<?php namespace Composer\Test\Util; use Composer\Test\TestCase; use Composer\Util\SpdxLicenseIdentifier; class SpdxLicenseIdentifierTest extends TestCase { public static function provideValidLicenses() { $valid = array_merge( array( "MIT", "NONE", "NOASSERTION", "LicenseRef-3", array("LGPL-2.0", "GPL-3.0+"), "(LGPL-2.0 or GPL-3.0+)", "(EUDatagrid and GPL-3.0+)", ), json_decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../../../../res/spdx-identifier.json')) ); foreach ($valid as &$r) { $r = array($r); } return $valid; } public static function provideInvalidLicenses() { return array( array(""), array(array()), array("The system pwns you"), array("()"), array("(MIT)"), array("MIT NONE"), array("MIT (MIT and MIT)"), array("(MIT and MIT) MIT"), array(array("LGPL-2.0", "The system pwns you")), array("and GPL-3.0+"), array("EUDatagrid and GPL-3.0+"), array("(GPL-3.0 and GPL-2.0 or GPL-3.0+)"), array("(EUDatagrid and GPL-3.0+ and )"), array("(EUDatagrid xor GPL-3.0+)"), array("(MIT Or MIT)"), array("(NONE or MIT)"), array("(NOASSERTION or MIT)"), ); } public static function provideInvalidArgument() { return array( array(null), array(new \stdClass), array(array(new \stdClass)), array(array("mixed", new \stdClass)), array(array(new \stdClass, new \stdClass)), ); } /** * @dataProvider provideValidLicenses * @param $license */ public function testValidate($license) { $validator = new SpdxLicenseIdentifier(); $this->assertTrue($validator->validate($license)); } /** * @dataProvider provideInvalidLicenses * @param string|array $invalidLicense */ public function testInvalidLicenses($invalidLicense) { $validator = new SpdxLicenseIdentifier(); $this->assertFalse($validator->validate($invalidLicense)); } /** * @dataProvider provideInvalidArgument * @expectedException InvalidArgumentException */ public function testInvalidArgument($invalidArgument) { $validator = new SpdxLicenseIdentifier(); $validator->validate($invalidArgument); } }