* PHP 8.3 | ZipDownloaderTest: fix deprecation notice
Calling `ReflectionProperty::setValue()` with only one argument (to set a static property) is deprecated.
Passing `null` as the first (`$object`) parameter will work cross-version.
As the `ZipDownloaderTest::setPrivateProperty()` method has a `null` default value for the `$obj` parameter anyway, this means the if/else toggle can be removed.
Ref: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/deprecate_functions_with_overloaded_signatures#reflectionpropertysetvalue
* PHP 8.3 | InstalledVersionsTest: fix deprecation notice
Calling `ReflectionProperty::setValue()` with only one argument (to set a static property) is deprecated.
Passing `null` as the first (`$object`) parameter will work cross-version.
Ref: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/deprecate_functions_with_overloaded_signatures#reflectionpropertysetvalue
Co-authored-by: jrfnl <jrfnl@users.noreply.github.com>