<?php /* * This file is part of Composer. * * (c) Nils Adermann <naderman@naderman.de> * Jordi Boggiano <j.boggiano@seld.be> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ /* * This file is copied from the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com> */ namespace Composer\Test\Autoload; use Composer\Autoload\ClassMapGenerator; use Composer\Test\TestCase; use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder; use Composer\Util\Filesystem; class ClassMapGeneratorTest extends TestCase { /** * @dataProvider getTestCreateMapTests */ public function testCreateMap($directory, $expected) { $this->assertEqualsNormalized($expected, ClassMapGenerator::createMap($directory)); } public function getTestCreateMapTests() { if (PHP_VERSION_ID == 50303) { $this->markTestSkipped('Test segfaults on travis 5.3.3 due to ClassMap\LongString'); } $classmap = array( 'Foo\\Bar\\A' => realpath(__DIR__) . '/Fixtures/classmap/sameNsMultipleClasses.php', 'Foo\\Bar\\B' => realpath(__DIR__) . '/Fixtures/classmap/sameNsMultipleClasses.php', 'Alpha\\A' => realpath(__DIR__) . '/Fixtures/classmap/multipleNs.php', 'Alpha\\B' => realpath(__DIR__) . '/Fixtures/classmap/multipleNs.php', 'A' => realpath(__DIR__) . '/Fixtures/classmap/multipleNs.php', 'Be\\ta\\A' => realpath(__DIR__) . '/Fixtures/classmap/multipleNs.php', 'Be\\ta\\B' => realpath(__DIR__) . '/Fixtures/classmap/multipleNs.php', 'ClassMap\\SomeInterface' => realpath(__DIR__) . '/Fixtures/classmap/SomeInterface.php', 'ClassMap\\SomeParent' => realpath(__DIR__) . '/Fixtures/classmap/SomeParent.php', 'ClassMap\\SomeClass' => realpath(__DIR__) . '/Fixtures/classmap/SomeClass.php', 'ClassMap\\LongString' => realpath(__DIR__) . '/Fixtures/classmap/LongString.php', 'Foo\\LargeClass' => realpath(__DIR__) . '/Fixtures/classmap/LargeClass.php', 'Foo\\LargeGap' => realpath(__DIR__) . '/Fixtures/classmap/LargeGap.php', 'Foo\\MissingSpace' => realpath(__DIR__) . '/Fixtures/classmap/MissingSpace.php', 'Foo\\StripNoise' => realpath(__DIR__) . '/Fixtures/classmap/StripNoise.php', 'Foo\\SlashedA' => realpath(__DIR__) . '/Fixtures/classmap/BackslashLineEndingString.php', 'Foo\\SlashedB' => realpath(__DIR__) . '/Fixtures/classmap/BackslashLineEndingString.php', 'Unicode\\↑\\↑' => realpath(__DIR__) . '/Fixtures/classmap/Unicode.php', 'ShortOpenTag' => realpath(__DIR__) . '/Fixtures/classmap/ShortOpenTag.php', 'ShortOpenTagDocblock' => realpath(__DIR__) . '/Fixtures/classmap/ShortOpenTagDocblock.php', ); $data = array( array(__DIR__ . '/Fixtures/Namespaced', array( 'Namespaced\\Bar' => realpath(__DIR__) . '/Fixtures/Namespaced/Bar.inc', 'Namespaced\\Foo' => realpath(__DIR__) . '/Fixtures/Namespaced/Foo.php', 'Namespaced\\Baz' => realpath(__DIR__) . '/Fixtures/Namespaced/Baz.php', )), array(__DIR__ . '/Fixtures/beta/NamespaceCollision', array( 'NamespaceCollision\\A\\B\\Bar' => realpath(__DIR__) . '/Fixtures/beta/NamespaceCollision/A/B/Bar.php', 'NamespaceCollision\\A\\B\\Foo' => realpath(__DIR__) . '/Fixtures/beta/NamespaceCollision/A/B/Foo.php', )), array(__DIR__ . '/Fixtures/Pearlike', array( 'Pearlike_Foo' => realpath(__DIR__) . '/Fixtures/Pearlike/Foo.php', 'Pearlike_Bar' => realpath(__DIR__) . '/Fixtures/Pearlike/Bar.php', 'Pearlike_Baz' => realpath(__DIR__) . '/Fixtures/Pearlike/Baz.php', )), array(__DIR__ . '/Fixtures/classmap', $classmap), array(__DIR__ . '/Fixtures/template', array()), ); if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50400) { $data[] = array(__DIR__ . '/Fixtures/php5.4', array( 'TFoo' => __DIR__ . '/Fixtures/php5.4/traits.php', 'CFoo' => __DIR__ . '/Fixtures/php5.4/traits.php', 'Foo\\TBar' => __DIR__ . '/Fixtures/php5.4/traits.php', 'Foo\\IBar' => __DIR__ . '/Fixtures/php5.4/traits.php', 'Foo\\TFooBar' => __DIR__ . '/Fixtures/php5.4/traits.php', 'Foo\\CBar' => __DIR__ . '/Fixtures/php5.4/traits.php', )); } if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70000) { $data[] = array(__DIR__ . '/Fixtures/php7.0', array( 'Dummy\Test\AnonClassHolder' => __DIR__ . '/Fixtures/php7.0/anonclass.php', )); } if (defined('HHVM_VERSION') && version_compare(HHVM_VERSION, '3.3', '>=')) { $data[] = array(__DIR__ . '/Fixtures/hhvm3.3', array( 'FooEnum' => __DIR__ . '/Fixtures/hhvm3.3/HackEnum.php', 'Foo\BarEnum' => __DIR__ . '/Fixtures/hhvm3.3/NamespacedHackEnum.php', 'GenericsClass' => __DIR__ . '/Fixtures/hhvm3.3/Generics.php', )); } return $data; } public function testCreateMapFinderSupport() { $this->checkIfFinderIsAvailable(); $finder = new Finder(); $finder->files()->in(__DIR__ . '/Fixtures/beta/NamespaceCollision'); $this->assertEqualsNormalized(array( 'NamespaceCollision\\A\\B\\Bar' => realpath(__DIR__) . '/Fixtures/beta/NamespaceCollision/A/B/Bar.php', 'NamespaceCollision\\A\\B\\Foo' => realpath(__DIR__) . '/Fixtures/beta/NamespaceCollision/A/B/Foo.php', ), ClassMapGenerator::createMap($finder)); } /** * @expectedException \RuntimeException * @expectedExceptionMessage does not exist */ public function testFindClassesThrowsWhenFileDoesNotExist() { $r = new \ReflectionClass('Composer\\Autoload\\ClassMapGenerator'); $find = $r->getMethod('findClasses'); $find->setAccessible(true); $find->invoke(null, __DIR__ . '/no-file'); } public function testAmbiguousReference() { $this->checkIfFinderIsAvailable(); $tempDir = $this->getUniqueTmpDirectory(); $this->ensureDirectoryExistsAndClear($tempDir . '/other'); $finder = new Finder(); $finder->files()->in($tempDir); $io = $this->getMockBuilder('Composer\IO\ConsoleIO') ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); file_put_contents($tempDir . '/A.php', "<?php\nclass A {}"); file_put_contents($tempDir . '/other/A.php', "<?php\nclass A {}"); $a = realpath($tempDir . '/A.php'); $b = realpath($tempDir . '/other/A.php'); $msg = ''; $io->expects($this->once()) ->method('writeError') ->will($this->returnCallback(function ($text) use (&$msg) { $msg = $text; })); $messages = array( '<warning>Warning: Ambiguous class resolution, "A" was found in both "' . $a . '" and "' . $b . '", the first will be used.</warning>', '<warning>Warning: Ambiguous class resolution, "A" was found in both "' . $b . '" and "' . $a . '", the first will be used.</warning>', ); ClassMapGenerator::createMap($finder, null, $io); $this->assertContains($msg, $messages, $msg . ' not found in expected messages (' . var_export($messages, true) . ')'); $fs = new Filesystem(); $fs->removeDirectory($tempDir); } /** * If one file has a class or interface defined more than once, * an ambiguous reference warning should not be produced */ public function testUnambiguousReference() { $tempDir = $this->getUniqueTmpDirectory(); file_put_contents($tempDir . '/A.php', "<?php\nclass A {}"); file_put_contents( $tempDir . '/B.php', "<?php if (true) { interface B {} } else { interface B extends Iterator {} } " ); foreach (array('test', 'fixture', 'example') as $keyword) { if (!is_dir($tempDir . '/' . $keyword)) { mkdir($tempDir . '/' . $keyword, 0777, true); } file_put_contents($tempDir . '/' . $keyword . '/A.php', "<?php\nclass A {}"); } $io = $this->getMockBuilder('Composer\IO\ConsoleIO') ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $io->expects($this->never()) ->method('write'); ClassMapGenerator::createMap($tempDir, null, $io); $fs = new Filesystem(); $fs->removeDirectory($tempDir); } /** * @expectedException \RuntimeException * @expectedExceptionMessage Could not scan for classes inside */ public function testCreateMapThrowsWhenDirectoryDoesNotExist() { ClassMapGenerator::createMap(__DIR__ . '/no-file.no-foler'); } public function testDump() { $tempDir = self::getUniqueTmpDirectory(); $resultFile = $tempDir . '/result.txt'; $fileInDirectory = $tempDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'TestClass.php'; file_put_contents($fileInDirectory, "<?php class TestClass {} ?>"); ClassMapGenerator::dump(array($tempDir), $resultFile); $fileInDirectory = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $fileInDirectory); $this->assertStringEqualsFile($resultFile, "<?php return array (\n 'TestClass' => '$fileInDirectory',\n);"); $fs = new Filesystem(); $fs->removeDirectory($tempDir); } protected function assertEqualsNormalized($expected, $actual, $message = null) { foreach ($expected as $ns => $path) { $expected[$ns] = strtr($path, '\\', '/'); } foreach ($actual as $ns => $path) { $actual[$ns] = strtr($path, '\\', '/'); } $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual, $message); } private function checkIfFinderIsAvailable() { if (!class_exists('Symfony\\Component\\Finder\\Finder')) { $this->markTestSkipped('Finder component is not available'); } } }