* Jordi Boggiano * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Composer\Util; use Composer\Composer; use Composer\Config; use Composer\IO\IOInterface; use Composer\Downloader\TransportException; /** * @author François Pluchino * @author Jordi Boggiano * @author Nils Adermann */ class RemoteFilesystem { private $io; private $config; private $firstCall; private $bytesMax; private $originUrl; private $fileUrl; private $fileName; private $retry; private $progress; private $lastProgress; private $options; private $retryAuthFailure; private $lastHeaders; /** * Constructor. * * @param IOInterface $io The IO instance * @param array $options The options */ public function __construct(IOInterface $io, Config $config = null, array $options = array()) { $this->io = $io; $this->config = $config; $this->options = $options; } /** * Copy the remote file in local. * * @param string $originUrl The origin URL * @param string $fileUrl The file URL * @param string $fileName the local filename * @param boolean $progress Display the progression * @param array $options Additional context options * * @return bool true */ public function copy($originUrl, $fileUrl, $fileName, $progress = true, $options = array()) { return $this->get($originUrl, $fileUrl, $options, $fileName, $progress); } /** * Get the content. * * @param string $originUrl The origin URL * @param string $fileUrl The file URL * @param boolean $progress Display the progression * @param array $options Additional context options * * @return string The content */ public function getContents($originUrl, $fileUrl, $progress = true, $options = array()) { return $this->get($originUrl, $fileUrl, $options, null, $progress); } /** * Retrieve the options set in the constructor * * @return array Options */ public function getOptions() { return $this->options; } /** * Returns the headers of the last request * * @return array */ public function getLastHeaders() { return $this->lastHeaders; } /** * Get file content or copy action. * * @param string $originUrl The origin URL * @param string $fileUrl The file URL * @param array $additionalOptions context options * @param string $fileName the local filename * @param boolean $progress Display the progression * * @throws TransportException|\Exception * @throws TransportException When the file could not be downloaded * * @return bool|string */ protected function get($originUrl, $fileUrl, $additionalOptions = array(), $fileName = null, $progress = true) { if (strpos($originUrl, '.github.com') === (strlen($originUrl) - 11)) { $originUrl = 'github.com'; } $this->bytesMax = 0; $this->originUrl = $originUrl; $this->fileUrl = $fileUrl; $this->fileName = $fileName; $this->progress = $progress; $this->lastProgress = null; $this->retryAuthFailure = true; $this->lastHeaders = array(); // capture username/password from URL if there is one if (preg_match('{^https?://(.+):(.+)@([^/]+)}i', $fileUrl, $match)) { $this->io->setAuthentication($originUrl, urldecode($match[1]), urldecode($match[2])); } if (isset($additionalOptions['retry-auth-failure'])) { $this->retryAuthFailure = (bool) $additionalOptions['retry-auth-failure']; unset($additionalOptions['retry-auth-failure']); } $options = $this->getOptionsForUrl($originUrl, $additionalOptions); if ($this->io->isDebug()) { $this->io->write((substr($fileUrl, 0, 4) === 'http' ? 'Downloading ' : 'Reading ') . $fileUrl); } if (isset($options['github-token'])) { $fileUrl .= (false === strpos($fileUrl, '?') ? '?' : '&') . 'access_token='.$options['github-token']; unset($options['github-token']); } if (isset($options['http'])) { $options['http']['ignore_errors'] = true; } $ctx = StreamContextFactory::getContext($fileUrl, $options, array('notification' => array($this, 'callbackGet'))); if ($this->progress) { $this->io->write(" Downloading: connection...", false); } $errorMessage = ''; $errorCode = 0; $result = false; set_error_handler(function ($code, $msg) use (&$errorMessage) { if ($errorMessage) { $errorMessage .= "\n"; } $errorMessage .= preg_replace('{^file_get_contents\(.*?\): }', '', $msg); }); try { $result = file_get_contents($fileUrl, false, $ctx); } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($e instanceof TransportException && !empty($http_response_header[0])) { $e->setHeaders($http_response_header); } if ($e instanceof TransportException && $result !== false) { $e->setResponse($result); } $result = false; } if ($errorMessage && !ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) { $errorMessage = 'allow_url_fopen must be enabled in php.ini ('.$errorMessage.')'; } restore_error_handler(); if (isset($e) && !$this->retry) { throw $e; } // fail 4xx and 5xx responses and capture the response if (!empty($http_response_header[0]) && preg_match('{^HTTP/\S+ ([45]\d\d)}i', $http_response_header[0], $match)) { $errorCode = $match[1]; if (!$this->retry) { $e = new TransportException('The "'.$this->fileUrl.'" file could not be downloaded ('.$http_response_header[0].')', $errorCode); $e->setHeaders($http_response_header); $e->setResponse($result); throw $e; } $result = false; } // decode gzip if ($result && extension_loaded('zlib') && substr($fileUrl, 0, 4) === 'http') { $decode = false; foreach ($http_response_header as $header) { if (preg_match('{^content-encoding: *gzip *$}i', $header)) { $decode = true; continue; } elseif (preg_match('{^HTTP/}i', $header)) { $decode = false; } } if ($decode) { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0', '>=')) { $result = zlib_decode($result); } else { // work around issue with gzuncompress & co that do not work with all gzip checksums $result = file_get_contents('compress.zlib://data:application/octet-stream;base64,'.base64_encode($result)); } } } if ($this->progress && !$this->retry) { $this->io->overwrite(" Downloading: 100%"); } // handle copy command if download was successful if (false !== $result && null !== $fileName) { if ('' === $result) { throw new TransportException('"'.$this->fileUrl.'" appears broken, and returned an empty 200 response'); } $errorMessage = ''; set_error_handler(function ($code, $msg) use (&$errorMessage) { if ($errorMessage) { $errorMessage .= "\n"; } $errorMessage .= preg_replace('{^file_put_contents\(.*?\): }', '', $msg); }); $result = (bool) file_put_contents($fileName, $result); restore_error_handler(); if (false === $result) { throw new TransportException('The "'.$this->fileUrl.'" file could not be written to '.$fileName.': '.$errorMessage); } } if ($this->retry) { $this->retry = false; return $this->get($this->originUrl, $this->fileUrl, $additionalOptions, $this->fileName, $this->progress); } if (false === $result) { $e = new TransportException('The "'.$this->fileUrl.'" file could not be downloaded: '.$errorMessage, $errorCode); if (!empty($http_response_header[0])) { $e->setHeaders($http_response_header); } throw $e; } if (!empty($http_response_header[0])) { $this->lastHeaders = $http_response_header; } return $result; } /** * Get notification action. * * @param integer $notificationCode The notification code * @param integer $severity The severity level * @param string $message The message * @param integer $messageCode The message code * @param integer $bytesTransferred The loaded size * @param integer $bytesMax The total size * @throws TransportException */ protected function callbackGet($notificationCode, $severity, $message, $messageCode, $bytesTransferred, $bytesMax) { switch ($notificationCode) { case STREAM_NOTIFY_FAILURE: case STREAM_NOTIFY_AUTH_REQUIRED: if (401 === $messageCode) { // Bail if the caller is going to handle authentication failures itself. if (!$this->retryAuthFailure) { break; } $this->promptAuthAndRetry($messageCode); break; } break; case STREAM_NOTIFY_AUTH_RESULT: if (403 === $messageCode) { $this->promptAuthAndRetry($messageCode, $message); break; } break; case STREAM_NOTIFY_FILE_SIZE_IS: if ($this->bytesMax < $bytesMax) { $this->bytesMax = $bytesMax; } break; case STREAM_NOTIFY_PROGRESS: if ($this->bytesMax > 0 && $this->progress) { $progression = 0; if ($this->bytesMax > 0) { $progression = round($bytesTransferred / $this->bytesMax * 100); } if ((0 === $progression % 5) && $progression !== $this->lastProgress) { $this->lastProgress = $progression; $this->io->overwrite(" Downloading: $progression%", false); } } break; default: break; } } protected function promptAuthAndRetry($httpStatus, $reason = null) { if ($this->config && in_array($this->originUrl, $this->config->get('github-domains'), true)) { $message = "\n".'Could not fetch '.$this->fileUrl.', enter your GitHub credentials '.($httpStatus === 404 ? 'to access private repos' : 'to go over the API rate limit'); $gitHubUtil = new GitHub($this->io, $this->config, null, $this); if (!$gitHubUtil->authorizeOAuth($this->originUrl) && (!$this->io->isInteractive() || !$gitHubUtil->authorizeOAuthInteractively($this->originUrl, $message)) ) { throw new TransportException('Could not authenticate against '.$this->originUrl, 401); } } else { // 404s are only handled for github if ($httpStatus === 404) { return; } // fail if the console is not interactive if (!$this->io->isInteractive()) { if ($httpStatus === 401) { $message = "The '" . $this->fileUrl . "' URL required authentication.\nYou must be using the interactive console to authenticate"; } if ($httpStatus === 403) { $message = "The '" . $this->fileUrl . "' URL could not be accessed: " . $reason; } throw new TransportException($message, $httpStatus); } // fail if we already have auth if ($this->io->hasAuthentication($this->originUrl)) { throw new TransportException("Invalid credentials for '" . $this->fileUrl . "', aborting.", $httpStatus); } $this->io->overwrite(' Authentication required ('.parse_url($this->fileUrl, PHP_URL_HOST).'):'); $username = $this->io->ask(' Username: '); $password = $this->io->askAndHideAnswer(' Password: '); $this->io->setAuthentication($this->originUrl, $username, $password); } $this->retry = true; throw new TransportException('RETRY'); } protected function getOptionsForUrl($originUrl, $additionalOptions) { $headers = array( sprintf( 'User-Agent: Composer/%s (%s; %s; PHP %s.%s.%s)', Composer::VERSION === '@package_version@' ? 'source' : Composer::VERSION, php_uname('s'), php_uname('r'), PHP_MAJOR_VERSION, PHP_MINOR_VERSION, PHP_RELEASE_VERSION ) ); if (extension_loaded('zlib')) { $headers[] = 'Accept-Encoding: gzip'; } $options = array_replace_recursive($this->options, $additionalOptions); if ($this->io->hasAuthentication($originUrl)) { $auth = $this->io->getAuthentication($originUrl); if ('github.com' === $originUrl && 'x-oauth-basic' === $auth['password']) { $options['github-token'] = $auth['username']; } else { $authStr = base64_encode($auth['username'] . ':' . $auth['password']); $headers[] = 'Authorization: Basic '.$authStr; } } if (isset($options['http']['header']) && !is_array($options['http']['header'])) { $options['http']['header'] = explode("\r\n", trim($options['http']['header'], "\r\n")); } foreach ($headers as $header) { $options['http']['header'][] = $header; } return $options; } }