# `Composer` type repository fixtures

This directory contains some examples of what `composer` type repositories can
look like. They serve as illustrating examples accompanying the docs, but can
also be used as (initial) fixtures for tests.

* `repo-composer-plain` is a basic, plain `packages.json` file
* `repo-composer-with-includes` uses the `includes` mechanism
* `repo-composer-with-providers` uses the `providers` mechanism

## Sample Packages used in these fixtures

All these repositories contain the following packages.

* `foo/bar` versions `1.0.0`, `1.0.1` and `1.1.0`; `dev-default` and `1.0.x-dev` branches.
   On `dev-default` and in `1.1.0`, `bar/baz` `~1.0` is required.
* `qux/quux` only has a `dev-default` branch. It `replace`s `gar/nix`.
* `gar/nix` has a `1.0.0` version and a `dev-default` branch. It is being replaced
   by `qux/quux`.
* `bar/baz` has a `1.0.0` version and `1.0.x-dev` as well as `dev-default` branches.
   Additionally, `1.1.x-dev` is a branch alias for `dev-default`.