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* This file is part of Composer.
* (c) Nils Adermann <naderman@naderman.de>
* Jordi Boggiano <j.boggiano@seld.be>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Composer\Repository;
2011-09-20 21:34:06 +00:00
use Composer\Package\Loader\ArrayLoader;
use Composer\Package\PackageInterface;
2012-10-13 16:54:48 +00:00
use Composer\Package\AliasPackage;
use Composer\Package\Version\VersionParser;
2012-10-13 16:54:48 +00:00
use Composer\DependencyResolver\Pool;
use Composer\Json\JsonFile;
2012-04-06 20:39:43 +00:00
use Composer\Cache;
use Composer\Config;
use Composer\IO\IOInterface;
use Composer\Util\RemoteFilesystem;
* @author Jordi Boggiano <j.boggiano@seld.be>
class ComposerRepository extends ArrayRepository implements StreamableRepositoryInterface
protected $config;
protected $options;
2011-09-20 21:34:06 +00:00
protected $url;
2012-10-14 14:33:53 +00:00
protected $baseUrl;
protected $io;
protected $rfs;
2012-04-06 20:39:43 +00:00
protected $cache;
protected $notifyUrl;
2012-10-14 14:33:53 +00:00
protected $hasProviders = false;
protected $providersUrl;
2012-10-14 14:33:53 +00:00
protected $providerListing;
protected $providers = array();
protected $providersByUid = array();
protected $loader;
protected $rootAliases;
2012-08-24 00:29:03 +00:00
private $rawData;
private $minimalPackages;
private $degradedMode = false;
private $rootData;
public function __construct(array $repoConfig, IOInterface $io, Config $config)
if (!preg_match('{^[\w.]+\??://}', $repoConfig['url'])) {
// assume http as the default protocol
$repoConfig['url'] = 'http://'.$repoConfig['url'];
2011-12-03 11:43:38 +00:00
$repoConfig['url'] = rtrim($repoConfig['url'], '/');
if ('https?' === substr($repoConfig['url'], 0, 6)) {
$repoConfig['url'] = (extension_loaded('openssl') ? 'https' : 'http') . substr($repoConfig['url'], 6);
$urlBits = parse_url($repoConfig['url']);
if (empty($urlBits['scheme']) || empty($urlBits['host'])) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Invalid url given for Composer repository: '.$repoConfig['url']);
2011-09-20 21:34:06 +00:00
if (!isset($repoConfig['options'])) {
$repoConfig['options'] = array();
$this->config = $config;
$this->options = $repoConfig['options'];
$this->url = $repoConfig['url'];
2012-10-14 14:33:53 +00:00
$this->baseUrl = rtrim(preg_replace('{^(.*)(?:/packages.json)?(?:[?#].*)?$}', '$1', $this->url), '/');
$this->io = $io;
$this->cache = new Cache($io, $config->get('cache-repo-dir').'/'.preg_replace('{[^a-z0-9.]}i', '-', $this->url), 'a-z0-9.$');
$this->loader = new ArrayLoader();
$this->rfs = new RemoteFilesystem($this->io, $this->options);
public function setRootAliases(array $rootAliases)
$this->rootAliases = $rootAliases;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getMinimalPackages()
if (isset($this->minimalPackages)) {
return $this->minimalPackages;
2012-08-24 00:29:03 +00:00
if (null === $this->rawData) {
$this->rawData = $this->loadDataFromServer();
$this->minimalPackages = array();
$versionParser = new VersionParser;
2012-08-24 00:29:03 +00:00
foreach ($this->rawData as $package) {
$version = !empty($package['version_normalized']) ? $package['version_normalized'] : $versionParser->normalize($package['version']);
$data = array(
'name' => strtolower($package['name']),
'repo' => $this,
'version' => $version,
'raw' => $package,
if (!empty($package['replace'])) {
$data['replace'] = $package['replace'];
if (!empty($package['provide'])) {
$data['provide'] = $package['provide'];
// add branch aliases
if ($aliasNormalized = $this->loader->getBranchAlias($package)) {
$data['alias'] = preg_replace('{(\.9{7})+}', '.x', $aliasNormalized);
$data['alias_normalized'] = $aliasNormalized;
$this->minimalPackages[] = $data;
return $this->minimalPackages;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function filterPackages($callback, $class = 'Composer\Package\Package')
2012-08-24 00:29:03 +00:00
if (null === $this->rawData) {
$this->rawData = $this->loadDataFromServer();
2012-08-24 00:29:03 +00:00
foreach ($this->rawData as $package) {
if (false === call_user_func($callback, $package = $this->createPackage($package, $class))) {
return false;
if ($package->getAlias()) {
if (false === call_user_func($callback, $this->createAliasPackage($package))) {
return false;
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function loadPackage(array $data)
$package = $this->createPackage($data['raw'], 'Composer\Package\Package');
return $package;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function loadAliasPackage(array $data, PackageInterface $aliasOf)
$aliasPackage = $this->createAliasPackage($aliasOf, $data['version'], $data['alias']);
return $aliasPackage;
public function hasProviders()
2012-10-14 14:33:53 +00:00
return $this->hasProviders;
public function resetPackageIds()
foreach ($this->providersByUid as $package) {
2012-10-22 12:28:55 +00:00
if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) {
2012-10-13 16:54:48 +00:00
public function whatProvides(Pool $pool, $name)
2012-10-14 14:33:53 +00:00
// skip platform packages
if ($name === 'php' || in_array(substr($name, 0, 4), array('ext-', 'lib-'), true) || $name === '__root__') {
return array();
if (isset($this->providers[$name])) {
return $this->providers[$name];
2012-10-14 14:33:53 +00:00
if (null === $this->providerListing) {
if ($this->providersUrl) {
// package does not exist in this repo
if (!isset($this->providerListing[$name])) {
return array();
2012-10-14 14:33:53 +00:00
$hash = $this->providerListing[$name]['sha256'];
$url = str_replace(array('%package%', '%hash%'), array($name, $hash), $this->providersUrl);
$cacheKey = 'provider-'.strtr($name, '/', '$').'.json';
} else {
// BC handling for old providers-includes
$url = 'p/'.$name.'.json';
// package does not exist in this repo
if (!isset($this->providerListing[$url])) {
return array();
$hash = $this->providerListing[$url]['sha256'];
$cacheKey = null;
2012-10-14 14:33:53 +00:00
if ($this->cache->sha256($cacheKey) === $hash) {
$packages = json_decode($this->cache->read($cacheKey), true);
2012-10-14 14:33:53 +00:00
} else {
$packages = $this->fetchFile($url, $cacheKey, $hash);
$this->providers[$name] = array();
2012-10-13 16:54:48 +00:00
foreach ($packages['packages'] as $versions) {
foreach ($versions as $version) {
2012-10-13 16:54:48 +00:00
// avoid loading the same objects twice
if (isset($this->providersByUid[$version['uid']])) {
2012-10-13 16:54:48 +00:00
// skip if already assigned
if (!isset($this->providers[$name][$version['uid']])) {
// expand alias in two packages
if ($this->providersByUid[$version['uid']] instanceof AliasPackage) {
$this->providers[$name][$version['uid']] = $this->providersByUid[$version['uid']]->getAliasOf();
$this->providers[$name][$version['uid'].'-alias'] = $this->providersByUid[$version['uid']];
} else {
$this->providers[$name][$version['uid']] = $this->providersByUid[$version['uid']];
// check for root aliases
if (isset($this->providersByUid[$version['uid'].'-root'])) {
$this->providers[$name][$version['uid'].'-root'] = $this->providersByUid[$version['uid'].'-root'];
2012-10-13 16:54:48 +00:00
} else {
if (!$pool->isPackageAcceptable(strtolower($version['name']), VersionParser::parseStability($version['version']))) {
2012-10-13 16:54:48 +00:00
// load acceptable packages in the providers
$package = $this->createPackage($version, 'Composer\Package\Package');
2012-10-13 16:54:48 +00:00
$this->providers[$name][$version['uid']] = $package;
$this->providersByUid[$version['uid']] = $package;
if ($package->getAlias()) {
$alias = $this->createAliasPackage($package);
2012-10-13 16:54:48 +00:00
$this->providers[$name][$version['uid'].'-alias'] = $alias;
// override provider with its alias so it can be expanded in the if block above
$this->providersByUid[$version['uid']] = $alias;
// handle root package aliases
if (isset($this->rootAliases[$name][$package->getVersion()])) {
$rootAliasData = $this->rootAliases[$name][$package->getVersion()];
} elseif (($aliasNormalized = $package->getAlias()) && isset($this->rootAliases[$name][$aliasNormalized])) {
$rootAliasData = $this->rootAliases[$name][$aliasNormalized];
if (isset($rootAliasData)) {
$alias = $this->createAliasPackage($package, $rootAliasData['alias_normalized'], $rootAliasData['alias']);
$this->providers[$name][$version['uid'].'-root'] = $alias;
$this->providersByUid[$version['uid'].'-root'] = $alias;
return $this->providers[$name];
* {@inheritDoc}
protected function initialize()
2012-04-06 20:39:43 +00:00
$repoData = $this->loadDataFromServer();
foreach ($repoData as $package) {
$this->addPackage($this->createPackage($package, 'Composer\Package\CompletePackage'));
protected function loadRootServerFile()
if (null !== $this->rootData) {
return $this->rootData;
if (!extension_loaded('openssl') && 'https' === substr($this->url, 0, 5)) {
throw new \RuntimeException('You must enable the openssl extension in your php.ini to load information from '.$this->url);
$jsonUrlParts = parse_url($this->url);
2012-08-29 13:12:08 +00:00
if (isset($jsonUrlParts['path']) && false !== strpos($jsonUrlParts['path'], '/packages.json')) {
$jsonUrl = $this->url;
} else {
$jsonUrl = $this->url . '/packages.json';
$data = $this->fetchFile($jsonUrl, 'packages.json');
// TODO remove this BC notify_batch support
2012-11-28 17:44:49 +00:00
if (!empty($data['notify_batch'])) {
$notifyBatchUrl = $data['notify_batch'];
if (!empty($data['notify-batch'])) {
$notifyBatchUrl = $data['notify-batch'];
if (!empty($notifyBatchUrl)) {
if ('/' === $notifyBatchUrl[0]) {
$this->notifyUrl = preg_replace('{(https?://[^/]+).*}i', '$1' . $notifyBatchUrl, $this->url);
2012-11-28 17:44:49 +00:00
} else {
$this->notifyUrl = $notifyBatchUrl;
2012-11-28 17:44:49 +00:00
if (!$this->notifyUrl && !empty($data['notify'])) {
if ('/' === $data['notify'][0]) {
$this->notifyUrl = preg_replace('{(https?://[^/]+).*}i', '$1' . $data['notify'], $this->url);
2012-04-06 20:39:43 +00:00
} else {
$this->notifyUrl = $data['notify'];
2012-04-06 20:39:43 +00:00
if (!empty($data['providers-url'])) {
if ('/' === $data['providers-url'][0]) {
$this->providersUrl = preg_replace('{(https?://[^/]+).*}i', '$1' . $data['providers-url'], $this->url);
} else {
$this->providersUrl = $data['providers-url'];
$this->hasProviders = true;
2012-10-14 14:33:53 +00:00
if (!empty($data['providers']) || !empty($data['providers-includes'])) {
$this->hasProviders = true;
return $this->rootData = $data;
protected function loadDataFromServer()
$data = $this->loadRootServerFile();
return $this->loadIncludes($data);
2012-10-14 14:33:53 +00:00
protected function loadProviderListings($data)
if (isset($data['providers'])) {
if (!is_array($this->providerListing)) {
$this->providerListing = array();
$this->providerListing = array_merge($this->providerListing, $data['providers']);
if ($this->providersUrl && isset($data['provider-includes'])) {
$includes = $data['provider-includes'];
} elseif (isset($data['providers-includes'])) {
// BC layer for old-style providers-includes
$includes = $data['providers-includes'];
if (!empty($includes)) {
foreach ($includes as $include => $metadata) {
2012-10-14 14:33:53 +00:00
if ($this->cache->sha256($include) === $metadata['sha256']) {
$includedData = json_decode($this->cache->read($include), true);
} else {
$includedData = $this->fetchFile($include, null, $metadata['sha256']);
2012-10-14 14:33:53 +00:00
protected function loadIncludes($data)
$packages = array();
// legacy repo handling
if (!isset($data['packages']) && !isset($data['includes'])) {
foreach ($data as $pkg) {
foreach ($pkg['versions'] as $metadata) {
$packages[] = $metadata;
return $packages;
if (isset($data['packages'])) {
foreach ($data['packages'] as $package => $versions) {
foreach ($versions as $version => $metadata) {
$packages[] = $metadata;
2012-04-06 17:56:34 +00:00
if (isset($data['includes'])) {
foreach ($data['includes'] as $include => $metadata) {
2012-04-06 20:39:43 +00:00
if ($this->cache->sha1($include) === $metadata['sha1']) {
$includedData = json_decode($this->cache->read($include), true);
} else {
$includedData = $this->fetchFile($include);
2012-04-06 20:39:43 +00:00
$packages = array_merge($packages, $this->loadIncludes($includedData));
return $packages;
protected function createPackage(array $data, $class)
try {
$data['notification-url'] = $this->notifyUrl;
return $this->loader->load($data, 'Composer\Package\CompletePackage');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new \RuntimeException('Could not load package '.(isset($data['name']) ? $data['name'] : json_encode($data)).' in '.$this->url.': ['.get_class($e).'] '.$e->getMessage(), 0, $e);
protected function fetchFile($filename, $cacheKey = null, $sha256 = null)
if (!$cacheKey) {
$cacheKey = $filename;
2012-10-14 14:33:53 +00:00
$filename = $this->baseUrl.'/'.$filename;
$retries = 3;
while ($retries--) {
try {
$json = $this->rfs->getContents($filename, $filename, false);
if ($sha256 && $sha256 !== hash('sha256', $json)) {
if ($retries) {
2012-10-28 08:57:42 +00:00
$this->io->write('<warning>The contents of '.$filename.' do not match its signature, this is most likely due to a temporary glitch but could indicate a man-in-the-middle attack. Try running composer again and please report it if it still persists.</warning>');
Throw Exception on broken signature This is related to issue #1562 With a fresh installation of Composer I had the following message: > The contents of https://packagist.org/p/providers-latest.json do not match its signature, this is most likely due to a temporary glitch but could indicate a man-in-the-middle attack. > Try running composer again and please report it if it still persists. This was *probably* a temporary glitch, as the error did not appear again, even after a full reinstallation of all packages. *However* Composer had no way to differentiate a man-in-the-middle attack and a temporary glitch. The installation / update did continue despite the problem and files where installed / updates with no easy rollback. These files may have been corrupted with malicious code and I have no way to check they don't. This is a *serious* security issue. The code in [ComposerRepository line 434](https://github.com/composer/composer/blob/master/src/Composer/Repos itory/ComposerRepository.php#L434) states ```php // TODO throw SecurityException and abort once we are sure this can not happen accidentally ```` Even if the broken signature may happen in accidentally in a standard process, if it may be a security issue, we have to abort the procedure, or at least ask for confirmation to the user. If it helps continuing despite the temporary glitch, it may be possible to add a command line switch like `--ignore-signature` to force the process to continue. Proposed : Send a RepositorySecurityException instead of the warning, even if this may happen accidentally
2013-02-14 14:53:40 +00:00
throw new RepositorySecurityException('The contents of '.$filename.' do not match its signature');
$data = JsonFile::parseJson($json, $filename);
$this->cache->write($cacheKey, $json);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
2012-10-22 15:56:30 +00:00
if (!$retries) {
if ($contents = $this->cache->read($cacheKey)) {
if (!$this->degradedMode) {
$this->io->write('<warning>'.$this->url.' could not be fully loaded, package information was loaded from the local cache and may be out of date</warning>');
$this->degradedMode = true;
$data = JsonFile::parseJson($contents, $this->cache->getRoot().$cacheKey);
2012-10-11 19:35:51 +00:00
throw $e;
return $data;
2011-09-17 11:39:37 +00:00