* Jordi Boggiano * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Composer\Test; use Composer\Console\Application; use Symfony\Component\Console\Tester\CommandCompletionTester; /** * Validate autocompletion for all commands. * * @author Jérôme Tamarelle */ class CompletionFunctionalTest extends TestCase { public function getCommandSuggestions(): iterable { $randomProject = '104corp/cache'; $installedPackages = ['composer/semver', 'psr/log']; $preferInstall = ['dist', 'source', 'auto']; yield ['archive ', [$randomProject]]; yield ['archive symfony/http-', ['symfony/http-kernel', 'symfony/http-foundation']]; yield ['archive --format ', ['tar', 'zip']]; yield ['create-project ', [$randomProject]]; yield ['create-project symfony/skeleton --prefer-install ', $preferInstall]; yield ['depends ', $installedPackages]; yield ['why ', $installedPackages]; yield ['exec ', ['composer', 'compile']]; yield ['browse ', $installedPackages]; yield ['home -H ', $installedPackages]; yield ['init --require ', [$randomProject]]; yield ['init --require-dev foo/bar --require-dev ', [$randomProject]]; yield ['install --prefer-install ', $preferInstall]; yield ['install ', $installedPackages]; yield ['outdated ', $installedPackages]; yield ['prohibits ', [$randomProject]]; yield ['why-not symfony/http-ker', ['symfony/http-kernel']]; yield ['reinstall --prefer-install ', $preferInstall]; yield ['reinstall ', $installedPackages]; yield ['remove ', $installedPackages]; yield ['require --prefer-install ', $preferInstall]; yield ['require ', [$randomProject]]; yield ['require --dev symfony/http-', ['symfony/http-kernel', 'symfony/http-foundation']]; yield ['run-script ', ['compile', 'test', 'phpstan']]; yield ['run-script test ', null]; yield ['search --format ', ['text', 'json']]; yield ['show --format ', ['text', 'json']]; yield ['info ', $installedPackages]; yield ['suggests ', $installedPackages]; yield ['update --prefer-install ', $preferInstall]; yield ['update ', $installedPackages]; } /** * @dataProvider getCommandSuggestions * * @param string $input The command that is typed * @param string[]|null $expectedSuggestions Sample expected suggestions. Null if nothing is expected. */ public function testComplete(string $input, ?array $expectedSuggestions): void { $input = explode(' ', $input); $commandName = array_shift($input); $command = $this->getApplication()->get($commandName); $tester = new CommandCompletionTester($command); $suggestions = $tester->complete($input); if (null === $expectedSuggestions) { $this->assertEmpty($suggestions); return; } $diff = array_diff($expectedSuggestions, $suggestions); $this->assertEmpty($diff, sprintf('Suggestions must contain "%s". Got "%s".', implode('", "', $diff), implode('", "', $suggestions))); } private function getApplication(): Application { return new Application(); } }