* Jordi Boggiano * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Composer\Test\Package\Archiver; use Composer\Package\Archiver\ArchivableFilesFinder; use Composer\Util\Filesystem; use Symfony\Component\Process\Process; use Symfony\Component\Process\ExecutableFinder; class ArchivableFilesFinderTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { protected $sources; protected $finder; protected $fs; protected function setUp() { $fs = new Filesystem; $this->fs = $fs; $this->sources = $fs->normalizePath( realpath(sys_get_temp_dir()).'/composer_archiver_test'.uniqid(mt_rand(), true) ); $fileTree = array( 'A/prefixA.foo', 'A/prefixB.foo', 'A/prefixC.foo', 'A/prefixD.foo', 'A/prefixE.foo', 'A/prefixF.foo', 'B/sub/prefixA.foo', 'B/sub/prefixB.foo', 'B/sub/prefixC.foo', 'B/sub/prefixD.foo', 'B/sub/prefixE.foo', 'B/sub/prefixF.foo', 'C/prefixA.foo', 'C/prefixB.foo', 'C/prefixC.foo', 'C/prefixD.foo', 'C/prefixE.foo', 'C/prefixF.foo', 'D/prefixA', 'D/prefixB', 'D/prefixC', 'D/prefixD', 'D/prefixE', 'D/prefixF', '/E/subtestA.foo', '/F/subtestA.foo', '/G/subtestA.foo', '/H/subtestA.foo', 'toplevelA.foo', 'toplevelB.foo', 'prefixA.foo', 'prefixB.foo', 'prefixC.foo', 'prefixD.foo', 'prefixE.foo', 'prefixF.foo', 'parameters.yml', 'parameters.yml.dist', '!important!.txt', '!important_too!.txt' ); foreach ($fileTree as $relativePath) { $path = $this->sources.'/'.$relativePath; $fs->ensureDirectoryExists(dirname($path)); file_put_contents($path, ''); } } protected function tearDown() { $fs = new Filesystem; $fs->removeDirectory($this->sources); } public function testManualExcludes() { $excludes = array( 'prefixB.foo', '!/prefixB.foo', '/prefixA.foo', 'prefixC.*', '!*/*/*/prefixC.foo' ); $this->finder = new ArchivableFilesFinder($this->sources, $excludes); $this->assertArchivableFiles(array( '/!important!.txt', '/!important_too!.txt', '/A/prefixA.foo', '/A/prefixD.foo', '/A/prefixE.foo', '/A/prefixF.foo', '/B/sub/prefixA.foo', '/B/sub/prefixC.foo', '/B/sub/prefixD.foo', '/B/sub/prefixE.foo', '/B/sub/prefixF.foo', '/C/prefixA.foo', '/C/prefixD.foo', '/C/prefixE.foo', '/C/prefixF.foo', '/D/prefixA', '/D/prefixB', '/D/prefixC', '/D/prefixD', '/D/prefixE', '/D/prefixF', '/E/subtestA.foo', '/F/subtestA.foo', '/G/subtestA.foo', '/H/subtestA.foo', '/parameters.yml', '/parameters.yml.dist', '/prefixB.foo', '/prefixD.foo', '/prefixE.foo', '/prefixF.foo', '/toplevelA.foo', '/toplevelB.foo', )); } public function testGitExcludes() { // Ensure that git is available for testing. if (!$this->isProcessAvailable('git')) { return $this->markTestSkipped('git is not available.'); } file_put_contents($this->sources.'/.gitignore', implode("\n", array( '# gitignore rules with comments and blank lines', '', 'prefixE.foo', '# and more', '# comments', '', '!/prefixE.foo', '/prefixD.foo', 'prefixF.*', '!/*/*/prefixF.foo', '', 'refixD.foo', '/C', 'D/prefixA', 'E', 'F/', 'G/*', 'H/**', 'parameters.yml', '\!important!.txt' ))); // git does not currently support negative git attributes file_put_contents($this->sources.'/.gitattributes', implode("\n", array( '', '# gitattributes rules with comments and blank lines', 'prefixB.foo export-ignore', //'!/prefixB.foo export-ignore', '/prefixA.foo export-ignore', 'prefixC.* export-ignore', //'!/*/*/prefixC.foo export-ignore' ))); $this->finder = new ArchivableFilesFinder($this->sources, array()); $this->assertArchivableFiles($this->getArchivedFiles('git init && '. 'git add .git* && '. 'git commit -m "ignore rules" && '. 'git add . && '. 'git commit -m "init" && '. 'git archive --format=zip --prefix=archive/ -o archive.zip HEAD' )); } public function testHgExcludes() { // Ensure that Mercurial is available for testing. if (!$this->isProcessAvailable('hg')) { return $this->markTestSkipped('Mercurial is not available.'); } file_put_contents($this->sources.'/.hgignore', implode("\n", array( '# hgignore rules with comments, blank lines and syntax changes', '', 'pre*A.foo', 'prefixE.foo', '# and more', '# comments', '', '^prefixD.foo', 'D/prefixA', 'parameters.yml', '\!important!.txt', 'E', 'F/', 'syntax: glob', 'prefixF.*', 'B/*', 'H/**', ))); $this->finder = new ArchivableFilesFinder($this->sources, array()); $expectedFiles = $this->getArchivedFiles('hg init && '. 'hg add && '. 'hg commit -m "init" && '. 'hg archive archive.zip' ); // Remove .hg_archival.txt from the expectedFiles $archiveKey = array_search('/.hg_archival.txt', $expectedFiles); array_splice($expectedFiles, $archiveKey, 1); $this->assertArchivableFiles($expectedFiles); } protected function getArchivableFiles() { $files = array(); foreach ($this->finder as $file) { if (!$file->isDir()) { $files[] = preg_replace('#^'.preg_quote($this->sources, '#').'#', '', $this->fs->normalizePath($file->getRealPath())); } } sort($files); return $files; } protected function getArchivedFiles($command) { $process = new Process($command, $this->sources); $process->run(); $archive = new \PharData($this->sources.'/archive.zip'); $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($archive); $files = array(); foreach ($iterator as $file) { $files[] = preg_replace('#^phar://'.preg_quote($this->sources, '#').'/archive\.zip/archive#', '', $this->fs->normalizePath($file)); } unset($archive, $iterator, $file); unlink($this->sources.'/archive.zip'); return $files; } protected function assertArchivableFiles($expectedFiles) { $actualFiles = $this->getArchivableFiles(); $this->assertEquals($expectedFiles, $actualFiles); } /** * Check whether or not the given process is available. * * @param string $process The name of the binary to test. * * @return boolean True if the process is available, false otherwise. */ protected function isProcessAvailable($process) { $finder = new ExecutableFinder(); return (bool) $finder->find($process); } }