* Jordi Boggiano * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Composer\Command; use Composer\Json\JsonFile; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption; use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; use Symfony\Component\Process\Process; use Symfony\Component\Process\ExecutableFinder; /** * @author Justin Rainbow */ class InitCommand extends Command { private $gitConfig; public function parseAuthorString($author) { if (preg_match('/^(?P[- \.,a-z0-9]+) <(?P.+?)>$/i', $author, $match)) { if ($match['email'] === filter_var($match['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { return array( 'name' => trim($match['name']), 'email' => $match['email'] ); } } throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'Invalid author string. Must be in the format:'. ' John Smith ' ); } protected function configure() { $this ->setName('init') ->setDescription('Creates a basic composer.json file in current directory.') ->setDefinition(array( new InputOption('name', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Name of the package'), new InputOption('description', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Description of package'), new InputOption('author', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Author name of package'), // new InputOption('version', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Version of package'), new InputOption('homepage', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Homepage of package'), new InputOption('require', null, InputOption::VALUE_IS_ARRAY | InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'An array required packages'), )) ->setHelp(<<init command creates a basic composer.json file in the current directory. php composer.phar init EOT ) ; } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $dialog = $this->getHelperSet()->get('dialog'); $whitelist = array('name', 'description', 'author', 'require'); $options = array_filter(array_intersect_key($input->getOptions(), array_flip($whitelist))); if (isset($options['author'])) { $options['authors'] = $this->formatAuthors($options['author']); unset($options['author']); } $options['require'] = isset($options['require']) ? $this->formatRequirements($options['require']) : new \stdClass; $file = new JsonFile('composer.json'); $json = $file->encode($options); if ($input->isInteractive()) { $output->writeln(array( '', $json, '' )); if (!$dialog->askConfirmation($output, $dialog->getQuestion('Do you confirm generation', 'yes', '?'), true)) { $output->writeln('Command aborted'); return 1; } } $file->write($options); if ($input->isInteractive()) { $ignoreFile = realpath('.gitignore'); if (false === $ignoreFile) { $ignoreFile = realpath('.') . '/.gitignore'; } if (!$this->hasVendorIgnore($ignoreFile)) { $question = 'Would you like the vendor directory added to your .gitignore [yes]?'; if ($dialog->askConfirmation($output, $question, true)) { $this->addVendorIgnore($ignoreFile); } } } } protected function interact(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $git = $this->getGitConfig(); $dialog = $this->getHelperSet()->get('dialog'); $formatter = $this->getHelperSet()->get('formatter'); $output->writeln(array( '', $formatter->formatBlock('Welcome to the Composer config generator', 'bg=blue;fg=white', true), '' )); // namespace $output->writeln(array( '', 'This command will guide you through creating your composer.json config.', '', )); $cwd = realpath("."); if (false === $name = $input->getOption('name')) { $name = basename($cwd); if (isset($git['github.user'])) { $name = $git['github.user'] . '/' . $name; } else { // package names must be in the format foo/bar $name = $name . '/' . $name; } } $name = $dialog->askAndValidate( $output, $dialog->getQuestion('Package name', $name), function ($value) use ($name) { if (null === $value) { return $name; } if (!preg_match('{^[a-z0-9_.-]+/[a-z0-9_.-]+$}i', $value)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'The package name '.$value.' is invalid, it should have a vendor name, a forward slash, and a package name, matching: [a-z0-9_.-]+/[a-z0-9_.-]+' ); } return $value; } ); $input->setOption('name', $name); $description = $input->getOption('description') ?: false; $description = $dialog->ask( $output, $dialog->getQuestion('Description', $description) ); $input->setOption('description', $description); if (false === $author = $input->getOption('author')) { if (isset($git['user.name']) && isset($git['user.email'])) { $author = sprintf('%s <%s>', $git['user.name'], $git['user.email']); } } $self = $this; $author = $dialog->askAndValidate( $output, $dialog->getQuestion('Author', $author), function ($value) use ($self, $author) { if (null === $value) { return $author; } $author = $self->parseAuthorString($value); return sprintf('%s <%s>', $author['name'], $author['email']); } ); $input->setOption('author', $author); $output->writeln(array( '', 'Define your dependencies.', '' )); $requirements = array(); if ($dialog->askConfirmation($output, $dialog->getQuestion('Would you like to define your dependencies interactively', 'yes', '?'), true)) { $requirements = $this->determineRequirements($input, $output); } $input->setOption('require', $requirements); } protected function findPackages($name) { $composer = $this->getComposer(); $packages = array(); // create local repo, this contains all packages that are installed in the local project $localRepo = $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository(); $token = strtolower($name); foreach ($composer->getRepositoryManager()->getRepositories() as $repository) { foreach ($repository->getPackages() as $package) { if (false === ($pos = strpos($package->getName(), $token))) { continue; } $packages[] = $package; } } return $packages; } protected function determineRequirements(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $dialog = $this->getHelperSet()->get('dialog'); $prompt = $dialog->getQuestion('Search for a package', false, ':'); $requires = $input->getOption('require') ?: array(); while (null !== $package = $dialog->ask($output, $prompt)) { $matches = $this->findPackages($package); if (count($matches)) { $output->writeln(array( '', sprintf('Found %s packages matching %s', count($matches), $package), '' )); foreach ($matches as $position => $package) { $output->writeln(sprintf(' %5s %s %s', "[$position]", $package->getPrettyName(), $package->getPrettyVersion())); } $output->writeln(''); $validator = function ($selection) use ($matches) { if ('' === $selection) { return false; } if (!isset($matches[(int) $selection])) { throw new \Exception('Not a valid selection'); } return $matches[(int) $selection]; }; $package = $dialog->askAndValidate($output, $dialog->getQuestion('Enter package # to add', false, ':'), $validator, 3); if (false !== $package) { $requires[] = sprintf('%s %s', $package->getName(), $package->getPrettyVersion()); } } } return $requires; } protected function formatAuthors($author) { return array($this->parseAuthorString($author)); } protected function formatRequirements(array $requirements) { $requires = array(); foreach ($requirements as $requirement) { list($packageName, $packageVersion) = explode(" ", $requirement); $requires[$packageName] = $packageVersion; } return empty($requires) ? new \stdClass : $requires; } protected function getGitConfig() { if (null !== $this->gitConfig) { return $this->gitConfig; } $finder = new ExecutableFinder(); $gitBin = $finder->find('git'); $cmd = new Process(sprintf('%s config -l', $gitBin)); $cmd->run(); if ($cmd->isSuccessful()) { return $this->gitConfig = parse_ini_string($cmd->getOutput(), false, INI_SCANNER_RAW); } return $this->gitConfig = array(); } /** * Checks the local .gitignore file for the Composer vendor directory. * * Tested patterns include: * "/$vendor" * "$vendor" * "$vendor/" * "/$vendor/" * "/$vendor/*" * "$vendor/*" * * @param string $ignoreFile * @param string $vendor * * @return Boolean */ protected function hasVendorIgnore($ignoreFile, $vendor = 'vendor') { if (!file_exists($ignoreFile)) { return false; } $pattern = sprintf( '~^/?%s(/|/\*)?$~', preg_quote($vendor, '~') ); $lines = file($ignoreFile, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES); foreach ($lines as $line) { if (preg_match($pattern, $line)) { return true; } } return false; } protected function addVendorIgnore($ignoreFile, $vendor = 'vendor') { $contents = ""; if (file_exists($ignoreFile)) { $contents = file_get_contents($ignoreFile); if ("\n" !== substr($contents, 0, -1)) { $contents .= "\n"; } } file_put_contents($ignoreFile, $contents . $vendor); } }