* Jordi Boggiano * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Composer\Package\Loader; use Composer\Package\BasePackage; use Composer\Package\CompleteAliasPackage; use Composer\Package\CompletePackage; use Composer\Package\RootPackage; use Composer\Package\PackageInterface; use Composer\Package\CompletePackageInterface; use Composer\Package\Link; use Composer\Package\RootAliasPackage; use Composer\Package\Version\VersionParser; /** * @author Konstantin Kudryashiv * @author Jordi Boggiano */ class ArrayLoader implements LoaderInterface { /** @var VersionParser */ protected $versionParser; /** @var bool */ protected $loadOptions; /** * @param bool $loadOptions */ public function __construct(VersionParser $parser = null, $loadOptions = false) { if (!$parser) { $parser = new VersionParser; } $this->versionParser = $parser; $this->loadOptions = $loadOptions; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function load(array $config, $class = 'Composer\Package\CompletePackage') { if ($class !== 'Composer\Package\CompletePackage' && $class !== 'Composer\Package\RootPackage') { trigger_error('The $class arg is deprecated, please reach out to Composer maintainers ASAP if you still need this.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); } $package = $this->createObject($config, $class); foreach (BasePackage::$supportedLinkTypes as $type => $opts) { if (isset($config[$type])) { $method = 'set'.ucfirst($opts['method']); $package->{$method}( $this->parseLinks( $package->getName(), $package->getPrettyVersion(), $opts['method'], $config[$type] ) ); } } $package = $this->configureObject($package, $config); return $package; } /** * @param list> $versions * * @return list */ public function loadPackages(array $versions) { $packages = array(); $linkCache = array(); foreach ($versions as $version) { $package = $this->createObject($version, 'Composer\Package\CompletePackage'); $this->configureCachedLinks($linkCache, $package, $version); $package = $this->configureObject($package, $version); $packages[] = $package; } return $packages; } /** * @template PackageClass of CompletePackageInterface * * @param mixed[] $config package data * @param string $class FQCN to be instantiated * * @return CompletePackage|RootPackage * * @phpstan-param class-string $class */ private function createObject(array $config, $class) { if (!isset($config['name'])) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Unknown package has no name defined ('.json_encode($config).').'); } if (!isset($config['version'])) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Package '.$config['name'].' has no version defined.'); } // handle already normalized versions if (isset($config['version_normalized'])) { $version = $config['version_normalized']; // handling of existing repos which need to remain composer v1 compatible, in case the version_normalized contained VersionParser::DEFAULT_BRANCH_ALIAS, we renormalize it if ($version === VersionParser::DEFAULT_BRANCH_ALIAS) { $version = $this->versionParser->normalize($config['version']); } } else { $version = $this->versionParser->normalize($config['version']); } return new $class($config['name'], $version, $config['version']); } /** * @param CompletePackage $package * @param mixed[] $config package data * * @return RootPackage|RootAliasPackage|CompletePackage|CompleteAliasPackage */ private function configureObject(PackageInterface $package, array $config) { if (!$package instanceof CompletePackage) { throw new \LogicException('ArrayLoader expects instances of the Composer\Package\CompletePackage class to function correctly'); } $package->setType(isset($config['type']) ? strtolower($config['type']) : 'library'); if (isset($config['target-dir'])) { $package->setTargetDir($config['target-dir']); } if (isset($config['extra']) && \is_array($config['extra'])) { $package->setExtra($config['extra']); } if (isset($config['bin'])) { if (!\is_array($config['bin'])) { $config['bin'] = array($config['bin']); } foreach ($config['bin'] as $key => $bin) { $config['bin'][$key] = ltrim($bin, '/'); } $package->setBinaries($config['bin']); } if (isset($config['installation-source'])) { $package->setInstallationSource($config['installation-source']); } if (isset($config['default-branch']) && $config['default-branch'] === true) { $package->setIsDefaultBranch(true); } if (isset($config['source'])) { if (!isset($config['source']['type'], $config['source']['url'], $config['source']['reference'])) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException(sprintf( "Package %s's source key should be specified as {\"type\": ..., \"url\": ..., \"reference\": ...},\n%s given.", $config['name'], json_encode($config['source']) )); } $package->setSourceType($config['source']['type']); $package->setSourceUrl($config['source']['url']); $package->setSourceReference(isset($config['source']['reference']) ? $config['source']['reference'] : null); if (isset($config['source']['mirrors'])) { $package->setSourceMirrors($config['source']['mirrors']); } } if (isset($config['dist'])) { if (!isset($config['dist']['type'], $config['dist']['url'])) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException(sprintf( "Package %s's dist key should be specified as ". "{\"type\": ..., \"url\": ..., \"reference\": ..., \"shasum\": ...},\n%s given.", $config['name'], json_encode($config['dist']) )); } $package->setDistType($config['dist']['type']); $package->setDistUrl($config['dist']['url']); $package->setDistReference(isset($config['dist']['reference']) ? $config['dist']['reference'] : null); $package->setDistSha1Checksum(isset($config['dist']['shasum']) ? $config['dist']['shasum'] : null); if (isset($config['dist']['mirrors'])) { $package->setDistMirrors($config['dist']['mirrors']); } } if (isset($config['suggest']) && \is_array($config['suggest'])) { foreach ($config['suggest'] as $target => $reason) { if ('self.version' === trim($reason)) { $config['suggest'][$target] = $package->getPrettyVersion(); } } $package->setSuggests($config['suggest']); } if (isset($config['autoload'])) { $package->setAutoload($config['autoload']); } if (isset($config['autoload-dev'])) { $package->setDevAutoload($config['autoload-dev']); } if (isset($config['include-path'])) { $package->setIncludePaths($config['include-path']); } if (!empty($config['time'])) { $time = preg_match('/^\d++$/D', $config['time']) ? '@'.$config['time'] : $config['time']; try { $date = new \DateTime($time, new \DateTimeZone('UTC')); $package->setReleaseDate($date); } catch (\Exception $e) { } } if (!empty($config['notification-url'])) { $package->setNotificationUrl($config['notification-url']); } if ($package instanceof CompletePackageInterface) { if (!empty($config['archive']['name'])) { $package->setArchiveName($config['archive']['name']); } if (!empty($config['archive']['exclude'])) { $package->setArchiveExcludes($config['archive']['exclude']); } if (isset($config['scripts']) && \is_array($config['scripts'])) { foreach ($config['scripts'] as $event => $listeners) { $config['scripts'][$event] = (array) $listeners; } foreach (array('composer', 'php', 'putenv') as $reserved) { if (isset($config['scripts'][$reserved])) { trigger_error('The `'.$reserved.'` script name is reserved for internal use, please avoid defining it', E_USER_DEPRECATED); } } $package->setScripts($config['scripts']); } if (!empty($config['description']) && \is_string($config['description'])) { $package->setDescription($config['description']); } if (!empty($config['homepage']) && \is_string($config['homepage'])) { $package->setHomepage($config['homepage']); } if (!empty($config['keywords']) && \is_array($config['keywords'])) { $package->setKeywords($config['keywords']); } if (!empty($config['license'])) { $package->setLicense(\is_array($config['license']) ? $config['license'] : array($config['license'])); } if (!empty($config['authors']) && \is_array($config['authors'])) { $package->setAuthors($config['authors']); } if (isset($config['support'])) { $package->setSupport($config['support']); } if (!empty($config['funding']) && \is_array($config['funding'])) { $package->setFunding($config['funding']); } if (isset($config['abandoned'])) { $package->setAbandoned($config['abandoned']); } } if ($this->loadOptions && isset($config['transport-options'])) { $package->setTransportOptions($config['transport-options']); } if ($aliasNormalized = $this->getBranchAlias($config)) { $prettyAlias = preg_replace('{(\.9{7})+}', '.x', $aliasNormalized); if ($package instanceof RootPackage) { return new RootAliasPackage($package, $aliasNormalized, $prettyAlias); } return new CompleteAliasPackage($package, $aliasNormalized, $prettyAlias); } return $package; } /** * @param array>>> $linkCache * @param PackageInterface $package * @param mixed[] $config * * @return void */ private function configureCachedLinks(&$linkCache, $package, array $config) { $name = $package->getName(); $prettyVersion = $package->getPrettyVersion(); foreach (BasePackage::$supportedLinkTypes as $type => $opts) { if (isset($config[$type])) { $method = 'set'.ucfirst($opts['method']); $links = array(); foreach ($config[$type] as $prettyTarget => $constraint) { $target = strtolower($prettyTarget); // recursive links are not supported if ($target === $name) { continue; } if ($constraint === 'self.version') { $links[$target] = $this->createLink($name, $prettyVersion, $opts['method'], $target, $constraint); } else { if (!isset($linkCache[$name][$type][$target][$constraint])) { $linkCache[$name][$type][$target][$constraint] = array($target, $this->createLink($name, $prettyVersion, $opts['method'], $target, $constraint)); } list($target, $link) = $linkCache[$name][$type][$target][$constraint]; $links[$target] = $link; } } $package->{$method}($links); } } } /** * @param string $source source package name * @param string $sourceVersion source package version (pretty version ideally) * @param string $description link description (e.g. requires, replaces, ..) * @param array $links array of package name => constraint mappings * * @return Link[] * * @phpstan-param Link::TYPE_* $description */ public function parseLinks($source, $sourceVersion, $description, $links) { $res = array(); foreach ($links as $target => $constraint) { $target = strtolower($target); $res[$target] = $this->createLink($source, $sourceVersion, $description, $target, $constraint); } return $res; } /** * @param string $source source package name * @param string $sourceVersion source package version (pretty version ideally) * @param Link::TYPE_* $description link description (e.g. requires, replaces, ..) * @param string $target target package name * @param string $prettyConstraint constraint string * @return Link */ private function createLink($source, $sourceVersion, $description, $target, $prettyConstraint) { if (!\is_string($prettyConstraint)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Link constraint in '.$source.' '.$description.' > '.$target.' should be a string, got '.\gettype($prettyConstraint) . ' (' . var_export($prettyConstraint, true) . ')'); } if ('self.version' === $prettyConstraint) { $parsedConstraint = $this->versionParser->parseConstraints($sourceVersion); } else { $parsedConstraint = $this->versionParser->parseConstraints($prettyConstraint); } return new Link($source, $target, $parsedConstraint, $description, $prettyConstraint); } /** * Retrieves a branch alias (dev-master => 1.0.x-dev for example) if it exists * * @param mixed[] $config the entire package config * * @return string|null normalized version of the branch alias or null if there is none */ public function getBranchAlias(array $config) { if (strpos($config['version'], 'dev-') !== 0 && '-dev' !== substr($config['version'], -4)) { return null; } if (isset($config['extra']['branch-alias']) && \is_array($config['extra']['branch-alias'])) { foreach ($config['extra']['branch-alias'] as $sourceBranch => $targetBranch) { // ensure it is an alias to a -dev package if ('-dev' !== substr($targetBranch, -4)) { continue; } // normalize without -dev and ensure it's a numeric branch that is parseable if ($targetBranch === VersionParser::DEFAULT_BRANCH_ALIAS) { $validatedTargetBranch = VersionParser::DEFAULT_BRANCH_ALIAS; } else { $validatedTargetBranch = $this->versionParser->normalizeBranch(substr($targetBranch, 0, -4)); } if ('-dev' !== substr($validatedTargetBranch, -4)) { continue; } // ensure that it is the current branch aliasing itself if (strtolower($config['version']) !== strtolower($sourceBranch)) { continue; } // If using numeric aliases ensure the alias is a valid subversion if (($sourcePrefix = $this->versionParser->parseNumericAliasPrefix($sourceBranch)) && ($targetPrefix = $this->versionParser->parseNumericAliasPrefix($targetBranch)) && (stripos($targetPrefix, $sourcePrefix) !== 0) ) { continue; } return $validatedTargetBranch; } } if ( isset($config['default-branch']) && $config['default-branch'] === true && false === $this->versionParser->parseNumericAliasPrefix($config['version']) ) { return VersionParser::DEFAULT_BRANCH_ALIAS; } return null; } }