2023-08-30 14:09:05 +00:00
< ? php declare ( strict_types = 1 );
namespace Composer\Test\Command ;
use Composer\Test\TestCase ;
use InvalidArgumentException ;
class DumpAutoloadCommandTest extends TestCase
public function testDumpAutoload () : void
$appTester = $this -> getApplicationTester ();
$this -> assertSame ( 0 , $appTester -> run ([ 'command' => 'dump-autoload' ]));
$output = $appTester -> getDisplay ( true );
$this -> assertStringContainsString ( 'Generating autoload files' , $output );
$this -> assertStringContainsString ( 'Generated autoload files' , $output );
public function testDumpDevAutoload () : void
$appTester = $this -> getApplicationTester ();
$this -> assertSame ( 0 , $appTester -> run ([ 'command' => 'dump-autoload' , '--dev' => true ]));
$output = $appTester -> getDisplay ( true );
$this -> assertStringContainsString ( 'Generating autoload files' , $output );
$this -> assertStringContainsString ( 'Generated autoload files' , $output );
public function testDumpNoDevAutoload () : void
$appTester = $this -> getApplicationTester ();
$this -> assertSame ( 0 , $appTester -> run ([ 'command' => 'dump-autoload' , '--dev' => true ]));
$output = $appTester -> getDisplay ( true );
$this -> assertStringContainsString ( 'Generating autoload files' , $output );
$this -> assertStringContainsString ( 'Generated autoload files' , $output );
public function testUsingOptimizeAndStrictPsr () : void
$appTester = $this -> getApplicationTester ();
$this -> assertSame ( 0 , $appTester -> run ([ 'command' => 'dump-autoload' , '--optimize' => true , '--strict-psr' => true ]));
$output = $appTester -> getDisplay ( true );
$this -> assertStringContainsString ( 'Generating optimized autoload files' , $output );
$this -> assertMatchesRegularExpression ( '/Generated optimized autoload files containing \d+ classes/' , $output );
2023-08-30 19:42:45 +00:00
public function testFailsUsingStrictPsrIfClassMapViolationsAreFound () : void
$dir = $this -> initTempComposer ([
'autoload' => [
'psr-4' => [
'Application\\' => 'src' ,
mkdir ( $dir . '/src/' );
file_put_contents ( $dir . '/src/Foo.php' , '<?php namespace Application\Src; class Foo {}' );
$appTester = $this -> getApplicationTester ();
$this -> assertSame ( 1 , $appTester -> run ([ 'command' => 'dump-autoload' , '--optimize' => true , '--strict-psr' => true ]));
$output = $appTester -> getDisplay ( true );
$this -> assertMatchesRegularExpression ( '/Class Application\\\Src\\\Foo located in .*? does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping./' , $output );
2023-08-30 14:09:05 +00:00
public function testUsingClassmapAuthoritative () : void
$appTester = $this -> getApplicationTester ();
$this -> assertSame ( 0 , $appTester -> run ([ 'command' => 'dump-autoload' , '--classmap-authoritative' => true ]));
$output = $appTester -> getDisplay ( true );
$this -> assertStringContainsString ( 'Generating optimized autoload files (authoritative)' , $output );
$this -> assertMatchesRegularExpression ( '/Generated optimized autoload files \(authoritative\) containing \d+ classes/' , $output );
public function testStrictPsrDoesNotWorkWithoutOptimizedAutoloader () : void
$appTester = $this -> getApplicationTester ();
$this -> expectException ( InvalidArgumentException :: class );
$this -> expectExceptionMessage ( '--strict-psr mode only works with optimized autoloader, use --optimize if you want a strict return value.' );
$appTester -> run ([ 'command' => 'dump-autoload' , '--strict-psr' => true ]);
public function testDevAndNoDevCannotBeCombined () : void
$appTester = $this -> getApplicationTester ();
$this -> expectException ( InvalidArgumentException :: class );
$this -> expectExceptionMessage ( 'You can not use both --no-dev and --dev as they conflict with each other.' );
$appTester -> run ([ 'command' => 'dump-autoload' , '--dev' => true , '--no-dev' => true ]);