<?php declare(strict_types=1); /* * This file is part of Composer. * * (c) Nils Adermann <naderman@naderman.de> * Jordi Boggiano <j.boggiano@seld.be> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Composer\Test\Mock; use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockBuilder; use React\Promise\PromiseInterface; use Composer\Util\ProcessExecutor; use Composer\Util\Platform; use PHPUnit\Framework\Assert; use PHPUnit\Framework\AssertionFailedError; use Symfony\Component\Process\Process; use React\Promise\Promise; /** * @author Jordi Boggiano <j.boggiano@seld.be> */ class ProcessExecutorMock extends ProcessExecutor { /** * @var array<array{cmd: string|list<string>, return: int, stdout: string, stderr: string, callback: callable|null}>|null */ private $expectations = null; /** * @var bool */ private $strict = false; /** * @var array{return: int, stdout: string, stderr: string} */ private $defaultHandler = ['return' => 0, 'stdout' => '', 'stderr' => '']; /** * @var string[] */ private $log = []; /** * @var MockBuilder<Process> */ private $processMockBuilder; /** * @param MockBuilder<Process> $processMockBuilder */ public function __construct(MockBuilder $processMockBuilder) { parent::__construct(); $this->processMockBuilder = $processMockBuilder->disableOriginalConstructor(); } /** * @param array<string|array{cmd: string|list<string>, return?: int, stdout?: string, stderr?: string, callback?: callable}> $expectations * @param bool $strict set to true if you want to provide *all* expected commands, and not just a subset you are interested in testing * @param array{return: int, stdout?: string, stderr?: string} $defaultHandler default command handler for undefined commands if not in strict mode */ public function expects(array $expectations, bool $strict = false, array $defaultHandler = ['return' => 0, 'stdout' => '', 'stderr' => '']): void { /** @var array{cmd: string|list<string>, return: int, stdout: string, stderr: string, callback: callable|null} $default */ $default = ['cmd' => '', 'return' => 0, 'stdout' => '', 'stderr' => '', 'callback' => null]; $this->expectations = array_map(static function ($expect) use ($default): array { if (is_string($expect)) { $command = $expect; $expect = $default; $expect['cmd'] = $command; } elseif (count($diff = array_diff_key(array_merge($default, $expect), $default)) > 0) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Unexpected keys in process execution step: '.implode(', ', array_keys($diff))); } return array_merge($default, $expect); }, $expectations); $this->strict = $strict; $this->defaultHandler = array_merge($this->defaultHandler, $defaultHandler); } public function assertComplete(): void { // this was not configured to expect anything, so no need to react here if (!is_array($this->expectations)) { return; } if (count($this->expectations) > 0) { $expectations = array_map(static function ($expect): string { return is_array($expect['cmd']) ? implode(' ', $expect['cmd']) : $expect['cmd']; }, $this->expectations); throw new AssertionFailedError( 'There are still '.count($this->expectations).' expected process calls which have not been consumed:'.PHP_EOL. implode(PHP_EOL, $expectations).PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL. 'Received calls:'.PHP_EOL.implode(PHP_EOL, $this->log) ); } // dummy assertion to ensure the test is not marked as having no assertions Assert::assertTrue(true); // @phpstan-ignore-line } public function execute($command, &$output = null, ?string $cwd = null): int { $cwd = $cwd ?? Platform::getCwd(); if (func_num_args() > 1) { return $this->doExecute($command, $cwd, false, $output); } return $this->doExecute($command, $cwd, false); } public function executeTty($command, ?string $cwd = null): int { $cwd = $cwd ?? Platform::getCwd(); if (Platform::isTty()) { return $this->doExecute($command, $cwd, true); } return $this->doExecute($command, $cwd, false); } /** * @param string|list<string> $command * @param callable|string|null $output * @return mixed */ private function doExecute($command, string $cwd, bool $tty, &$output = null) { $this->captureOutput = func_num_args() > 3; $this->errorOutput = ''; $callback = is_callable($output) ? $output : function (string $type, string $buffer): void { $this->outputHandler($type, $buffer); }; $commandString = is_array($command) ? implode(' ', $command) : $command; $this->log[] = $commandString; if (is_array($this->expectations) && count($this->expectations) > 0 && $command === $this->expectations[0]['cmd']) { $expect = array_shift($this->expectations); $stdout = $expect['stdout']; $stderr = $expect['stderr']; $return = $expect['return']; if (isset($expect['callback'])) { $expect['callback'](); } } elseif (!$this->strict) { $stdout = $this->defaultHandler['stdout']; $stderr = $this->defaultHandler['stderr']; $return = $this->defaultHandler['return']; } else { throw new AssertionFailedError( 'Received unexpected command '.var_export($command, true).' in "'.$cwd.'"'.PHP_EOL. (is_array($this->expectations) && count($this->expectations) > 0 ? 'Expected '.var_export($this->expectations[0]['cmd'], true).' at this point.' : 'Expected no more calls at this point.').PHP_EOL. 'Received calls:'.PHP_EOL.implode(PHP_EOL, array_slice($this->log, 0, -1)) ); } if ($stdout) { $callback(Process::OUT, $stdout); } if ($stderr) { $callback(Process::ERR, $stderr); } if ($this->captureOutput && !is_callable($output)) { $output = $stdout; } $this->errorOutput = $stderr; return $return; } public function executeAsync($command, ?string $cwd = null): PromiseInterface { $cwd = $cwd ?? Platform::getCwd(); $resolver = function ($resolve, $reject) use ($command, $cwd): void { $result = $this->doExecute($command, $cwd, false, $output); $procMock = $this->processMockBuilder->getMock(); $procMock->method('getOutput')->willReturn($output); $procMock->method('isSuccessful')->willReturn($result === 0); $procMock->method('getExitCode')->willReturn($result); $resolve($procMock); }; $canceler = static function (): void { throw new \RuntimeException('Aborted process'); }; return new Promise($resolver, $canceler); } public function getErrorOutput(): string { return $this->errorOutput; } }