<?php declare(strict_types=1); /* * This file is part of Composer. * * (c) Nils Adermann <naderman@naderman.de> * Jordi Boggiano <j.boggiano@seld.be> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Composer\Test\Repository; use Composer\Repository\ArtifactRepository; use Composer\Test\TestCase; use Composer\IO\NullIO; use Composer\Package\BasePackage; class ArtifactRepositoryTest extends TestCase { public function setUp(): void { parent::setUp(); if (!extension_loaded('zip')) { $this->markTestSkipped('You need the zip extension to run this test.'); } } public function testExtractsConfigsFromZipArchives(): void { $expectedPackages = array( 'vendor0/package0-0.0.1', 'composer/composer-1.0.0-alpha6', 'vendor1/package2-4.3.2', 'vendor3/package1-5.4.3', 'test/jsonInRoot-1.0.0', 'test/jsonInRootTarFile-1.0.0', 'test/jsonInFirstLevel-1.0.0', //The files not-an-artifact.zip and jsonSecondLevel are not valid //artifacts and do not get detected. ); $coordinates = array('type' => 'artifact', 'url' => __DIR__ . '/Fixtures/artifacts'); $repo = new ArtifactRepository($coordinates, new NullIO()); $foundPackages = array_map(function (BasePackage $package) { return "{$package->getPrettyName()}-{$package->getPrettyVersion()}"; }, $repo->getPackages()); sort($expectedPackages); sort($foundPackages); $this->assertSame($expectedPackages, $foundPackages); $tarPackage = array_filter($repo->getPackages(), function (BasePackage $package): bool { return $package->getPrettyName() === 'test/jsonInRootTarFile'; }); $this->assertCount(1, $tarPackage); $tarPackage = array_pop($tarPackage); $this->assertSame('tar', $tarPackage->getDistType()); } public function testAbsoluteRepoUrlCreatesAbsoluteUrlPackages(): void { $absolutePath = __DIR__ . '/Fixtures/artifacts'; $coordinates = array('type' => 'artifact', 'url' => $absolutePath); $repo = new ArtifactRepository($coordinates, new NullIO()); foreach ($repo->getPackages() as $package) { $this->assertSame(strpos($package->getDistUrl(), strtr($absolutePath, '\\', '/')), 0); } } public function testRelativeRepoUrlCreatesRelativeUrlPackages(): void { $relativePath = 'tests/Composer/Test/Repository/Fixtures/artifacts'; $coordinates = array('type' => 'artifact', 'url' => $relativePath); $repo = new ArtifactRepository($coordinates, new NullIO()); foreach ($repo->getPackages() as $package) { $this->assertSame(strpos($package->getDistUrl(), $relativePath), 0); } } } //Files jsonInFirstLevel.zip, jsonInRoot.zip and jsonInSecondLevel.zip were generated with: // //$archivesToCreate = array( // 'jsonInRoot' => array( // "extra.txt" => "Testing testing testing", // "composer.json" => '{ "name": "test/jsonInRoot", "version": "1.0.0" }', // "subdir/extra.txt" => "Testing testing testing", // "subdir/extra2.txt" => "Testing testing testing", // ), // // 'jsonInFirstLevel' => array( // "extra.txt" => "Testing testing testing", // "subdir/composer.json" => '{ "name": "test/jsonInFirstLevel", "version": "1.0.0" }', // "subdir/extra.txt" => "Testing testing testing", // "subdir/extra2.txt" => "Testing testing testing", // ), // // 'jsonInSecondLevel' => array( // "extra.txt" => "Testing testing testing", // "subdir/extra1.txt" => "Testing testing testing", // "subdir/foo/composer.json" => '{ "name": "test/jsonInSecondLevel", "version": "1.0.0" }', // "subdir/foo/extra1.txt" => "Testing testing testing", // "subdir/extra2.txt" => "Testing testing testing", // "subdir/extra3.txt" => "Testing testing testing", // ), //); // //foreach ($archivesToCreate as $archiveName => $fileDetails) { // $zipFile = new ZipArchive(); // $zipFile->open("$archiveName.zip", ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE); // // foreach ($fileDetails as $filename => $fileContents) { // $zipFile->addFromString($filename, $fileContents); // } // // $zipFile->close(); //}