* Jordi Boggiano * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Composer\Test\Package\Dumper; use Composer\Package\Dumper\ArrayDumper; use Composer\Package\Link; use Composer\Semver\Constraint\Constraint; use Composer\Test\TestCase; class ArrayDumperTest extends TestCase { /** * @var ArrayDumper */ private $dumper; /** * @var \Composer\Package\CompletePackageInterface|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */ private $package; public function setUp() { $this->dumper = new ArrayDumper(); $this->package = $this->getMockBuilder('Composer\Package\CompletePackageInterface')->getMock(); $this->packageExpects('getTransportOptions', array()); } public function testRequiredInformation() { $this ->packageExpects('getPrettyName', 'foo') ->packageExpects('getPrettyVersion', '1.0') ->packageExpects('getVersion', '') ; $config = $this->dumper->dump($this->package); $this->assertEquals( array( 'name' => 'foo', 'version' => '1.0', 'version_normalized' => '', ), $config ); } public function testRootPackage() { $this->package = $this->getMockBuilder('Composer\Package\RootPackageInterface')->getMock(); $this ->packageExpects('getMinimumStability', 'dev') ->packageExpects('getTransportOptions', array()) ; $config = $this->dumper->dump($this->package); $this->assertSame('dev', $config['minimum-stability']); } public function testDumpAbandoned() { $this->packageExpects('isAbandoned', true); $this->packageExpects('getReplacementPackage', true); $config = $this->dumper->dump($this->package); $this->assertTrue($config['abandoned']); } public function testDumpAbandonedReplacement() { $this->packageExpects('isAbandoned', true); $this->packageExpects('getReplacementPackage', 'foo/bar'); $config = $this->dumper->dump($this->package); $this->assertSame('foo/bar', $config['abandoned']); } /** * @dataProvider getKeys */ public function testKeys($key, $value, $method = null, $expectedValue = null) { $this->package = $this->getMockBuilder('Composer\Package\RootPackageInterface')->getMock(); $this->packageExpects('get'.ucfirst($method ?: $key), $value); $this->packageExpects('isAbandoned', $value); if ($method !== 'transportOptions') { $this->packageExpects('getTransportOptions', array()); } $config = $this->dumper->dump($this->package); $this->assertSame($expectedValue ?: $value, $config[$key]); } public function getKeys() { return array( array( 'type', 'library', ), array( 'time', $datetime = new \DateTime('2012-02-01'), 'ReleaseDate', $datetime->format(DATE_RFC3339), ), array( 'authors', array('Nils Adermann ', 'Jordi Boggiano '), ), array( 'homepage', 'https://getcomposer.org', ), array( 'description', 'Dependency Manager', ), array( 'keywords', array('package', 'dependency', 'autoload'), null, array('autoload', 'dependency', 'package'), ), array( 'bin', array('bin/composer'), 'binaries', ), array( 'license', array('MIT'), ), array( 'autoload', array('psr-0' => array('Composer' => 'src/')), ), array( 'repositories', array('packagist' => false), ), array( 'scripts', array('post-update-cmd' => 'MyVendor\\MyClass::postUpdate'), ), array( 'extra', array('class' => 'MyVendor\\Installer'), ), array( 'archive', array('/foo/bar', 'baz', '!/foo/bar/baz'), 'archiveExcludes', array( 'exclude' => array('/foo/bar', 'baz', '!/foo/bar/baz'), ), ), array( 'require', array(new Link('foo', 'foo/bar', new Constraint('=', ''), 'requires', '1.0.0')), 'requires', array('foo/bar' => '1.0.0'), ), array( 'require-dev', array(new Link('foo', 'foo/bar', new Constraint('=', ''), 'requires (for development)', '1.0.0')), 'devRequires', array('foo/bar' => '1.0.0'), ), array( 'suggest', array('foo/bar' => 'very useful package'), 'suggests', ), array( 'support', array('foo' => 'bar'), ), array( 'require', array(new Link('foo', 'foo/bar', new Constraint('=', ''), 'requires', '1.0.0'), new Link('bar', 'bar/baz', new Constraint('=', ''), 'requires', '1.0.0')), 'requires', array('bar/baz' => '1.0.0', 'foo/bar' => '1.0.0'), ), array( 'require-dev', array(new Link('foo', 'foo/bar', new Constraint('=', ''), 'requires', '1.0.0'), new Link('bar', 'bar/baz', new Constraint('=', ''), 'requires', '1.0.0')), 'devRequires', array('bar/baz' => '1.0.0', 'foo/bar' => '1.0.0'), ), array( 'suggest', array('foo/bar' => 'very useful package', 'bar/baz' => 'another useful package'), 'suggests', array('bar/baz' => 'another useful package', 'foo/bar' => 'very useful package'), ), array( 'provide', array(new Link('foo', 'foo/bar', new Constraint('=', ''), 'requires', '1.0.0'), new Link('bar', 'bar/baz', new Constraint('=', ''), 'requires', '1.0.0')), 'provides', array('bar/baz' => '1.0.0', 'foo/bar' => '1.0.0'), ), array( 'replace', array(new Link('foo', 'foo/bar', new Constraint('=', ''), 'requires', '1.0.0'), new Link('bar', 'bar/baz', new Constraint('=', ''), 'requires', '1.0.0')), 'replaces', array('bar/baz' => '1.0.0', 'foo/bar' => '1.0.0'), ), array( 'conflict', array(new Link('foo', 'foo/bar', new Constraint('=', ''), 'requires', '1.0.0'), new Link('bar', 'bar/baz', new Constraint('=', ''), 'requires', '1.0.0')), 'conflicts', array('bar/baz' => '1.0.0', 'foo/bar' => '1.0.0'), ), array( 'transport-options', array('ssl' => array('local_cert' => '/opt/certs/test.pem')), 'transportOptions', ), ); } private function packageExpects($method, $value) { $this->package ->expects($this->any()) ->method($method) ->will($this->returnValue($value)); return $this; } }