* Jordi Boggiano * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Composer\Test\Command; use Composer\Test\TestCase; use LogicException; class CheckPlatformReqsCommandTest extends TestCase { /** * @dataProvider caseProvider * @param array $composerJson * @param array $command */ public function testPlatformReqsAreSatisfied( array $composerJson, array $command, string $expected, bool $lock = true ): void { $this->initTempComposer($composerJson); $packages = [ self::getPackage('ext-foobar', '2.3.4'), ]; $devPackages = [ self::getPackage('ext-barbaz', '') ]; $this->createInstalledJson($packages, $devPackages); if ($lock) { $this->createComposerLock($packages, $devPackages); } $appTester = $this->getApplicationTester(); $appTester->run(array_merge(['command' => 'check-platform-reqs'], $command)); $appTester->assertCommandIsSuccessful(); $this->assertSame(trim($expected), trim($appTester->getDisplay(true))); } public function testExceptionThrownIfNoLockfileFound(): void { $this->expectException(LogicException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("No lockfile found. Unable to read locked packages"); $this->initTempComposer([]); $appTester = $this->getApplicationTester(); $appTester->run(['command' => 'check-platform-reqs']); } public static function caseProvider(): \Generator { yield 'Disables checking of require-dev packages requirements.' => [ [ 'require' => [ 'ext-foobar' => '^2.0', ], 'require-dev' => [ 'ext-barbaz' => '~4.0', ] ], ['--no-dev' => true], 'Checking non-dev platform requirements for packages in the vendor dir ext-foobar 2.3.4 success' ]; yield 'Checks requirements only from the lock file, not from installed packages.' => [ [ 'require' => [ 'ext-foobar' => '^2.3', ], 'require-dev' => [ 'ext-barbaz' => '~2.0', ] ], ['--lock' => true], "Checking platform requirements using the lock file\next-barbaz success \next-foobar 2.3.4 success" ]; } public function testFailedPlatformRequirement(): void { $this->initTempComposer([ 'require' => [ 'ext-foobar' => '^0.3' ], 'require-dev' => [ 'ext-barbaz' => '^2.3' ] ]); $packages = [ self::getPackage('ext-foobar', '2.3.4'), ]; $devPackages = [ self::getPackage('ext-barbaz', '') ]; $this->createInstalledJson($packages, $devPackages); $this->createComposerLock($packages, $devPackages); $appTester = $this->getApplicationTester(); $appTester->run(['command' => 'check-platform-reqs', '--format' => 'json']); $expected = 'Checking platform requirements for packages in the vendor dir [ { "name": "ext-barbaz", "version": "", "status": "success", "failed_requirement": null, "provider": null }, { "name": "ext-foobar", "version": "2.3.4", "status": "failed", "failed_requirement": { "source": "__root__", "type": "requires", "target": "ext-foobar", "constraint": "^0.3" }, "provider": null } ]'; $this->assertSame(trim($expected), trim($appTester->getDisplay(true))); } }