* Jordi Boggiano * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Composer\Downloader; use Composer\Package\PackageInterface; use Composer\Util\Git as GitUtil; use Composer\Util\ProcessExecutor; use Composer\IO\IOInterface; use Composer\Util\Filesystem; use Composer\Config; /** * @author Jordi Boggiano */ class GitDownloader extends VcsDownloader { private $hasStashedChanges = false; private $hasDiscardedChanges = false; private $gitUtil; public function __construct(IOInterface $io, Config $config, ProcessExecutor $process = null, Filesystem $fs = null) { parent::__construct($io, $config, $process, $fs); $this->gitUtil = new GitUtil($this->io, $this->config, $this->process, $this->filesystem); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function doDownload(PackageInterface $package, $path, $url) { GitUtil::cleanEnv(); $path = $this->normalizePath($path); $ref = $package->getSourceReference(); $flag = defined('PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_MAJOR') ? '/D ' : ''; $command = 'git clone --no-checkout %s %s && cd '.$flag.'%2$s && git remote add composer %1$s && git fetch composer'; $this->io->writeError(" Cloning ".$ref); $commandCallable = function ($url) use ($ref, $path, $command) { return sprintf($command, ProcessExecutor::escape($url), ProcessExecutor::escape($path), ProcessExecutor::escape($ref)); }; $this->gitUtil->runCommand($commandCallable, $url, $path, true); if ($url !== $package->getSourceUrl()) { $url = $package->getSourceUrl(); $this->process->execute(sprintf('git remote set-url origin %s', ProcessExecutor::escape($url)), $output, $path); } $this->setPushUrl($path, $url); if ($newRef = $this->updateToCommit($path, $ref, $package->getPrettyVersion(), $package->getReleaseDate())) { if ($package->getDistReference() === $package->getSourceReference()) { $package->setDistReference($newRef); } $package->setSourceReference($newRef); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function doUpdate(PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target, $path, $url) { GitUtil::cleanEnv(); if (!$this->hasMetadataRepository($path)) { throw new VcsMissingMetadataException('The .git directory is missing from '.$path.', see https://getcomposer.org/commit-deps for more information'); } $ref = $target->getSourceReference(); $this->io->writeError(" Checking out ".$ref); $command = 'git remote set-url composer %s && git fetch composer && git fetch --tags composer'; $commandCallable = function ($url) use ($command) { return sprintf($command, ProcessExecutor::escape($url)); }; $this->gitUtil->runCommand($commandCallable, $url, $path); if ($newRef = $this->updateToCommit($path, $ref, $target->getPrettyVersion(), $target->getReleaseDate())) { if ($target->getDistReference() === $target->getSourceReference()) { $target->setDistReference($newRef); } $target->setSourceReference($newRef); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getLocalChanges(PackageInterface $package, $path) { GitUtil::cleanEnv(); if (!$this->hasMetadataRepository($path)) { return; } $command = 'git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no'; if (0 !== $this->process->execute($command, $output, $path)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput()); } return trim($output) ?: null; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function cleanChanges(PackageInterface $package, $path, $update) { GitUtil::cleanEnv(); $path = $this->normalizePath($path); if (!$changes = $this->getLocalChanges($package, $path)) { return; } if (!$this->io->isInteractive()) { $discardChanges = $this->config->get('discard-changes'); if (true === $discardChanges) { return $this->discardChanges($path); } if ('stash' === $discardChanges) { if (!$update) { return parent::cleanChanges($package, $path, $update); } return $this->stashChanges($path); } return parent::cleanChanges($package, $path, $update); } $changes = array_map(function ($elem) { return ' '.$elem; }, preg_split('{\s*\r?\n\s*}', $changes)); $this->io->writeError(' The package has modified files:'); $this->io->writeError(array_slice($changes, 0, 10)); if (count($changes) > 10) { $this->io->writeError(' '.count($changes) - 10 . ' more files modified, choose "v" to view the full list'); } while (true) { switch ($this->io->ask(' Discard changes [y,n,v,d,'.($update ? 's,' : '').'?]? ', '?')) { case 'y': $this->discardChanges($path); break 2; case 's': if (!$update) { goto help; } $this->stashChanges($path); break 2; case 'n': throw new \RuntimeException('Update aborted'); case 'v': $this->io->writeError($changes); break; case 'd': $this->viewDiff($path); break; case '?': default: help: $this->io->writeError(array( ' y - discard changes and apply the '.($update ? 'update' : 'uninstall'), ' n - abort the '.($update ? 'update' : 'uninstall').' and let you manually clean things up', ' v - view modified files', ' d - view local modifications (diff)', )); if ($update) { $this->io->writeError(' s - stash changes and try to reapply them after the update'); } $this->io->writeError(' ? - print help'); break; } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function reapplyChanges($path) { $path = $this->normalizePath($path); if ($this->hasStashedChanges) { $this->hasStashedChanges = false; $this->io->writeError(' Re-applying stashed changes'); if (0 !== $this->process->execute('git stash pop', $output, $path)) { throw new \RuntimeException("Failed to apply stashed changes:\n\n".$this->process->getErrorOutput()); } } $this->hasDiscardedChanges = false; } /** * Updates the given path to the given commit ref * * @param string $path * @param string $reference * @param string $branch * @param \DateTime $date * @throws \RuntimeException * @return null|string if a string is returned, it is the commit reference that was checked out if the original could not be found */ protected function updateToCommit($path, $reference, $branch, $date) { $force = $this->hasDiscardedChanges || $this->hasStashedChanges ? '-f ' : ''; // This uses the "--" sequence to separate branch from file parameters. // // Otherwise git tries the branch name as well as file name. // If the non-existent branch is actually the name of a file, the file // is checked out. $template = 'git checkout '.$force.'%s -- && git reset --hard %1$s --'; $branch = preg_replace('{(?:^dev-|(?:\.x)?-dev$)}i', '', $branch); $branches = null; if (0 === $this->process->execute('git branch -r', $output, $path)) { $branches = $output; } // check whether non-commitish are branches or tags, and fetch branches with the remote name $gitRef = $reference; if (!preg_match('{^[a-f0-9]{40}$}', $reference) && $branches && preg_match('{^\s+composer/'.preg_quote($reference).'$}m', $branches) ) { $command = sprintf('git checkout '.$force.'-B %s %s -- && git reset --hard %2$s --', ProcessExecutor::escape($branch), ProcessExecutor::escape('composer/'.$reference)); if (0 === $this->process->execute($command, $output, $path)) { return; } } // try to checkout branch by name and then reset it so it's on the proper branch name if (preg_match('{^[a-f0-9]{40}$}', $reference)) { // add 'v' in front of the branch if it was stripped when generating the pretty name if (!preg_match('{^\s+composer/'.preg_quote($branch).'$}m', $branches) && preg_match('{^\s+composer/v'.preg_quote($branch).'$}m', $branches)) { $branch = 'v' . $branch; } $command = sprintf('git checkout %s --', ProcessExecutor::escape($branch)); $fallbackCommand = sprintf('git checkout '.$force.'-B %s %s --', ProcessExecutor::escape($branch), ProcessExecutor::escape('composer/'.$branch)); if (0 === $this->process->execute($command, $output, $path) || 0 === $this->process->execute($fallbackCommand, $output, $path) ) { $command = sprintf('git reset --hard %s --', ProcessExecutor::escape($reference)); if (0 === $this->process->execute($command, $output, $path)) { return; } } } $command = sprintf($template, ProcessExecutor::escape($gitRef)); if (0 === $this->process->execute($command, $output, $path)) { return; } // reference was not found (prints "fatal: reference is not a tree: $ref") if (false !== strpos($this->process->getErrorOutput(), $reference)) { $this->io->writeError(' '.$reference.' is gone (history was rewritten?)'); } throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute ' . GitUtil::sanitizeUrl($command) . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput()); } protected function setPushUrl($path, $url) { // set push url for github projects if (preg_match('{^(?:https?|git)://'.GitUtil::getGitHubDomainsRegex($this->config).'/([^/]+)/([^/]+?)(?:\.git)?$}', $url, $match)) { $protocols = $this->config->get('github-protocols'); $pushUrl = 'git@'.$match[1].':'.$match[2].'/'.$match[3].'.git'; if ($protocols[0] !== 'git') { $pushUrl = 'https://' . $match[1] . '/'.$match[2].'/'.$match[3].'.git'; } $cmd = sprintf('git remote set-url --push origin %s', ProcessExecutor::escape($pushUrl)); $this->process->execute($cmd, $ignoredOutput, $path); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function getCommitLogs($fromReference, $toReference, $path) { $path = $this->normalizePath($path); $command = sprintf('git log %s..%s --pretty=format:"%%h - %%an: %%s"', $fromReference, $toReference); if (0 !== $this->process->execute($command, $output, $path)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput()); } return $output; } /** * @param $path * @throws \RuntimeException */ protected function discardChanges($path) { $path = $this->normalizePath($path); if (0 !== $this->process->execute('git reset --hard', $output, $path)) { throw new \RuntimeException("Could not reset changes\n\n:".$this->process->getErrorOutput()); } $this->hasDiscardedChanges = true; } /** * @param $path * @throws \RuntimeException */ protected function stashChanges($path) { $path = $this->normalizePath($path); if (0 !== $this->process->execute('git stash --include-untracked', $output, $path)) { throw new \RuntimeException("Could not stash changes\n\n:".$this->process->getErrorOutput()); } $this->hasStashedChanges = true; } /** * @param $path * @throws \RuntimeException */ protected function viewDiff($path) { $path = $this->normalizePath($path); if (0 !== $this->process->execute('git diff HEAD', $output, $path)) { throw new \RuntimeException("Could not view diff\n\n:".$this->process->getErrorOutput()); } $this->io->writeError($output); } protected function normalizePath($path) { if (defined('PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_MAJOR') && strlen($path) > 0) { $basePath = $path; $removed = array(); while (!is_dir($basePath) && $basePath !== '\\') { array_unshift($removed, basename($basePath)); $basePath = dirname($basePath); } if ($basePath === '\\') { return $path; } $path = rtrim(realpath($basePath) . '/' . implode('/', $removed), '/'); } return $path; } /** * Checks if VCS metadata repository has been initialized * repository example: .git|.svn|.hg * * @param string $path * @return bool */ protected function hasMetadataRepository($path) { $path = $this->normalizePath($path); return is_dir($path.'/.git'); } }