Since gitlab can be hosted on any url also subdirectories should be
supported. (e.g
This supports only http and https protocols since the gitlab api url
is derived from the package repository url. And the ssh protocol doesn't
support folders this way.
Add an interactive prompt for gitlab token
Update doc for gitlab-domains
Add tests on GitLabDriver::supports
Update doc + CS
Optimize branch detection + fix typos
Fix test on GitLab support as it depends on SSL
Remove useless method + fix repository URL containing .git
This is a proof of concept, and mostly done to gather feedback on the
structure of the driver and to see if this is something that Composer
should include in core.
Various review changes based on Stof comments.
* Remove cleanup() as it is implemented by the abstract class.
* Remove wrong comment in getReferences
* Implement getSource (as GitHubDriver does)
* Finish phpDocs for methods.