Merge pull request #6326 from javiereguiluz/doc_schema_name
[Doc] Explained a bit more about the possible contents of the "name" propertypull/6329/head
@ -29,13 +29,16 @@ The config of dependencies is ignored. This makes the `config` field
### name
The name of the package. It consists of vendor name and project name,
separated by `/`.
separated by `/`. Examples:
* monolog/monolog
* igorw/event-source
The name can contain any character, including white spaces, and it's case
insensitive (`foo/bar` and `Foo/Bar` are considered the same package). In order
to simplify its installation, it's recommended to define a short and lowercase
name that doesn't include non-alphanumeric characters or white spaces.
Required for published packages (libraries).
### description
Reference in New Issue