root
else {
pattern = pathHelper.ensureAbsoluteRoot(
return pathHelper.normalizeSeparators(pattern)
* Attempts to unescape a pattern segment to create a literal path segment.
* Otherwise returns empty string.
private static getLiteral(segment: string): string {
let literal = ''
for (let i = 0; i < segment.length; i++) {
const c = segment[i]
// Escape
if (c === '\\' && !IS_WINDOWS && i + 1 < segment.length) {
literal += segment[++i]
// Wildcard
else if (c === '*' || c === '?') {
return ''
// Character set
else if (c === '[' && i + 1 < segment.length) {
let set = ''
let closed = -1
for (let i2 = i + 1; i2 < segment.length; i2++) {
const c2 = segment[i2]
// Escape
if (c2 === '\\' && !IS_WINDOWS && i2 + 1 < segment.length) {
set += segment[++i2]
// Closed
else if (c2 === ']') {
closed = i2
// Otherwise
else {
set += c2
// Closed?
if (closed >= 0) {
// Cannot convert
if (set.length > 1) {
return ''
// Convert to literal
if (set) {
literal += set
i = closed
// Otherwise fall thru
// Append
literal += c
return literal
* Escapes regexp special characters
* https://javascript.info/regexp-escaping
private static regExpEscape(s: string): string {
return s.replace(/[[\\^$.|?*+()]/g, '\\$&')