<?php /* * This file is part of Composer. * * (c) Nils Adermann <naderman@naderman.de> * Jordi Boggiano <j.boggiano@seld.be> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Composer\Test\Repository; use Symfony\Component\Process\ExecutableFinder; use Composer\Package\Dumper\ArrayDumper; use Composer\Repository\VcsRepository; use Composer\Util\Filesystem; use Composer\Util\ProcessExecutor; use Composer\IO\NullIO; use Composer\Config; /** * @group slow */ class VcsRepositoryTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { private static $composerHome; private static $gitRepo; private $skipped; protected function initialize() { $oldCwd = getcwd(); self::$composerHome = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/composer-home-'.mt_rand().'/'; self::$gitRepo = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/composer-git-'.mt_rand().'/'; $locator = new ExecutableFinder(); if (!$locator->find('git')) { $this->skipped = 'This test needs a git binary in the PATH to be able to run'; return; } if (!@mkdir(self::$gitRepo) || !@chdir(self::$gitRepo)) { $this->skipped = 'Could not create and move into the temp git repo '.self::$gitRepo; return; } // init $process = new ProcessExecutor; $exec = function ($command) use ($process) { $cwd = getcwd(); if ($process->execute($command, $output, $cwd) !== 0) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute '.$command.': '.$process->getErrorOutput()); } }; $exec('git init'); $exec('git config user.email composertest@example.org'); $exec('git config user.name ComposerTest'); touch('foo'); $exec('git add foo'); $exec('git commit -m init'); // non-composed tag & branch $exec('git tag 0.5.0'); $exec('git branch oldbranch'); // add composed tag & master branch $composer = array('name' => 'a/b'); file_put_contents('composer.json', json_encode($composer)); $exec('git add composer.json'); $exec('git commit -m addcomposer'); $exec('git tag 0.6.0'); // add feature-a branch $exec('git checkout -b feature/a-1.0-B'); file_put_contents('foo', 'bar feature'); $exec('git add foo'); $exec('git commit -m change-a'); // add version to composer.json $exec('git checkout master'); $composer['version'] = '1.0.0'; file_put_contents('composer.json', json_encode($composer)); $exec('git add composer.json'); $exec('git commit -m addversion'); // create tag with wrong version in it $exec('git tag 0.9.0'); // create tag with correct version in it $exec('git tag 1.0.0'); // add feature-b branch $exec('git checkout -b feature-b'); file_put_contents('foo', 'baz feature'); $exec('git add foo'); $exec('git commit -m change-b'); // add 1.0 branch $exec('git checkout master'); $exec('git branch 1.0'); // add 1.0.x branch $exec('git branch 1.1.x'); // update master to 2.0 $composer['version'] = '2.0.0'; file_put_contents('composer.json', json_encode($composer)); $exec('git add composer.json'); $exec('git commit -m bump-version'); chdir($oldCwd); } public function setUp() { if (!self::$gitRepo) { $this->initialize(); } if ($this->skipped) { $this->markTestSkipped($this->skipped); } } public static function tearDownAfterClass() { $fs = new Filesystem; $fs->removeDirectory(self::$composerHome); $fs->removeDirectory(self::$gitRepo); } public function testLoadVersions() { $expected = array( '0.6.0' => true, '1.0.0' => true, '1.0.x-dev' => true, '1.1.x-dev' => true, 'dev-feature-b' => true, 'dev-feature/a-1.0-B' => true, 'dev-master' => true, ); $config = new Config(); $config->merge(array( 'config' => array( 'home' => self::$composerHome, ), )); $repo = new VcsRepository(array('url' => self::$gitRepo, 'type' => 'vcs'), new NullIO, $config); $packages = $repo->getPackages(); $dumper = new ArrayDumper(); foreach ($packages as $package) { if (isset($expected[$package->getPrettyVersion()])) { unset($expected[$package->getPrettyVersion()]); } else { $this->fail('Unexpected version '.$package->getPrettyVersion().' in '.json_encode($dumper->dump($package))); } } $this->assertEmpty($expected, 'Missing versions: '.implode(', ', array_keys($expected))); } }