* Jordi Boggiano * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Composer\Test\Package\Archiver; use Composer\IO\NullIO; use Composer\Factory; use Composer\Package\Archiver\ArchiveManager; use Composer\Package\CompletePackage; use Composer\Util\Loop; use Composer\Test\Mock\FactoryMock; use Composer\Util\ProcessExecutor; class ArchiveManagerTest extends ArchiverTest { /** * @var ArchiveManager */ protected $manager; /** * @var string */ protected $targetDir; public function setUp(): void { parent::setUp(); $factory = new Factory(); $dm = $factory->createDownloadManager( $io = new NullIO, $config = FactoryMock::createConfig(), $httpDownloader = $factory->createHttpDownloader($io, $config), new ProcessExecutor($io) ); $loop = new Loop($httpDownloader); $this->manager = $factory->createArchiveManager($factory->createConfig(), $dm, $loop); $this->targetDir = $this->testDir.'/composer_archiver_tests'; } public function testUnknownFormat(): void { self::expectException('RuntimeException'); $package = $this->setupPackage(); $this->manager->archive($package, '__unknown_format__', $this->targetDir); } public function testArchiveTar(): void { $this->skipIfNotExecutable('git'); $this->setupGitRepo(); $package = $this->setupPackage(); $this->manager->archive($package, 'tar', $this->targetDir); $target = $this->getTargetName($package, 'tar'); $this->assertFileExists($target); $tmppath = sys_get_temp_dir().'/composer_archiver/'.$this->manager->getPackageFilename($package); $this->assertFileDoesNotExist($tmppath); unlink($target); } public function testArchiveCustomFileName(): void { $this->skipIfNotExecutable('git'); $this->setupGitRepo(); $package = $this->setupPackage(); $fileName = 'testArchiveName'; $this->manager->archive($package, 'tar', $this->targetDir, $fileName); $target = $this->targetDir . '/' . $fileName . '.tar'; $this->assertFileExists($target); $tmppath = sys_get_temp_dir().'/composer_archiver/'.$this->manager->getPackageFilename($package); $this->assertFileDoesNotExist($tmppath); unlink($target); } /** * @param string $format * @param string|null $fileName * * @return string */ protected function getTargetName(CompletePackage $package, $format, $fileName = null): string { if (null === $fileName) { $packageName = $this->manager->getPackageFilename($package); } else { $packageName = $fileName; } return $this->targetDir.'/'.$packageName.'.'.$format; } /** * Create local git repository to run tests against! * * @return void */ protected function setupGitRepo(): void { $currentWorkDir = getcwd(); chdir($this->testDir); $output = null; $result = $this->process->execute('git init -q', $output, $this->testDir); if ($result > 0) { chdir($currentWorkDir); throw new \RuntimeException('Could not init: '.$this->process->getErrorOutput()); } $result = $this->process->execute('git checkout -b master', $output, $this->testDir); if ($result > 0) { chdir($currentWorkDir); throw new \RuntimeException('Could not checkout master branch: '.$this->process->getErrorOutput()); } $result = $this->process->execute('git config user.email "you@example.com"', $output, $this->testDir); if ($result > 0) { chdir($currentWorkDir); throw new \RuntimeException('Could not config: '.$this->process->getErrorOutput()); } $result = $this->process->execute('git config commit.gpgsign false', $output, $this->testDir); if ($result > 0) { chdir($currentWorkDir); throw new \RuntimeException('Could not config: '.$this->process->getErrorOutput()); } $result = $this->process->execute('git config user.name "Your Name"', $output, $this->testDir); if ($result > 0) { chdir($currentWorkDir); throw new \RuntimeException('Could not config: '.$this->process->getErrorOutput()); } $result = file_put_contents('composer.json', '{"name":"faker/faker", "description": "description", "license": "MIT"}'); if (false === $result) { chdir($currentWorkDir); throw new \RuntimeException('Could not save file.'); } $result = $this->process->execute('git add composer.json && git commit -m "commit composer.json" -q', $output, $this->testDir); if ($result > 0) { chdir($currentWorkDir); throw new \RuntimeException('Could not commit: '.$this->process->getErrorOutput()); } chdir($currentWorkDir); } }