1394 lines
50 KiB
1394 lines
50 KiB
* This file is part of Composer.
* (c) Nils Adermann <naderman@naderman.de>
* Jordi Boggiano <j.boggiano@seld.be>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Composer;
use Composer\Autoload\AutoloadGenerator;
use Composer\DependencyResolver\DefaultPolicy;
use Composer\DependencyResolver\LocalRepoTransaction;
use Composer\DependencyResolver\Operation\UpdateOperation;
use Composer\DependencyResolver\Operation\InstallOperation;
use Composer\DependencyResolver\Operation\UninstallOperation;
use Composer\DependencyResolver\Operation\MarkAliasUninstalledOperation;
use Composer\DependencyResolver\Operation\OperationInterface;
use Composer\DependencyResolver\PolicyInterface;
use Composer\DependencyResolver\Pool;
use Composer\DependencyResolver\Request;
use Composer\DependencyResolver\Rule;
use Composer\DependencyResolver\Solver;
use Composer\DependencyResolver\SolverProblemsException;
use Composer\Downloader\DownloadManager;
use Composer\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher;
use Composer\Installer\InstallationManager;
use Composer\Installer\InstallerEvents;
use Composer\Installer\NoopInstaller;
use Composer\Installer\SuggestedPackagesReporter;
use Composer\IO\IOInterface;
use Composer\Package\AliasPackage;
use Composer\Package\BasePackage;
use Composer\Package\CompletePackage;
use Composer\Package\Link;
use Composer\Package\Loader\ArrayLoader;
use Composer\Package\Dumper\ArrayDumper;
use Composer\Repository\RepositorySet;
use Composer\Semver\Constraint\Constraint;
use Composer\Package\Locker;
use Composer\Package\PackageInterface;
use Composer\Package\RootPackageInterface;
use Composer\Repository\CompositeRepository;
use Composer\Repository\InstalledArrayRepository;
use Composer\Repository\PlatformRepository;
use Composer\Repository\RepositoryInterface;
use Composer\Repository\RepositoryManager;
use Composer\Repository\WritableRepositoryInterface;
use Composer\Script\ScriptEvents;
* @author Jordi Boggiano <j.boggiano@seld.be>
* @author Beau Simensen <beau@dflydev.com>
* @author Konstantin Kudryashov <ever.zet@gmail.com>
* @author Nils Adermann <naderman@naderman.de>
class Installer
* @var IOInterface
protected $io;
* @var Config
protected $config;
* @var RootPackageInterface
protected $package;
// TODO can we get rid of the below and just use the package itself?
* @var RootPackageInterface
protected $fixedRootPackage;
* @var DownloadManager
protected $downloadManager;
* @var RepositoryManager
protected $repositoryManager;
* @var Locker
protected $locker;
* @var InstallationManager
protected $installationManager;
* @var EventDispatcher
protected $eventDispatcher;
* @var AutoloadGenerator
protected $autoloadGenerator;
protected $preferSource = false;
protected $preferDist = false;
protected $optimizeAutoloader = false;
protected $classMapAuthoritative = false;
protected $apcuAutoloader = false;
protected $devMode = false;
protected $dryRun = false;
protected $verbose = false;
protected $update = false;
protected $dumpAutoloader = true;
protected $runScripts = true;
protected $ignorePlatformReqs = false;
protected $preferStable = false;
protected $preferLowest = false;
protected $skipSuggest = false;
protected $writeLock = true;
protected $executeOperations = true;
* Array of package names/globs flagged for update
* @var array|null
protected $updateWhitelist = null;
protected $whitelistTransitiveDependencies = false;
protected $whitelistAllDependencies = false;
* @var SuggestedPackagesReporter
protected $suggestedPackagesReporter;
* @var RepositoryInterface
protected $additionalFixedRepository;
* Constructor
* @param IOInterface $io
* @param Config $config
* @param RootPackageInterface $package
* @param DownloadManager $downloadManager
* @param RepositoryManager $repositoryManager
* @param Locker $locker
* @param InstallationManager $installationManager
* @param EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher
* @param AutoloadGenerator $autoloadGenerator
public function __construct(IOInterface $io, Config $config, RootPackageInterface $package, DownloadManager $downloadManager, RepositoryManager $repositoryManager, Locker $locker, InstallationManager $installationManager, EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher, AutoloadGenerator $autoloadGenerator)
$this->io = $io;
$this->config = $config;
$this->package = $package;
$this->downloadManager = $downloadManager;
$this->repositoryManager = $repositoryManager;
$this->locker = $locker;
$this->installationManager = $installationManager;
$this->eventDispatcher = $eventDispatcher;
$this->autoloadGenerator = $autoloadGenerator;
* Run installation (or update)
* @throws \Exception
* @return int 0 on success or a positive error code on failure
public function run()
// Disable GC to save CPU cycles, as the dependency solver can create hundreds of thousands
// of PHP objects, the GC can spend quite some time walking the tree of references looking
// for stuff to collect while there is nothing to collect. This slows things down dramatically
// and turning it off results in much better performance. Do not try this at home however.
// Force update if there is no lock file present
if (!$this->update && !$this->locker->isLocked()) {
// TODO throw an error instead?
$this->update = true;
if ($this->dryRun) {
$this->verbose = true;
$this->runScripts = false;
$this->executeOperations = false;
$this->writeLock = false;
$this->dumpAutoloader = false;
$this->installationManager->addInstaller(new NoopInstaller);
if ($this->runScripts) {
$devMode = (int) $this->devMode;
// dispatch pre event
// should we treat this more strictly as running an update and then running an install, triggering events multiple times?
$eventName = $this->update ? ScriptEvents::PRE_UPDATE_CMD : ScriptEvents::PRE_INSTALL_CMD;
$this->eventDispatcher->dispatchScript($eventName, $this->devMode);
$localRepo = $this->repositoryManager->getLocalRepository();
$platformRepo = $this->createPlatformRepo($this->update);
$aliases = $this->getRootAliases();
$this->aliasPlatformPackages($platformRepo, $aliases);
if (!$this->suggestedPackagesReporter) {
$this->suggestedPackagesReporter = new SuggestedPackagesReporter($this->io);
try {
// TODO what are installs? does locking a package without downloading code count?
if ($this->update) {
$res = $this->doUpdate($localRepo, $platformRepo, $aliases, true);
} else {
$res = $this->doInstall($localRepo, $platformRepo, $aliases, false);
if ($res !== 0) {
return $res;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
if ($this->executeOperations) {
throw $e;
if ($this->executeOperations) {
// output suggestions if we're in dev mode
if ($this->update && $this->devMode && !$this->skipSuggest) {
// TODO probably makes more sense to do this on the lock file only?
# Find abandoned packages and warn user
foreach ($localRepo->getPackages() as $package) {
if (!$package instanceof CompletePackage || !$package->isAbandoned()) {
$replacement = is_string($package->getReplacementPackage())
? 'Use ' . $package->getReplacementPackage() . ' instead'
: 'No replacement was suggested';
"<warning>Package %s is abandoned, you should avoid using it. %s.</warning>",
if ($this->dumpAutoloader) {
// write autoloader
if ($this->optimizeAutoloader) {
$this->io->writeError('<info>Generating optimized autoload files</info>');
} else {
$this->io->writeError('<info>Generating autoload files</info>');
$this->autoloadGenerator->dump($this->config, $localRepo, $this->package, $this->installationManager, 'composer', $this->optimizeAutoloader);
if ($this->executeOperations) {
// force binaries re-generation in case they are missing
foreach ($localRepo->getPackages() as $package) {
$vendorDir = $this->config->get('vendor-dir');
if (is_dir($vendorDir)) {
// suppress errors as this fails sometimes on OSX for no apparent reason
// see https://github.com/composer/composer/issues/4070#issuecomment-129792748
if ($this->runScripts) {
// dispatch post event
$eventName = $this->update ? ScriptEvents::POST_UPDATE_CMD : ScriptEvents::POST_INSTALL_CMD;
$this->eventDispatcher->dispatchScript($eventName, $this->devMode);
// re-enable GC except on HHVM which triggers a warning here
if (!defined('HHVM_VERSION')) {
return 0;
protected function doUpdate(RepositoryInterface $localRepo, PlatformRepository $platformRepo, $aliases, $doInstall)
$lockedRepository = null;
if ($this->locker->isLocked()) {
$lockedRepository = $this->locker->getLockedRepository(true);
if ($this->updateWhitelist) {
if (!$lockedRepository) {
$this->io->writeError('<error>Cannot update only a partial set of packages without a lock file present.</error>', true, IOInterface::QUIET);
return 1;
$this->io->writeError('<info>Loading composer repositories with package information</info>');
// creating repository set
$policy = $this->createPolicy(true);
$repositorySet = $this->createRepositorySet($platformRepo, $aliases);
$repositories = $this->repositoryManager->getRepositories();
foreach ($repositories as $repository) {
if ($lockedRepository) {
// TODO can we drop any locked packages that we have matching remote versions for?
$request = $this->createRequest($this->fixedRootPackage, $platformRepo);
if ($lockedRepository) {
// TODO do we really always need this? Maybe only to skip fix() in updateWhitelist case cause these packages get removed on full update automatically?
foreach ($lockedRepository->getPackages() as $lockedPackage) {
if (!$repositorySet->isPackageAcceptable($lockedPackage->getNames(), $lockedPackage->getStability())) {
$constraint = new Constraint('=', $lockedPackage->getVersion());
$constraint->setPrettyString('(stability not acceptable)');
$request->remove($lockedPackage->getName(), $constraint);
$this->io->writeError('<info>Updating dependencies</info>');
$links = array_merge($this->package->getRequires(), $this->package->getDevRequires());
foreach ($links as $link) {
$request->install($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint());
// if the updateWhitelist is enabled, packages not in it are also fixed
// to the version specified in the lock
if ($this->updateWhitelist) {
foreach ($lockedRepository->getPackages() as $lockedPackage) {
if (!$this->isUpdateable($lockedPackage) && $repositorySet->isPackageAcceptable($lockedPackage->getNames(), $lockedPackage->getStability())) {
// TODO add reason for fix?
//$this->eventDispatcher->dispatchInstallerEvent(InstallerEvents::PRE_DEPENDENCIES_SOLVING, $this->devMode, $policy, $repositorySet, $installedRepo, $request);
$pool = $repositorySet->createPool($request);
// TODO ensure that the solver always picks most recent reference for dev packages, so they get updated even when just a new commit is pushed but version is unchanged
// solve dependencies
$solver = new Solver($policy, $pool, $this->io);
try {
$lockTransaction = $solver->solve($request, $this->ignorePlatformReqs);
} catch (SolverProblemsException $e) {
$this->io->writeError('<error>Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.</error>', true, IOInterface::QUIET);
if (!$this->devMode) {
$this->io->writeError('<warning>Running update with --no-dev does not mean require-dev is ignored, it just means the packages will not be installed. If dev requirements are blocking the update you have to resolve those problems.</warning>', true, IOInterface::QUIET);
return max(1, $e->getCode());
// TODO should we warn people / error if plugins in vendor folder do not match contents of lock file before update?
//$this->eventDispatcher->dispatchInstallerEvent(InstallerEvents::POST_DEPENDENCIES_SOLVING, $this->devMode, $policy, $repositorySet, $lockedRepository, $request, $lockTransaction);
$this->io->writeError("Analyzed ".count($pool)." packages to resolve dependencies", true, IOInterface::VERBOSE);
$this->io->writeError("Analyzed ".$solver->getRuleSetSize()." rules to resolve dependencies", true, IOInterface::VERBOSE);
if (!$lockTransaction->getOperations()) {
$this->io->writeError('Nothing to modify in lock file');
// write lock
$platformReqs = $this->extractPlatformRequirements($this->package->getRequires());
$platformDevReqs = $this->extractPlatformRequirements($this->package->getDevRequires());
$updatedLock = $this->locker->setLockData(
$this->preferStable || $this->package->getPreferStable(),
$this->config->get('platform') ?: array(),
$this->writeLock && $this->executeOperations
if ($updatedLock && $this->writeLock && $this->executeOperations) {
$this->io->writeError('<info>Writing lock file</info>');
if ($lockTransaction->getOperations()) {
$installs = $updates = $uninstalls = array();
foreach ($lockTransaction->getOperations() as $operation) {
if ($operation instanceof InstallOperation) {
$installs[] = $operation->getPackage()->getPrettyName().':'.$operation->getPackage()->getFullPrettyVersion();
} elseif ($operation instanceof UpdateOperation) {
$updates[] = $operation->getTargetPackage()->getPrettyName().':'.$operation->getTargetPackage()->getFullPrettyVersion();
} elseif ($operation instanceof UninstallOperation) {
$uninstalls[] = $operation->getPackage()->getPrettyName();
"<info>Lock file operations: %d install%s, %d update%s, %d removal%s</info>",
1 === count($installs) ? '' : 's',
1 === count($updates) ? '' : 's',
1 === count($uninstalls) ? '' : 's'
if ($installs) {
$this->io->writeError("Installs: ".implode(', ', $installs), true, IOInterface::VERBOSE);
if ($updates) {
$this->io->writeError("Updates: ".implode(', ', $updates), true, IOInterface::VERBOSE);
if ($uninstalls) {
$this->io->writeError("Removals: ".implode(', ', $uninstalls), true, IOInterface::VERBOSE);
foreach ($lockTransaction->getOperations() as $operation) {
// collect suggestions
$jobType = $operation->getJobType();
if ($operation instanceof InstallOperation) {
// TODO should this really happen here or should this be written to the lock file?
// updating, force dev packages' references if they're in root package refs
$package = null;
if ('update' === $jobType) {
$package = $operation->getTargetPackage();
} elseif ('install' === $jobType) {
$package = $operation->getPackage();
if ($package && $package->isDev()) {
$references = $this->package->getReferences();
if (isset($references[$package->getName()])) {
$this->updateInstallReferences($package, $references[$package->getName()]);
// output op, but alias op only in debug verbosity
if (false === strpos($operation->getJobType(), 'Alias') || $this->io->isDebug()) {
$this->io->writeError(' - ' . $operation);
// output reasons why the operation was run, only for install/update operations
if ($this->verbose && $this->io->isVeryVerbose() && in_array($jobType, array('install', 'update'))) {
$reason = $operation->getReason();
if ($reason instanceof Rule) {
switch ($reason->getReason()) {
$this->io->writeError(' REASON: Required by the root package: '.$reason->getPrettyString($pool));
$this->io->writeError(' REASON: '.$reason->getPrettyString($pool));
if ($doInstall) {
// TODO ensure lock is used from locker as-is, since it may not have been written to disk in case of executeOperations == false
return $this->doInstall($localRepo, $platformRepo, $aliases, true);
return 0;
* @param RepositoryInterface $localRepo
* @param RepositoryInterface $installedRepo
* @param PlatformRepository $platformRepo
* @param array $aliases
* @return int exit code
protected function doInstall(RepositoryInterface $localRepo, PlatformRepository $platformRepo, $aliases, $alreadySolved = false)
$lockedRepository = $this->locker->getLockedRepository($this->devMode);
// creating repository set
$policy = $this->createPolicy(false);
$repositorySet = $this->createRepositorySet($platformRepo, $aliases, $lockedRepository);
$this->io->writeError('<info>Installing dependencies'.($this->devMode ? ' (including require-dev)' : '').' from lock file</info>');
// verify that the lock file works with the current platform repository
// we can skip this part if we're doing this as the second step after an update
if (!$alreadySolved) {
$this->io->writeError('<info>Verifying lock file contents can be installed on current platform.</info>');
// creating requirements request
$request = $this->createRequest($this->fixedRootPackage, $platformRepo);
if (!$this->locker->isFresh()) {
$this->io->writeError('<warning>Warning: The lock file is not up to date with the latest changes in composer.json. You may be getting outdated dependencies. Run update to update them.</warning>', true, IOInterface::QUIET);
foreach ($lockedRepository->getPackages() as $package) {
foreach ($this->locker->getPlatformRequirements($this->devMode) as $link) {
$request->install($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint());
//$this->eventDispatcher->dispatchInstallerEvent(InstallerEvents::PRE_DEPENDENCIES_SOLVING, $this->devMode, $policy, $repositorySet, $installedRepo, $request);
$pool = $repositorySet->createPool($request);
// solve dependencies
$solver = new Solver($policy, $pool, $this->io);
try {
$lockTransaction = $solver->solve($request, $this->ignorePlatformReqs);
// installing the locked packages on this platfom resulted in lock modifying operations, there wasn't a conflict, but the lock file as-is seems to not work on this system
if (0 !== count($lockTransaction->getOperations())) {
$this->io->writeError('<error>Your lock file cannot be installed on this system without changes, please run composer update.</error>', true, IOInterface::QUIET);
// TODO actually display operations to explain what happened?
return 1;
} catch (SolverProblemsException $e) {
$this->io->writeError('<error>Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.</error>', true, IOInterface::QUIET);
return max(1, $e->getCode());
// TODO should we warn people / error if plugins in vendor folder do not match contents of lock file before update?
//$this->eventDispatcher->dispatchInstallerEvent(InstallerEvents::POST_DEPENDENCIES_SOLVING, $this->devMode, $policy, $repositorySet, $installedRepo, $request, $lockTransaction);
// TODO in how far do we need to do anything here to ensure dev packages being updated to latest in lock without version change are treated correctly?
$localRepoTransaction = new LocalRepoTransaction($lockedRepository, $localRepo);
if (!$localRepoTransaction->getOperations()) {
$this->io->writeError('Nothing to install, update or remove');
if ($localRepoTransaction->getOperations()) {
$installs = $updates = $uninstalls = array();
foreach ($localRepoTransaction->getOperations() as $operation) {
if ($operation instanceof InstallOperation) {
$installs[] = $operation->getPackage()->getPrettyName().':'.$operation->getPackage()->getFullPrettyVersion();
} elseif ($operation instanceof UpdateOperation) {
$updates[] = $operation->getTargetPackage()->getPrettyName().':'.$operation->getTargetPackage()->getFullPrettyVersion();
} elseif ($operation instanceof UninstallOperation) {
$uninstalls[] = $operation->getPackage()->getPrettyName();
"<info>Package operations: %d install%s, %d update%s, %d removal%s</info>",
1 === count($installs) ? '' : 's',
1 === count($updates) ? '' : 's',
1 === count($uninstalls) ? '' : 's'
if ($installs) {
$this->io->writeError("Installs: ".implode(', ', $installs), true, IOInterface::VERBOSE);
if ($updates) {
$this->io->writeError("Updates: ".implode(', ', $updates), true, IOInterface::VERBOSE);
if ($uninstalls) {
$this->io->writeError("Removals: ".implode(', ', $uninstalls), true, IOInterface::VERBOSE);
foreach ($localRepoTransaction->getOperations() as $operation) {
$jobType = $operation->getJobType();
$event = 'Composer\Installer\PackageEvents::PRE_PACKAGE_'.strtoupper($jobType);
if (defined($event) && $this->runScripts) {
//$this->eventDispatcher->dispatchPackageEvent(constant($event), $this->devMode, $policy, $repositorySet, $installedRepo, $request, $operations, $operation);
// output op, but alias op only in debug verbosity
if (false === strpos($operation->getJobType(), 'Alias') || $this->io->isDebug()) {
$this->io->writeError(' - ' . $operation);
$this->installationManager->execute($localRepo, $operation);
if ($this->executeOperations) {
$event = 'Composer\Installer\PackageEvents::POST_PACKAGE_'.strtoupper($jobType);
if (defined($event) && $this->runScripts) {
//$this->eventDispatcher->dispatchPackageEvent(constant($event), $this->devMode, $policy, $repositorySet, $installedRepo, $request, $operations, $operation);
return 0;
private function createPlatformRepo($forUpdate)
if ($forUpdate) {
$platformOverrides = $this->config->get('platform') ?: array();
} else {
$platformOverrides = $this->locker->getPlatformOverrides();
return new PlatformRepository(array(), $platformOverrides);
* @param array $rootAliases
* @param RepositoryInterface|null $lockedRepository
* @return RepositorySet
private function createRepositorySet(PlatformRepository $platformRepo, array $rootAliases = array(), $lockedRepository = null)
// TODO what's the point of rootConstraints at all, we generate the package pool taking them into account anyway?
// TODO maybe we can drop the lockedRepository here
if ($this->update) {
$minimumStability = $this->package->getMinimumStability();
$stabilityFlags = $this->package->getStabilityFlags();
$requires = array_merge($this->package->getRequires(), $this->package->getDevRequires());
} else {
$minimumStability = $this->locker->getMinimumStability();
$stabilityFlags = $this->locker->getStabilityFlags();
$requires = array();
foreach ($lockedRepository->getPackages() as $package) {
$constraint = new Constraint('=', $package->getVersion());
$requires[$package->getName()] = $constraint;
$rootConstraints = array();
foreach ($requires as $req => $constraint) {
// skip platform requirements from the root package to avoid filtering out existing platform packages
if ($this->ignorePlatformReqs && preg_match(PlatformRepository::PLATFORM_PACKAGE_REGEX, $req)) {
if ($constraint instanceof Link) {
$rootConstraints[$req] = $constraint->getConstraint();
} else {
$rootConstraints[$req] = $constraint;
$this->fixedRootPackage = clone $this->package;
$repositorySet = new RepositorySet($rootAliases, $minimumStability, $stabilityFlags, $rootConstraints);
$repositorySet->addRepository(new InstalledArrayRepository(array($this->fixedRootPackage)));
if ($this->additionalFixedRepository) {
return $repositorySet;
* @return DefaultPolicy
private function createPolicy($forUpdate)
$preferStable = null;
$preferLowest = null;
if (!$forUpdate) {
$preferStable = $this->locker->getPreferStable();
$preferLowest = $this->locker->getPreferLowest();
// old lock file without prefer stable/lowest will return null
// so in this case we use the composer.json info
if (null === $preferStable) {
$preferStable = $this->preferStable || $this->package->getPreferStable();
if (null === $preferLowest) {
$preferLowest = $this->preferLowest;
return new DefaultPolicy($preferStable, $preferLowest);
* @param RootPackageInterface $rootPackage
* @param PlatformRepository $platformRepo
* @return Request
private function createRequest(RootPackageInterface $rootPackage, PlatformRepository $platformRepo)
$request = new Request();
$request->fixPackage($rootPackage, false);
$fixedPackages = $platformRepo->getPackages();
if ($this->additionalFixedRepository) {
$fixedPackages = array_merge($fixedPackages, $this->additionalFixedRepository->getPackages());
// fix the version of all platform packages + additionally installed packages
// to prevent the solver trying to remove or update those
// TODO why not replaces?
$provided = $rootPackage->getProvides();
foreach ($fixedPackages as $package) {
// skip platform packages that are provided by the root package
if ($package->getRepository() !== $platformRepo
|| !isset($provided[$package->getName()])
|| !$provided[$package->getName()]->getConstraint()->matches(new Constraint('=', $package->getVersion()))
) {
$request->fixPackage($package, false);
return $request;
* @return array
private function getRootAliases()
if ($this->update) {
$aliases = $this->package->getAliases();
} else {
$aliases = $this->locker->getAliases();
$normalizedAliases = array();
foreach ($aliases as $alias) {
$normalizedAliases[$alias['package']][$alias['version']] = array(
'alias' => $alias['alias'],
'alias_normalized' => $alias['alias_normalized'],
return $normalizedAliases;
private function updatePackageUrl(PackageInterface $package, $sourceUrl, $sourceType, $sourceReference, $distUrl)
$oldSourceRef = $package->getSourceReference();
if ($package->getSourceUrl() !== $sourceUrl) {
// only update dist url for github/bitbucket/gitlab dists as they use a combination of dist url + dist reference to install
// but for other urls this is ambiguous and could result in bad outcomes
if (preg_match('{^https?://(?:(?:www\.)?bitbucket\.org|(api\.)?github\.com|(?:www\.)?gitlab\.com)/}i', $distUrl)) {
$this->updateInstallReferences($package, $sourceReference);
if ($this->updateWhitelist && !$this->isUpdateable($package)) {
$this->updateInstallReferences($package, $oldSourceRef);
private function updateInstallReferences(PackageInterface $package, $reference)
if (!$reference) {
if (preg_match('{^https?://(?:(?:www\.)?bitbucket\.org|(api\.)?github\.com|(?:www\.)?gitlab\.com)/}i', $package->getDistUrl())) {
$package->setDistUrl(preg_replace('{(?<=/|sha=)[a-f0-9]{40}(?=/|$)}i', $reference, $package->getDistUrl()));
} elseif ($package->getDistReference()) { // update the dist reference if there was one, but if none was provided ignore it
* @param PlatformRepository $platformRepo
* @param array $aliases
private function aliasPlatformPackages(PlatformRepository $platformRepo, $aliases)
foreach ($aliases as $package => $versions) {
foreach ($versions as $version => $alias) {
$packages = $platformRepo->findPackages($package, $version);
foreach ($packages as $package) {
$aliasPackage = new AliasPackage($package, $alias['alias_normalized'], $alias['alias']);
* @param PackageInterface $package
* @return bool
private function isUpdateable(PackageInterface $package)
if (!$this->updateWhitelist) {
throw new \LogicException('isUpdateable should only be called when a whitelist is present');
foreach ($this->updateWhitelist as $whiteListedPattern => $void) {
$patternRegexp = BasePackage::packageNameToRegexp($whiteListedPattern);
if (preg_match($patternRegexp, $package->getName())) {
return true;
return false;
* @param array $links
* @return array
private function extractPlatformRequirements($links)
$platformReqs = array();
foreach ($links as $link) {
if (preg_match(PlatformRepository::PLATFORM_PACKAGE_REGEX, $link->getTarget())) {
$platformReqs[$link->getTarget()] = $link->getPrettyConstraint();
return $platformReqs;
* Adds all dependencies of the update whitelist to the whitelist, too.
* Packages which are listed as requirements in the root package will be
* skipped including their dependencies, unless they are listed in the
* update whitelist themselves or $whitelistAllDependencies is true.
* @param RepositoryInterface $lockRepo Use the locked repo
* As we want the most accurate package list to work with, and installed
* repo might be empty but locked repo will always be current.
* @param array $rootRequires An array of links to packages in require of the root package
* @param array $rootDevRequires An array of links to packages in require-dev of the root package
private function whitelistUpdateDependencies($lockRepo, array $rootRequires, array $rootDevRequires)
$rootRequires = array_merge($rootRequires, $rootDevRequires);
$skipPackages = array();
if (!$this->whitelistAllDependencies) {
foreach ($rootRequires as $require) {
$skipPackages[$require->getTarget()] = true;
$repositorySet = new RepositorySet(array(), 'dev');
$seen = array();
$rootRequiredPackageNames = array_keys($rootRequires);
foreach ($this->updateWhitelist as $packageName => $void) {
$packageQueue = new \SplQueue;
$nameMatchesRequiredPackage = false;
$depPackages = $repositorySet->findPackages($packageName, null, false);
$matchesByPattern = array();
// check if the name is a glob pattern that did not match directly
if (empty($depPackages)) {
// add any installed package matching the whitelisted name/pattern
$whitelistPatternSearchRegexp = BasePackage::packageNameToRegexp($packageName, '^%s$');
foreach ($lockRepo->search($whitelistPatternSearchRegexp) as $installedPackage) {
$matchesByPattern[] = $repositorySet->findPackages($installedPackage['name'], null, false);
// add root requirements which match the whitelisted name/pattern
$whitelistPatternRegexp = BasePackage::packageNameToRegexp($packageName);
foreach ($rootRequiredPackageNames as $rootRequiredPackageName) {
if (preg_match($whitelistPatternRegexp, $rootRequiredPackageName)) {
$nameMatchesRequiredPackage = true;
if (!empty($matchesByPattern)) {
$depPackages = array_merge($depPackages, call_user_func_array('array_merge', $matchesByPattern));
if (count($depPackages) == 0 && !$nameMatchesRequiredPackage && !in_array($packageName, array('nothing', 'lock', 'mirrors'))) {
$this->io->writeError('<warning>Package "' . $packageName . '" listed for update is not installed. Ignoring.</warning>');
foreach ($depPackages as $depPackage) {
while (!$packageQueue->isEmpty()) {
$package = $packageQueue->dequeue();
if (isset($seen[spl_object_hash($package)])) {
$seen[spl_object_hash($package)] = true;
$this->updateWhitelist[$package->getName()] = true;
if (!$this->whitelistTransitiveDependencies && !$this->whitelistAllDependencies) {
$requires = $package->getRequires();
foreach ($requires as $require) {
$requirePackages = $repositorySet->findPackages($require->getTarget(), null, false);
foreach ($requirePackages as $requirePackage) {
if (isset($this->updateWhitelist[$requirePackage->getName()])) {
if (isset($skipPackages[$requirePackage->getName()]) && !preg_match(BasePackage::packageNameToRegexp($packageName), $requirePackage->getName())) {
$this->io->writeError('<warning>Dependency "' . $requirePackage->getName() . '" is also a root requirement, but is not explicitly whitelisted. Ignoring.</warning>');
* Replace local repositories with InstalledArrayRepository instances
* This is to prevent any accidental modification of the existing repos on disk
* @param RepositoryManager $rm
private function mockLocalRepositories(RepositoryManager $rm)
$packages = array();
foreach ($rm->getLocalRepository()->getPackages() as $package) {
$packages[(string) $package] = clone $package;
foreach ($packages as $key => $package) {
if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) {
$alias = (string) $package->getAliasOf();
$packages[$key] = new AliasPackage($packages[$alias], $package->getVersion(), $package->getPrettyVersion());
new InstalledArrayRepository($packages)
* Create Installer
* @param IOInterface $io
* @param Composer $composer
* @return Installer
public static function create(IOInterface $io, Composer $composer)
return new static(
* @param RepositoryInterface $additionalFixedRepository
* @return $this
public function setAdditionalFixedRepository(RepositoryInterface $additionalFixedRepository)
$this->additionalFixedRepository = $additionalFixedRepository;
return $this;
* Whether to run in drymode or not
* @param bool $dryRun
* @return Installer
public function setDryRun($dryRun = true)
$this->dryRun = (bool) $dryRun;
return $this;
* Checks, if this is a dry run (simulation mode).
* @return bool
public function isDryRun()
return $this->dryRun;
* prefer source installation
* @param bool $preferSource
* @return Installer
public function setPreferSource($preferSource = true)
$this->preferSource = (bool) $preferSource;
return $this;
* prefer dist installation
* @param bool $preferDist
* @return Installer
public function setPreferDist($preferDist = true)
$this->preferDist = (bool) $preferDist;
return $this;
* Whether or not generated autoloader are optimized
* @param bool $optimizeAutoloader
* @return Installer
public function setOptimizeAutoloader($optimizeAutoloader = false)
$this->optimizeAutoloader = (bool) $optimizeAutoloader;
if (!$this->optimizeAutoloader) {
// Force classMapAuthoritative off when not optimizing the
// autoloader
return $this;
* Whether or not generated autoloader considers the class map
* authoritative.
* @param bool $classMapAuthoritative
* @return Installer
public function setClassMapAuthoritative($classMapAuthoritative = false)
$this->classMapAuthoritative = (bool) $classMapAuthoritative;
if ($this->classMapAuthoritative) {
// Force optimizeAutoloader when classmap is authoritative
return $this;
* Whether or not generated autoloader considers APCu caching.
* @param bool $apcuAutoloader
* @return Installer
public function setApcuAutoloader($apcuAutoloader = false)
$this->apcuAutoloader = (bool) $apcuAutoloader;
return $this;
* update packages
* @param bool $update
* @return Installer
public function setUpdate($update = true)
$this->update = (bool) $update;
return $this;
* enables dev packages
* @param bool $devMode
* @return Installer
public function setDevMode($devMode = true)
$this->devMode = (bool) $devMode;
return $this;
* set whether to run autoloader or not
* This is disabled implicitly when enabling dryRun
* @param bool $dumpAutoloader
* @return Installer
public function setDumpAutoloader($dumpAutoloader = true)
$this->dumpAutoloader = (bool) $dumpAutoloader;
return $this;
* set whether to run scripts or not
* This is disabled implicitly when enabling dryRun
* @param bool $runScripts
* @return Installer
public function setRunScripts($runScripts = true)
$this->runScripts = (bool) $runScripts;
return $this;
* set the config instance
* @param Config $config
* @return Installer
public function setConfig(Config $config)
$this->config = $config;
return $this;
* run in verbose mode
* @param bool $verbose
* @return Installer
public function setVerbose($verbose = true)
$this->verbose = (bool) $verbose;
return $this;
* Checks, if running in verbose mode.
* @return bool
public function isVerbose()
return $this->verbose;
* set ignore Platform Package requirements
* @param bool $ignorePlatformReqs
* @return Installer
public function setIgnorePlatformRequirements($ignorePlatformReqs = false)
$this->ignorePlatformReqs = (bool) $ignorePlatformReqs;
return $this;
* restrict the update operation to a few packages, all other packages
* that are already installed will be kept at their current version
* @param array $packages
* @return Installer
public function setUpdateWhitelist(array $packages)
$this->updateWhitelist = array_flip(array_map('strtolower', $packages));
return $this;
* Should dependencies of whitelisted packages (but not direct dependencies) be updated?
* This will NOT whitelist any dependencies that are also directly defined
* in the root package.
* @param bool $updateTransitiveDependencies
* @return Installer
public function setWhitelistTransitiveDependencies($updateTransitiveDependencies = true)
$this->whitelistTransitiveDependencies = (bool) $updateTransitiveDependencies;
return $this;
* Should all dependencies of whitelisted packages be updated recursively?
* This will whitelist any dependencies of the whitelisted packages, including
* those defined in the root package.
* @param bool $updateAllDependencies
* @return Installer
public function setWhitelistAllDependencies($updateAllDependencies = true)
$this->whitelistAllDependencies = (bool) $updateAllDependencies;
return $this;
* Should packages be preferred in a stable version when updating?
* @param bool $preferStable
* @return Installer
public function setPreferStable($preferStable = true)
$this->preferStable = (bool) $preferStable;
return $this;
* Should packages be preferred in a lowest version when updating?
* @param bool $preferLowest
* @return Installer
public function setPreferLowest($preferLowest = true)
$this->preferLowest = (bool) $preferLowest;
return $this;
* Should the lock file be updated when updating?
* This is disabled implicitly when enabling dryRun
* @param bool $writeLock
* @return Installer
public function setWriteLock($writeLock = true)
$this->writeLock = (bool) $writeLock;
return $this;
* Should the operations (package install, update and removal) be executed on disk?
* This is disabled implicitly when enabling dryRun
* @param bool $executeOperations
* @return Installer
public function setExecuteOperations($executeOperations = true)
$this->executeOperations = (bool) $executeOperations;
return $this;
* Should suggestions be skipped?
* @param bool $skipSuggest
* @return Installer
public function setSkipSuggest($skipSuggest = true)
$this->skipSuggest = (bool) $skipSuggest;
return $this;
* Disables plugins.
* Call this if you want to ensure that third-party code never gets
* executed. The default is to automatically install, and execute
* custom third-party installers.
* @return Installer
public function disablePlugins()
return $this;
* @param SuggestedPackagesReporter $suggestedPackagesReporter
* @return Installer
public function setSuggestedPackagesReporter(SuggestedPackagesReporter $suggestedPackagesReporter)
$this->suggestedPackagesReporter = $suggestedPackagesReporter;
return $this;