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<?php declare(strict_types=1);
* This file is part of Composer.
* (c) Nils Adermann <naderman@naderman.de>
* Jordi Boggiano <j.boggiano@seld.be>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Composer\Test\Command;
use Composer\Semver\Constraint\Constraint;
use Composer\Semver\Constraint\MatchAllConstraint;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
use UnexpectedValueException;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use Composer\Test\TestCase;
use Composer\Package\Link;
use RuntimeException;
use Generator;
class BaseDependencyCommandTest extends TestCase
* Test that an exception is throw when there weren't provided some parameters
* @covers \Composer\Command\BaseDependencyCommand
* @covers \Composer\Command\DependsCommand
* @covers \Composer\Command\ProhibitsCommand
* @dataProvider noParametersCaseProvider
* @param array<string, string> $parameters
public function testExceptionWhenNoRequiredParameters(
string $command,
array $parameters,
string $expectedExceptionMessage
): void {
$appTester = $this->getApplicationTester();
$this->assertEquals(Command::FAILURE, $appTester->run(['command' => $command] + $parameters));
* @return Generator<string, array{string, array<string, string>, string}>
public static function noParametersCaseProvider(): Generator
yield '`why` command without package parameter' => [
'Not enough arguments (missing: "package").'
yield '`why-not` command without package and version parameters' => [
'Not enough arguments (missing: "package, version").'
yield '`why-not` command without package parameter' => [
['version' => '*'],
'Not enough arguments (missing: "package").'
yield '`why-not` command without version parameter' => [
['package' => 'vendor1/package1'],
'Not enough arguments (missing: "version").'
* Test that an exception is throw when there wasn't provided the locked file alongside `--locked` parameter
* @covers \Composer\Command\BaseDependencyCommand
* @covers \Composer\Command\DependsCommand
* @covers \Composer\Command\ProhibitsCommand
* @dataProvider caseProvider
* @param array<string, string> $parameters
public function testExceptionWhenRunningLockedWithoutLockFile(string $command, array $parameters): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('A valid composer.lock file is required to run this command with --locked');
$appTester = $this->getApplicationTester();
$appTester->run(['command' => $command] + $parameters + ['--locked' => true]
* Test that an exception is throw when the provided package to be inspected isn't required by the project
* @covers \Composer\Command\BaseDependencyCommand
* @covers \Composer\Command\DependsCommand
* @covers \Composer\Command\ProhibitsCommand
* @dataProvider caseProvider
* @param array<string, string> $parameters
public function testExceptionWhenItCouldNotFoundThePackage(string $command, array $parameters): void
$packageToBeInspected = $parameters['package'];
$this->expectExceptionMessage(sprintf('Could not find package "%s" in your project', $packageToBeInspected));
$appTester = $this->getApplicationTester();
$appTester->run(['command' => $command] + $parameters)
* Test that it shows a warning message when the package to be inspected wasn't found in the project
* @covers \Composer\Command\BaseDependencyCommand
* @covers \Composer\Command\DependsCommand
* @covers \Composer\Command\ProhibitsCommand
* @dataProvider caseProvider
* @param array<string, string> $parameters
public function testExceptionWhenPackageWasNotFoundInProject(string $command, array $parameters): void
$packageToBeInspected = $parameters['package'];
'require' => [
'vendor1/package2' => '1.*',
'vendor2/package1' => '2.*'
$firstRequiredPackage = self::getPackage('vendor1/package2');
$secondRequiredPackage = self::getPackage('vendor2/package1');
$this->createInstalledJson([$firstRequiredPackage, $secondRequiredPackage]);
$this->createComposerLock([$firstRequiredPackage, $secondRequiredPackage]);
$this->expectExceptionMessage(sprintf('Could not find package "%s" in your project', $packageToBeInspected));
$appTester = $this->getApplicationTester();
$this->assertEquals(Command::FAILURE, $appTester->run(['command' => $command] + $parameters));
* Test that it shows a warning message when the dependencies haven't been installed yet
* @covers \Composer\Command\BaseDependencyCommand
* @covers \Composer\Command\DependsCommand
* @covers \Composer\Command\ProhibitsCommand
* @dataProvider caseProvider
* @param array<string, string> $parameters
public function testWarningWhenDependenciesAreNotInstalled(string $command, array $parameters): void
$expectedWarningMessage = '<warning>No dependencies installed. Try running composer install or update, or use --locked.</warning>';
'require' => [
'vendor1/package1' => '1.*'
'require-dev' => [
'vendor2/package1' => '2.*'
$someRequiredPackage = self::getPackage('vendor1/package1');
$someDevRequiredPackage = self::getPackage('vendor2/package1');
$this->createComposerLock([$someRequiredPackage], [$someDevRequiredPackage]);
$appTester = $this->getApplicationTester();
$appTester->run(['command' => $command] + $parameters);
$this->assertSame($expectedWarningMessage, trim($appTester->getDisplay(true)));
* @return Generator<string, array{string, array<string, string>}>
public static function caseProvider(): Generator
yield '`why` command' => [
['package' => 'vendor1/package1']
yield '`why-not` command' => [
['package' => 'vendor1/package1', 'version' => '1.*']
* Test that it finishes successfully and show some expected outputs depending on different command parameters
* @covers \Composer\Command\BaseDependencyCommand
* @covers \Composer\Command\DependsCommand
* @dataProvider caseWhyProvider
* @param array<string, string|bool> $parameters
public function testWhyCommandOutputs(array $parameters, string $expectedOutput): void
$packageToBeInspected = $parameters['package'];
$renderAsTree = $parameters['--tree'] ?? false;
$renderRecursively = $parameters['--recursive'] ?? false;
'repositories' => [
'packages' => [
'type' => 'package',
'package' => [
['name' => 'vendor1/package1', 'version' => '1.3.0', 'require' => ['vendor1/package2' => '^2']],
['name' => 'vendor1/package2', 'version' => '2.3.0', 'require' => ['vendor1/package3' => '^1']],
['name' => 'vendor1/package3', 'version' => '2.1.0']
'require' => [
'vendor1/package2' => '1.3.0',
'vendor1/package3' => '2.3.0',
'require-dev' => [
'vendor2/package1' => '2.*'
$firstRequiredPackage = self::getPackage('vendor1/package1', '1.3.0');
'vendor1/package2' => new Link(
new MatchAllConstraint(),
$secondRequiredPackage = self::getPackage('vendor1/package2', '2.3.0');
'vendor1/package3' => new Link(
new MatchAllConstraint(),
$thirdRequiredPackage = self::getPackage('vendor1/package3', '2.1.0');
$someDevRequiredPackage = self::getPackage('vendor2/package1');
[$firstRequiredPackage, $secondRequiredPackage, $thirdRequiredPackage],
[$firstRequiredPackage, $secondRequiredPackage, $thirdRequiredPackage],
$appTester = $this->getApplicationTester();
'command' => 'why',
'package' => $packageToBeInspected,
'--tree' => $renderAsTree,
'--recursive' => $renderRecursively,
'--locked' => true
$this->assertEquals(trim($expectedOutput), trim($appTester->getDisplay(true)));
* @return Generator<string, array{array<string, string|bool>, string}>
public static function caseWhyProvider(): Generator
yield 'there is no installed package depending on the package' => [
['package' => 'vendor1/package1'],
'There is no installed package depending on "vendor1/package1"'
yield 'a nested package dependency' => [
['package' => 'vendor1/package3'],
__root__ - requires vendor1/package3 (2.3.0)
vendor1/package2 2.3.0 requires vendor1/package3 (^1)
yield 'a nested package dependency (tree mode)' => [
['package' => 'vendor1/package3', '--tree' => true],
vendor1/package3 2.1.0
|--__root__ (requires vendor1/package3 2.3.0)
`--vendor1/package2 2.3.0 (requires vendor1/package3 ^1)
|--__root__ (requires vendor1/package2 1.3.0)
`--vendor1/package1 1.3.0 (requires vendor1/package2 ^2)
yield 'a nested package dependency (recursive mode)' => [
['package' => 'vendor1/package3', '--recursive' => true],
__root__ - requires vendor1/package2 (1.3.0)
vendor1/package1 1.3.0 requires vendor1/package2 (^2)
__root__ - requires vendor1/package3 (2.3.0)
vendor1/package2 2.3.0 requires vendor1/package3 (^1)
yield 'a simple package dev dependency' => [
['package' => 'vendor2/package1'],
'__root__ - requires (for development) vendor2/package1 (2.*)'
* Test that it finishes successfully and show some expected outputs depending on different command parameters
* @covers \Composer\Command\BaseDependencyCommand
* @covers \Composer\Command\ProhibitsCommand
* @dataProvider caseWhyNotProvider
* @param array<string, string> $parameters
public function testWhyNotCommandOutputs(array $parameters, string $expectedOutput): void
$packageToBeInspected = $parameters['package'];
$packageVersionToBeInspected = $parameters['version'];
'repositories' => [
'packages' => [
'type' => 'package',
'package' => [
['name' => 'vendor1/package1', 'version' => '1.3.0'],
['name' => 'vendor2/package1', 'version' => '2.0.0'],
['name' => 'vendor2/package2', 'version' => '1.0.0', 'require' => ['vendor2/package3' => '1.4.*']],
['name' => 'vendor2/package3', 'version' => '1.4.0'],
['name' => 'vendor2/package3', 'version' => '1.5.0']
'require' => [
'vendor1/package1' => '1.*'
'require-dev' => [
'vendor2/package1' => '2.*',
'vendor2/package2' => '^1'
$someRequiredPackage = self::getPackage('vendor1/package1', '1.3.0');
$firstDevRequiredPackage = self::getPackage('vendor2/package1', '2.0.0');
$secondDevRequiredPackage = self::getPackage('vendor2/package2', '1.0.0');
'vendor2/package3' => new Link(
new MatchAllConstraint(),
$secondDevNestedRequiredPackage = self::getPackage('vendor2/package3', '1.4.0');
[$firstDevRequiredPackage, $secondDevRequiredPackage]
[$firstDevRequiredPackage, $secondDevRequiredPackage, $secondDevNestedRequiredPackage]
$appTester = $this->getApplicationTester();
'command' => 'why-not',
'package' => $packageToBeInspected,
'version' => $packageVersionToBeInspected
$this->assertSame(trim($expectedOutput), trim($appTester->getDisplay(true)));
* @return Generator<string, array{array<string, string>, string}>
public function caseWhyNotProvider(): Generator
yield 'it could not found the package with a specific version' => [
['package' => 'vendor1/package1', 'version' => '3.*'],
Package "vendor1/package1" could not be found with constraint "3.*", results below will most likely be incomplete.
__root__ - requires vendor1/package1 (1.*)
Not finding what you were looking for? Try calling `composer update "vendor1/package1:3.*" --dry-run` to get another view on the problem.
yield 'it could not found the package and there is no installed package with a specific version' => [
['package' => 'vendor1/package1', 'version' => '^1.4'],
Package "vendor1/package1" could not be found with constraint "^1.4", results below will most likely be incomplete.
There is no installed package depending on "vendor1/package1" in versions not matching ^1.4
Not finding what you were looking for? Try calling `composer update "vendor1/package1:^1.4" --dry-run` to get another view on the problem.
yield 'there is no installed package depending on the package in versions not matching a specific version' => [
['package' => 'vendor1/package1', 'version' => '^1.3'],
There is no installed package depending on "vendor1/package1" in versions not matching ^1.3
Not finding what you were looking for? Try calling `composer update "vendor1/package1:^1.3" --dry-run` to get another view on the problem.
yield 'an installed package requires an incompatible version of the inspected package' => [
['package' => 'vendor2/package3', 'version' => '1.5.0'],
vendor2/package2 1.0.0 requires vendor2/package3 (1.4.*)
Not finding what you were looking for? Try calling `composer update "vendor2/package3:1.5.0" --dry-run` to get another view on the problem.