2015-04-10 21:45:24 +00:00
< ? php
* This file is part of Composer .
* ( c ) Roshan Gautam < roshan . gautam @ hotmail . com >
* For the full copyright and license information , please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code .
namespace Composer\Util ;
use Composer\IO\IOInterface ;
use Composer\Config ;
use Composer\Downloader\TransportException ;
use Composer\Json\JsonFile ;
* @ author Roshan Gautam < roshan . gautam @ hotmail . com >
class GitLab
protected $io ;
protected $config ;
protected $process ;
protected $remoteFilesystem ;
* Constructor .
* @ param IOInterface $io The IO instance
* @ param Config $config The composer configuration
* @ param ProcessExecutor $process Process instance , injectable for mocking
* @ param RemoteFilesystem $remoteFilesystem Remote Filesystem , injectable for mocking
public function __construct ( IOInterface $io , Config $config , ProcessExecutor $process = null , RemoteFilesystem $remoteFilesystem = null )
$this -> io = $io ;
$this -> config = $config ;
$this -> process = $process ? : new ProcessExecutor ;
$this -> remoteFilesystem = $remoteFilesystem ? : new RemoteFilesystem ( $io , $config );
* Attempts to authorize a GitLab domain via OAuth
* @ param string $originUrl The host this GitLab instance is located at
* @ return bool true on success
public function authorizeOAuth ( $originUrl )
if ( ! in_array ( $originUrl , $this -> config -> get ( 'gitlab-domains' ))) {
return false ;
// if available use token from git config
if ( 0 === $this -> process -> execute ( 'git config gitlab.accesstoken' , $output )) {
$this -> io -> setAuthentication ( $originUrl , trim ( $output ), 'oauth2' );
return true ;
return false ;
* Authorizes a GitLab domain interactively via OAuth
* @ param string $originUrl The host this GitLab instance is located at
* @ param string $message The reason this authorization is required
* @ throws \RuntimeException
* @ throws TransportException | \Exception
* @ return bool true on success
public function authorizeOAuthInteractively ( $originUrl , $message = null )
if ( $message ) {
$this -> io -> writeError ( $message );
$this -> io -> writeError ( sprintf ( 'A token will be created and stored in "%s", your password will never be stored' , $this -> config -> getAuthConfigSource () -> getName ()));
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$this -> io -> writeError ( 'To revoke access to this token you can visit ' . $originUrl . '/profile/applications' );
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$attemptCounter = 0 ;
while ( $attemptCounter ++ < 5 ) {
try {
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$response = $this -> createToken ( $originUrl );
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} catch ( TransportException $e ) {
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// 401 is bad credentials,
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// 403 is max login attempts exceeded
if ( in_array ( $e -> getCode (), array ( 403 , 401 ))) {
if ( 401 === $e -> getCode ()) {
$this -> io -> writeError ( 'Bad credentials.' );
} else {
$this -> io -> writeError ( 'Maximum number of login attempts exceeded. Please try again later.' );
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$this -> io -> writeError ( 'You can also manually create a personal token at ' . $originUrl . '/profile/applications' );
$this -> io -> writeError ( 'Add it using "composer config gitlab-oauth.' . $originUrl . ' <token>"' );
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continue ;
throw $e ;
$this -> io -> setAuthentication ( $originUrl , $response [ 'access_token' ], 'oauth2' );
$this -> config -> getConfigSource () -> removeConfigSetting ( 'gitlab-oauth.' . $originUrl );
// store value in user config
$this -> config -> getAuthConfigSource () -> addConfigSetting ( 'gitlab-oauth.' . $originUrl , $response [ 'access_token' ]);
return true ;
throw new \RuntimeException ( " Invalid GitLab credentials 5 times in a row, aborting. " );
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private function createToken ( $originUrl )
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if ( ! $this -> io -> hasAuthentication ( $originUrl )) {
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$username = $this -> io -> ask ( 'Username: ' );
$password = $this -> io -> askAndHideAnswer ( 'Password: ' );
$this -> io -> setAuthentication ( $originUrl , $username , $password );
$headers = array ( 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' );
$note = 'Composer' ;
if ( $this -> config -> get ( 'GitLab-expose-hostname' ) === true && 0 === $this -> process -> execute ( 'hostname' , $output )) {
$note .= ' on ' . trim ( $output );
$note .= ' [' . date ( 'YmdHis' ) . ']' ;
$apiUrl = $originUrl ;
$data = http_build_query (
array (
'username' => $username ,
'password' => $password ,
2015-11-13 15:49:14 +00:00
'grant_type' => 'password' ,
2015-04-10 21:45:24 +00:00
$options = array (
'retry-auth-failure' => false ,
'http' => array (
'method' => 'POST' ,
'header' => $headers ,
'content' => $data
$json = $this -> remoteFilesystem -> getContents ( $originUrl , 'http://' . $apiUrl . '/oauth/token' , false , $options );
$this -> io -> writeError ( 'Token successfully created' );
return JsonFile :: parseJson ( $json );