Cleaned up perforce code
Checks to see if already logged in to Perforce, and prompts for password if not and P4PASSWD is not set Checks server url with perforce call Checks for composer.json file, and returns the contents of the file already retrieved.pull/2184/merge^2
@ -14,8 +14,6 @@ namespace Composer\Downloader;
use Composer\Package\PackageInterface;
use Composer\Util\Perforce;
#use Composer\Util\GitHub;
#use Composer\Util\Git as GitUtil;
* @author Jordi Boggiano <>
@ -29,16 +27,11 @@ class PerforceDownloader extends VcsDownloader
public function doDownload(PackageInterface $package, $path)
print ("Perforce Downloader:doDownload - path:" . var_export($path, true) . "\n");
$ref = $package->getSourceReference();
$p4client = "composer_perforce_dl_" . str_replace("/", "_", str_replace("//", "", $ref));
$clientSpec = "$path/$p4client.p4.spec";
print ("PerforceDownloader:doDownload - clientSpec: $clientSpec, targetDir: $path, p4Client: $p4client\n\n");
$perforce = new Perforce();
$perforce->writeP4ClientSpec($clientSpec, $path, $p4client, $ref);
$perforce->syncCodeBase($clientSpec, $path, $p4client);
$perforce = new Perforce($ref, $package->getSourceUrl(), $path);
@ -47,26 +40,6 @@ class PerforceDownloader extends VcsDownloader
public function doUpdate(PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target, $path)
// $this->cleanEnv();
// $path = $this->normalizePath($path);
// $ref = $target->getSourceReference();
// $this->io->write(" Checking out ".$ref);
// $command = 'git remote set-url composer %s && git fetch composer && git fetch --tags composer';
// // capture username/password from URL if there is one
// $this->process->execute('git remote -v', $output, $path);
// if (preg_match('{^(?:composer|origin)\s+https?://(.+):(.+)@([^/]+)}im', $output, $match)) {
// $this->io->setAuthentication($match[3], urldecode($match[1]), urldecode($match[2]));
// }
// $commandCallable = function($url) use ($command) {
// return sprintf($command, escapeshellarg($url));
// };
// $this->runCommand($commandCallable, $target->getSourceUrl(), $path);
// $this->updateToCommit($path, $ref, $target->getPrettyVersion(), $target->getReleaseDate());
@ -75,18 +48,6 @@ class PerforceDownloader extends VcsDownloader
public function getLocalChanges($path)
// $this->cleanEnv();
// $path = $this->normalizePath($path);
// if (!is_dir($path.'/.git')) {
// return;
// }
// $command = 'git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no';
// if (0 !== $this->process->execute($command, $output, $path)) {
// throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput());
// }
// return trim($output) ?: null;
@ -96,14 +57,6 @@ class PerforceDownloader extends VcsDownloader
protected function getCommitLogs($fromReference, $toReference, $path)
// $path = $this->normalizePath($path);
// $command = sprintf('git log %s..%s --pretty=format:"%%h - %%an: %%s"', $fromReference, $toReference);
// if (0 !== $this->process->execute($command, $output, $path)) {
// throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput());
// }
// return $output;
@ -15,62 +15,39 @@
namespace Composer\Repository\Vcs;
#use Composer\Downloader\TransportException;
#use Composer\Json\JsonFile;
#use Composer\Cache;
use Composer\IO\IOInterface;
use Composer\Util\Filesystem;
use Composer\Util\Perforce;
#use Composer\Util\RemoteFilesystem;
#use Composer\Util\GitHub;
* @author matt-whittom <>
class PerforceDriver extends VcsDriver
// protected $cache;
// protected $owner;
// protected $repository;
// protected $tags;
// protected $branches;
protected $rootIdentifier = 'mainline';
protected $repoDir;
// protected $hasIssues;
// protected $infoCache = array();
// protected $isPrivate = false;
protected $rootIdentifier;
protected $depot;
protected $p4client;
protected $perforce;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function initialize()
print ("PerforceDriver:initialize\n");
print ("\nPerforceDriver:initialize\n");
$this->rootIdentifier = "mainline";
$this->depot = $this->repoConfig['depot'];
$this->p4client = "composer_perforce_$this->depot";
$this->repoDir = $this->config->get('cache-vcs-dir') . "/$this->depot";
$clientSpec = $this->config->get('cache-dir') . "/perforce/$this->p4client.p4.spec";
$fs = new Filesystem();
$stream = "//$this->depot/$this->rootIdentifier";
$perforce = new Perforce();
$perforce->writeP4ClientSpec($clientSpec, $this->repoDir, $this->p4client, $stream);
$perforce->syncCodeBase($clientSpec, $this->repoDir, $this->p4client);
$repoDir = $this->config->get('cache-vcs-dir') . "/$this->depot";
$this->perforce = new Perforce($stream, $this->getUrl(), $repoDir);
return true;
protected function p4Login(){
$password = trim(shell_exec('echo $P4PASSWD'));
$command = "echo $password | p4 login -a ";
@ -79,33 +56,11 @@ class PerforceDriver extends VcsDriver
public function getComposerInformation($identifier)
print ("PerforceDriver:getComposerInformation: $identifier\n");
$command = "p4 print $identifier/composer.json";
$result = shell_exec($command);
$index = strpos($result, "{");
if ($index === false){
if ($index >=0){
$rawData = substr($result, $index);
$composer_info = json_decode($rawData, true);
print ("ComposerInfo is:".var_export($composer_info, true) . "\n");
print ("PerforceDriver:getComposerInformation - identifier: $identifier\n");
$composer_info =$this->perforce->getComposerInformation($identifier);
return $composer_info;
// Basically, read the composer.json file from the project.
// Git stuff:
// ..getComposerInfo is: array (
// 'support' =>
// array (
// 'source' => '',
// ),
// 'time' => '2012-09-10',
// )
* {@inheritDoc}
@ -120,9 +75,6 @@ class PerforceDriver extends VcsDriver
public function getBranches()
//return $branch->$identifier
print ("PerforceDriver:getBranches\n");
$command = "p4 streams //$this->depot/...";
$result = shell_exec($command);
@ -137,7 +89,6 @@ class PerforceDriver extends VcsDriver
$branches['master'] = $branches['mainline'];
print ("PerforceDriver:getBranches - returning branches:".var_export($branches, true)."\n");
return $branches;
@ -155,7 +106,7 @@ class PerforceDriver extends VcsDriver
public function getDist($identifier)
print ("PerforceDriver:getDist: $identifier\n");
print("\nPerforceDriver:getDist: identifier: $identifier\n");
return null;
@ -164,7 +115,7 @@ class PerforceDriver extends VcsDriver
public function getSource($identifier)
print ("PerforceDriver:getSource: $identifier\n");
print ("\nPerforceDriver:getSource - identifier: $identifier\n");
$source = array (
'type' => 'perforce',
@ -180,7 +131,7 @@ class PerforceDriver extends VcsDriver
public function getUrl()
print ("PerforceDriver:getUrl\n");
return $this->url;
@ -188,10 +139,10 @@ class PerforceDriver extends VcsDriver
public function hasComposerFile($identifier)
print ("PerforceDriver:hasComposerFile: $identifier\n");
//Does the project have a composer file?
return true;
print ("\nPerforceDriver:hasComposerFile - identifier: $identifier\n");
$composerFile = $this->perforce->getComposerFilePath($identifier);
print ("returning: " . var_export(file_exists($composerFile),true) . "\n");
return file_exists($composerFile);
@ -199,7 +150,8 @@ class PerforceDriver extends VcsDriver
public function getContents($url)
print("PerforceDriver:getContents - url: $url");
print ("\nPerforceDriver:getContents - url: $url\n");
return false;
@ -207,12 +159,7 @@ class PerforceDriver extends VcsDriver
public static function supports(IOInterface $io, $url, $deep = false)
print ("PerforceDriver:supports\n");
print ("\nChecking url for support: $url\n\n");
if (preg_match('#(^perforce)#', $url)) {
return true;
return false;
print ("PerforceDriver:supports - url: $url\n");
return Perforce::checkServerExists($url);
@ -9,56 +9,93 @@
namespace Composer\Util;
use Composer\IO\IOInterface;
class Perforce {
public function syncCodeBase($clientSpec, $targetDir, $p4client){
$p4CreateClientCommand = "p4 client -i < $clientSpec";
print ("\nPerforceDriver create client: $p4CreateClientCommand\n");
protected $path;
protected $p4client;
protected $p4user;
protected $p4port;
protected $p4stream;
protected $p4clientSpec;
final public function __construct($stream, $port, $path){
$this->p4stream = $stream;
$this->p4port = $port;
$this->path = $path;
$fs = new Filesystem();
protected function getClient()
if (!isset($this->p4client)){
$random_value = mt_rand(1000,9999);
$this->p4client = "composer_perforce_" . $random_value . "_".str_replace("/", "_", str_replace("//", "", $this->p4stream));
return $this->p4client;
protected function getUser()
if (!isset($this->p4user)){
$this->p4user = trim(shell_exec('echo $P4USER'));
return $this->p4user;
protected function getPath()
return $this->path;
protected function getPort()
return $this->p4port;
protected function getStream()
return $this->p4stream;
protected function getP4ClientSpec()
$p4clientSpec = $this->path . "/" . $this->getClient() . ".p4.spec";
return $p4clientSpec;
public function syncCodeBase(){
$p4CreateClientCommand = $this->generateP4Command( "client -i < " . $this->getP4ClientSpec());
$result = shell_exec($p4CreateClientCommand);
print ("result: $result\n\n");
$prevDir = getcwd();
//write p4 config file
$p4ConfigFileSpec = "$targetDir/p4config.config";
$p4ConfigFile = fopen($p4ConfigFileSpec, 'w');
fwrite($p4ConfigFile, "P4CLIENT=$p4client");
$result = shell_exec("pwd");
$testCommand = "pwd";
print ("PerforceDriver test dir command: $testCommand\n");
$result = shell_exec($testCommand);
print ("result: $result\n\n");
$p4SyncCommand = "p4 sync -f //$p4client/...";
print ("PerforceDriver sync client: $p4SyncCommand\n");
$p4SyncCommand = $this->generateP4Command( "sync -f //".$this->getClient()."/...");
$result = shell_exec($p4SyncCommand);
print ("result: $result\n\n");
public function writeP4ClientSpec($clientSpec, $targetDir, $p4client, $stream){
$fs = new Filesystem();
public function writeP4ClientSpec(){
$p4user = trim(shell_exec('echo $P4USER'));
print ("PerforceDriver: writing to client spec: $clientSpec\n\n");
$spec = fopen($clientSpec, 'w');
$spec = fopen($this->getP4ClientSpec(), 'w');
try {
fwrite($spec, "Client: $p4client\n\n");
fwrite($spec, "Client: " . $this->getClient() . "\n\n");
fwrite($spec, "Update: " . date("Y/m/d H:i:s") . "\n\n");
fwrite($spec, "Access: " . date("Y/m/d H:i:s") . "\n" );
fwrite($spec, "Owner: $p4user\n\n" );
fwrite($spec, "Owner: " . $this->getUser() . "\n\n" );
fwrite($spec, "Description:\n" );
fwrite($spec, " Created by $p4user from composer.\n\n" );
fwrite($spec, "Root: $targetDir\n\n" );
fwrite($spec, " Created by " . $this->getUser() . " from composer.\n\n" );
fwrite($spec, "Root: " .$this->getPath(). "\n\n" );
fwrite($spec, "Options: noallwrite noclobber nocompress unlocked modtime rmdir\n\n" );
fwrite($spec, "SubmitOptions: revertunchanged\n\n" );
fwrite($spec, "LineEnd: local\n\n" );
fwrite($spec, "Stream:\n" );
fwrite($spec, " $stream\n" );
fwrite($spec, " " . $this->getStream()."\n" );
} catch(Exception $e){
throw $e;
@ -66,5 +103,50 @@ class Perforce {
public function getComposerFilePath($identifier)
$composerFilePath = $this->path . "/composer.json" ;
print ("\nPerforceUtility - getComposerPath: $composerFilePath\n\n");
return $composerFilePath;
protected function generateP4Command($command) {
$p4Command = "p4 ";
$p4Command = $p4Command . "-u " . $this->getUser() . " ";
$p4Command = $p4Command . "-c " . $this->getClient() . " ";
$p4Command = $p4Command . "-p " . $this->getPort() . " ";
$p4Command = $p4Command . $command;
return $p4Command;
public function p4Login(IOInterface $io){
$user = $this->getUser();
$result = trim(shell_exec("p4 login -s"));
$index = strpos($result, $user);
if ($index === false){
$password = trim(shell_exec('echo $P4PASSWD'));
if (strlen($password) <= 0){
$password = $io->ask("Enter password for Perforce user " . $this->getUser() . ": " );
$command = "echo $password | p4 login -a ";
public static function checkServerExists($url)
$result = shell_exec("p4 -p $url info -s");
$index = strpos($result, "error");
if ($index === false){
return true;
return false;
public function getComposerInformation($identifier)
$composerFilePath =$this->getComposerFilePath($identifier);
$contents = file_get_contents($composerFilePath);
$composer_info = json_decode($contents, true);
return $composer_info;
Reference in New Issue