* Jordi Boggiano * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Composer\Test\Advisory; use Composer\Advisory\PartialSecurityAdvisory; use Composer\Advisory\SecurityAdvisory; use Composer\IO\NullIO; use Composer\Package\Package; use Composer\Package\Version\VersionParser; use Composer\Repository\ComposerRepository; use Composer\Repository\RepositorySet; use Composer\Test\TestCase; use Composer\Advisory\Auditor; use InvalidArgumentException; class AuditorTest extends TestCase { public static function auditProvider() { return [ // Test no advisories returns 0 [ 'data' => [ 'packages' => [ new Package('vendor1/package2', '9.0.0', '9.0.0'), new Package('vendor1/package1', '9.0.0', '9.0.0'), new Package('vendor3/package1', '9.0.0', '9.0.0'), ], 'warningOnly' => true, ], 'expected' => 0, 'message' => 'Test no advisories returns 0', ], // Test with advisories returns 1 [ 'data' => [ 'packages' => [ new Package('vendor1/package2', '9.0.0', '9.0.0'), new Package('vendor1/package1', '8.2.1', '8.2.1'), new Package('vendor3/package1', '9.0.0', '9.0.0'), ], 'warningOnly' => true, ], 'expected' => 1, 'message' => 'Test with advisories returns 1', ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider auditProvider * @phpstan-param array $data */ public function testAudit(array $data, int $expected, string $message): void { if (count($data['packages']) === 0) { $this->expectException(InvalidArgumentException::class); } $auditor = new Auditor(); $result = $auditor->audit(new NullIO(), $this->getRepoSet(), $data['packages'], Auditor::FORMAT_PLAIN, $data['warningOnly']); $this->assertSame($expected, $result, $message); } public function ignoredIdsProvider(): \Generator { yield 'ignore by CVE' => [ [ new Package('vendor1/package1', '', '3.0.0'), ], ['CVE1'], 0, [ ['text' => 'Found 1 ignored security vulnerability advisory affecting 1 package:'], ['text' => 'Package: vendor1/package1'], ['text' => 'CVE: CVE1'], ['text' => 'Title: advisory1'], ['text' => 'URL: https://advisory.example.com/advisory1'], ['text' => 'Affected versions: >=3,<3.4.3|>=1,<2.5.6'], ['text' => 'Reported at: 2022-05-25T13:21:00+00:00'], ] ]; yield 'ignore by CVE with reasoning' => [ [ new Package('vendor1/package1', '', '3.0.0'), ], ['CVE1' => 'A good reason'], 0, [ ['text' => 'Found 1 ignored security vulnerability advisory affecting 1 package:'], ['text' => 'Package: vendor1/package1'], ['text' => 'CVE: CVE1'], ['text' => 'Title: advisory1'], ['text' => 'URL: https://advisory.example.com/advisory1'], ['text' => 'Affected versions: >=3,<3.4.3|>=1,<2.5.6'], ['text' => 'Reported at: 2022-05-25T13:21:00+00:00'], ['text' => 'Ignore reason: A good reason'], ] ]; yield 'ignore by advisory id' => [ [ new Package('vendor1/package2', '', '3.0.0'), ], ['ID2'], 0, [ ['text' => 'Found 1 ignored security vulnerability advisory affecting 1 package:'], ['text' => 'Package: vendor1/package2'], ['text' => 'CVE: '], ['text' => 'Title: advisory2'], ['text' => 'URL: https://advisory.example.com/advisory2'], ['text' => 'Affected versions: >=3,<3.4.3|>=1,<2.5.6'], ['text' => 'Reported at: 2022-05-25T13:21:00+00:00'], ] ]; yield 'ignore by remote id' => [ [ new Package('vendorx/packagex', '', '3.0.0'), ], ['RemoteIDx'], 0, [ ['text' => 'Found 1 ignored security vulnerability advisory affecting 1 package:'], ['text' => 'Package: vendorx/packagex'], ['text' => 'CVE: CVE5'], ['text' => 'Title: advisory17'], ['text' => 'URL: https://advisory.example.com/advisory17'], ['text' => 'Affected versions: >=3,<3.4.3|>=1,<2.5.6'], ['text' => 'Reported at: 2015-05-25T13:21:00+00:00'], ] ]; yield '1 vulnerability, 0 ignored' => [ [ new Package('vendor1/package1', '', '3.0.0'), ], [], 1, [ ['text' => 'Found 1 security vulnerability advisory affecting 1 package:'], ['text' => 'Package: vendor1/package1'], ['text' => 'CVE: CVE1'], ['text' => 'Title: advisory1'], ['text' => 'URL: https://advisory.example.com/advisory1'], ['text' => 'Affected versions: >=3,<3.4.3|>=1,<2.5.6'], ['text' => 'Reported at: 2022-05-25T13:21:00+00:00'], ] ]; yield '1 vulnerability, 3 ignored affecting 2 packages' => [ [ new Package('vendor3/package1', '', '3.0.0'), // RemoteIDx new Package('vendorx/packagex', '', '3.0.0'), // ID3, ID6 new Package('vendor2/package1', '', '3.0.0'), ], ['RemoteIDx', 'ID3', 'ID6'], 1, [ ['text' => 'Found 3 ignored security vulnerability advisories affecting 2 packages:'], ['text' => 'Package: vendor2/package1'], ['text' => 'CVE: CVE2'], ['text' => 'Title: advisory3'], ['text' => 'URL: https://advisory.example.com/advisory3'], ['text' => 'Affected versions: >=3,<3.4.3|>=1,<2.5.6'], ['text' => 'Reported at: 2022-05-25T13:21:00+00:00'], ['text' => 'Ignore reason: None specified'], ['text' => '--------'], ['text' => 'Package: vendor2/package1'], ['text' => 'CVE: CVE4'], ['text' => 'Title: advisory6'], ['text' => 'URL: https://advisory.example.com/advisory6'], ['text' => 'Affected versions: >=3,<3.4.3|>=1,<2.5.6'], ['text' => 'Reported at: 2015-05-25T13:21:00+00:00'], ['text' => 'Ignore reason: None specified'], ['text' => '--------'], ['text' => 'Package: vendorx/packagex'], ['text' => 'CVE: CVE5'], ['text' => 'Title: advisory17'], ['text' => 'URL: https://advisory.example.com/advisory17'], ['text' => 'Affected versions: >=3,<3.4.3|>=1,<2.5.6'], ['text' => 'Reported at: 2015-05-25T13:21:00+00:00'], ['text' => 'Ignore reason: None specified'], ['text' => 'Found 1 security vulnerability advisory affecting 1 package:'], ['text' => 'Package: vendor3/package1'], ['text' => 'CVE: CVE5'], ['text' => 'Title: advisory7'], ['text' => 'URL: https://advisory.example.com/advisory7'], ['text' => 'Affected versions: >=3,<3.4.3|>=1,<2.5.6'], ['text' => 'Reported at: 2015-05-25T13:21:00+00:00'], ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider ignoredIdsProvider * @phpstan-param array<\Composer\Package\Package> $packages * @phpstan-param array|array $ignoredIds * @phpstan-param 0|positive-int $exitCode * @phpstan-param list $expectedOutput */ public function testAuditWithIgnore($packages, $ignoredIds, $exitCode, $expectedOutput): void { $auditor = new Auditor(); $result = $auditor->audit($io = $this->getIOMock(), $this->getRepoSet(), $packages, Auditor::FORMAT_PLAIN, false, $ignoredIds); $io->expects($expectedOutput, true); $this->assertSame($exitCode, $result); } private function getRepoSet(): RepositorySet { $repo = $this ->getMockBuilder(ComposerRepository::class) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->onlyMethods(['hasSecurityAdvisories', 'getSecurityAdvisories']) ->getMock(); $repoSet = new RepositorySet(); $repoSet->addRepository($repo); $repo ->method('hasSecurityAdvisories') ->willReturn(true); $repo ->method('getSecurityAdvisories') ->willReturnCallback(static function (array $packageConstraintMap, bool $allowPartialAdvisories) { $advisories = []; $parser = new VersionParser(); /** * @param array $data * @param string $name * @return ($allowPartialAdvisories is false ? SecurityAdvisory|null : PartialSecurityAdvisory|SecurityAdvisory|null) */ $create = static function (array $data, string $name) use ($parser, $allowPartialAdvisories, $packageConstraintMap): ?PartialSecurityAdvisory { $advisory = PartialSecurityAdvisory::create($name, $data, $parser); if (!$allowPartialAdvisories && !$advisory instanceof SecurityAdvisory) { throw new \RuntimeException('Advisory for '.$name.' could not be loaded as a full advisory from test repo'); } if (!$advisory->affectedVersions->matches($packageConstraintMap[$name])) { return null; } return $advisory; }; foreach (self::getMockAdvisories() as $package => $list) { if (!isset($packageConstraintMap[$package])) { continue; } $advisories[$package] = array_filter(array_map( static function ($data) use ($package, $create) { return $create($data, $package); }, $list )); } return ['namesFound' => array_keys($packageConstraintMap), 'advisories' => array_filter($advisories)]; }); return $repoSet; } /** * @return array */ public static function getMockAdvisories(): array { $advisories = [ 'vendor1/package1' => [ [ 'advisoryId' => 'ID1', 'packageName' => 'vendor1/package1', 'title' => 'advisory1', 'link' => 'https://advisory.example.com/advisory1', 'cve' => 'CVE1', 'affectedVersions' => '>=3,<3.4.3|>=1,<2.5.6', 'sources' => [ [ 'name' => 'source1', 'remoteId' => 'RemoteID1', ], ], 'reportedAt' => '2022-05-25 13:21:00', 'composerRepository' => 'https://packagist.org', ], [ 'advisoryId' => 'ID4', 'packageName' => 'vendor1/package1', 'title' => 'advisory4', 'link' => 'https://advisory.example.com/advisory4', 'cve' => 'CVE3', 'affectedVersions' => '>=8,<8.2.2|>=1,<2.5.6', 'sources' => [ [ 'name' => 'source2', 'remoteId' => 'RemoteID4', ], ], 'reportedAt' => '2022-05-25 13:21:00', 'composerRepository' => 'https://packagist.org', ], [ 'advisoryId' => 'ID5', 'packageName' => 'vendor1/package1', 'title' => 'advisory5', 'link' => 'https://advisory.example.com/advisory5', 'cve' => '', 'affectedVersions' => '>=8,<8.2.2|>=1,<2.5.6', 'sources' => [ [ 'name' => 'source1', 'remoteId' => 'RemoteID3', ], ], 'reportedAt' => '', 'composerRepository' => 'https://packagist.org', ], ], 'vendor1/package2' => [ [ 'advisoryId' => 'ID2', 'packageName' => 'vendor1/package2', 'title' => 'advisory2', 'link' => 'https://advisory.example.com/advisory2', 'cve' => '', 'affectedVersions' => '>=3,<3.4.3|>=1,<2.5.6', 'sources' => [ [ 'name' => 'source1', 'remoteId' => 'RemoteID2', ], ], 'reportedAt' => '2022-05-25 13:21:00', 'composerRepository' => 'https://packagist.org', ], ], 'vendorx/packagex' => [ [ 'advisoryId' => 'IDx', 'packageName' => 'vendorx/packagex', 'title' => 'advisory17', 'link' => 'https://advisory.example.com/advisory17', 'cve' => 'CVE5', 'affectedVersions' => '>=3,<3.4.3|>=1,<2.5.6', 'sources' => [ [ 'name' => 'source2', 'remoteId' => 'RemoteIDx', ], ], 'reportedAt' => '2015-05-25 13:21:00', 'composerRepository' => 'https://packagist.org', ], ], 'vendor2/package1' => [ [ 'advisoryId' => 'ID3', 'packageName' => 'vendor2/package1', 'title' => 'advisory3', 'link' => 'https://advisory.example.com/advisory3', 'cve' => 'CVE2', 'affectedVersions' => '>=3,<3.4.3|>=1,<2.5.6', 'sources' => [ [ 'name' => 'source2', 'remoteId' => 'RemoteID1', ], ], 'reportedAt' => '2022-05-25 13:21:00', 'composerRepository' => 'https://packagist.org', ], [ 'advisoryId' => 'ID6', 'packageName' => 'vendor2/package1', 'title' => 'advisory6', 'link' => 'https://advisory.example.com/advisory6', 'cve' => 'CVE4', 'affectedVersions' => '>=3,<3.4.3|>=1,<2.5.6', 'sources' => [ [ 'name' => 'source2', 'remoteId' => 'RemoteID3', ], ], 'reportedAt' => '2015-05-25 13:21:00', 'composerRepository' => 'https://packagist.org', ], ], 'vendory/packagey' => [ [ 'advisoryId' => 'IDy', 'packageName' => 'vendory/packagey', 'title' => 'advisory7', 'link' => 'https://advisory.example.com/advisory7', 'cve' => 'CVE5', 'affectedVersions' => '>=3,<3.4.3|>=1,<2.5.6', 'sources' => [ [ 'name' => 'source2', 'remoteId' => 'RemoteID4', ], ], 'reportedAt' => '2015-05-25 13:21:00', 'composerRepository' => 'https://packagist.org', ], ], 'vendor3/package1' => [ [ 'advisoryId' => 'ID7', 'packageName' => 'vendor3/package1', 'title' => 'advisory7', 'link' => 'https://advisory.example.com/advisory7', 'cve' => 'CVE5', 'affectedVersions' => '>=3,<3.4.3|>=1,<2.5.6', 'sources' => [ [ 'name' => 'source2', 'remoteId' => 'RemoteID4', ], ], 'reportedAt' => '2015-05-25 13:21:00', 'composerRepository' => 'https://packagist.org', ], ], ]; return $advisories; } }