import * as core from '@actions/core' import artifact from '@actions/artifact' import {run} from '../src/merge/merge-artifacts' import {Inputs} from '../src/merge/constants' import * as search from '../src/shared/search' const fixtures = { artifactName: 'my-merged-artifact', tmpDirectory: '/tmp/merge-artifact', filesToUpload: [ '/some/artifact/path/file-a.txt', '/some/artifact/path/file-b.txt', '/some/artifact/path/file-c.txt' ], artifacts: [ { name: 'my-artifact-a', id: 1, size: 100, createdAt: new Date('2024-01-01T00:00:00Z') }, { name: 'my-artifact-b', id: 2, size: 100, createdAt: new Date('2024-01-01T00:00:00Z') }, { name: 'my-artifact-c', id: 3, size: 100, createdAt: new Date('2024-01-01T00:00:00Z') } ] } jest.mock('@actions/github', () => ({ context: { repo: { owner: 'actions', repo: 'toolkit' }, runId: 123, serverUrl: '' } })) jest.mock('@actions/core') jest.mock('fs/promises', () => ({ mkdtemp: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('/tmp/merge-artifact'), rm: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(undefined) })) /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ const mockInputs = (overrides?: Partial<{[K in Inputs]?: any}>) => { const inputs = { [Inputs.Name]: 'my-merged-artifact', [Inputs.Pattern]: '*', [Inputs.IfNoFilesFound]: 'error', [Inputs.SeparateDirectories]: false, [Inputs.RetentionDays]: 0, [Inputs.CompressionLevel]: 6, [Inputs.DeleteMerged]: false, ...overrides } ;(core.getInput as jest.Mock).mockImplementation((name: string) => { return inputs[name] }) ;(core.getBooleanInput as jest.Mock).mockImplementation((name: string) => { return inputs[name] }) return inputs } describe('merge', () => { beforeEach(async () => { mockInputs() jest .spyOn(artifact, 'listArtifacts') .mockResolvedValue({artifacts: fixtures.artifacts}) jest.spyOn(artifact, 'downloadArtifact').mockResolvedValue({ downloadPath: fixtures.tmpDirectory }) jest.spyOn(search, 'findFilesToUpload').mockResolvedValue({ filesToUpload: fixtures.filesToUpload, rootDirectory: fixtures.tmpDirectory }) jest.spyOn(artifact, 'uploadArtifact').mockResolvedValue({ size: 123, id: 1337 }) jest .spyOn(artifact, 'deleteArtifact') .mockImplementation(async artifactName => { const artifact = fixtures.artifacts.find(a => === artifactName) if (!artifact) throw new Error(`Artifact ${artifactName} not found`) return {id:} }) }) it('merges artifacts', async () => { await run() for (const a of fixtures.artifacts) { expect(artifact.downloadArtifact).toHaveBeenCalledWith(, { path: fixtures.tmpDirectory }) } expect(artifact.uploadArtifact).toHaveBeenCalledWith( fixtures.artifactName, fixtures.filesToUpload, fixtures.tmpDirectory, {compressionLevel: 6} ) }) it('supports error (by default) if no artifacts found', async () => { mockInputs({[Inputs.Pattern]: 'this-does-not-match'}) await run() expect(core.setFailed).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `No artifacts were found with the provided pattern: this-does-not-match.` ) expect(artifact.uploadArtifact).not.toBeCalled() expect(artifact.downloadArtifact).not.toBeCalled() }) it('supports warn if no artifacts found', async () => { mockInputs({ [Inputs.Pattern]: 'this-does-not-match', [Inputs.IfNoFilesFound]: 'warn' }) await run() expect(core.warning).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `No artifacts were found with the provided pattern: this-does-not-match.` ) expect(artifact.uploadArtifact).not.toBeCalled() expect(artifact.downloadArtifact).not.toBeCalled() }) it('supports ignore if no artifacts found', async () => { mockInputs({ [Inputs.Pattern]: 'this-does-not-match', [Inputs.IfNoFilesFound]: 'ignore' }) await run() expect( `No artifacts were found with the provided pattern: this-does-not-match.` ) expect(artifact.uploadArtifact).not.toBeCalled() expect(artifact.downloadArtifact).not.toBeCalled() }) it('supports custom compression level', async () => { mockInputs({ [Inputs.CompressionLevel]: 2 }) await run() expect(artifact.uploadArtifact).toHaveBeenCalledWith( fixtures.artifactName, fixtures.filesToUpload, fixtures.tmpDirectory, {compressionLevel: 2} ) }) it('supports custom retention days', async () => { mockInputs({ [Inputs.RetentionDays]: 7 }) await run() expect(artifact.uploadArtifact).toHaveBeenCalledWith( fixtures.artifactName, fixtures.filesToUpload, fixtures.tmpDirectory, {retentionDays: 7, compressionLevel: 6} ) }) it('supports deleting artifacts after merge', async () => { mockInputs({ [Inputs.DeleteMerged]: true }) await run() for (const a of fixtures.artifacts) { expect(artifact.deleteArtifact).toHaveBeenCalledWith( } }) })